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Family Titles

Archimedes Lestrange

New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Morseius
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire SPEW
Hello again, so this suggestion will be quicker to read since this is a bit simple, but I think that it would be awesome that any head of a family, should get a Prefix on both the MC PW Server and both discord servers. this PRefix would simply state the following: (Head Of ____ Family), and the Blank would be filled with the family name.
[ based on this : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AI8_v_vTzcVBh_iZtgUL0vRgb5n1Ts5Fm5eru_DXaZw/edit ]
so I think this would show people who is the head of each family when on the server, and if people were looking to join it would be easier to identify those who are the heads of families.

Thank you for taking the time to read/review this.

Yours Truly

• The Head of the Lestrange Family • - Morbius Lestrange


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
Hello again, so this suggestion will be quicker to read since this is a bit simple, but I think that it would be awesome that any head of a family, should get a Prefix on both the MC PW Server and both discord servers. this PRefix would simply state the following: (Head Of ____ Family), and the Blank would be filled with the family name.
[ based on this : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AI8_v_vTzcVBh_iZtgUL0vRgb5n1Ts5Fm5eru_DXaZw/edit ]
so I think this would show people who is the head of each family when on the server, and if people were looking to join it would be easier to identify those who are the heads of families.

Thank you for taking the time to read/review this.

Yours Truly

• The Head of the Lestrange Family • - Morbius Lestrange
I don't agree. First, prefixes are mostly used for staff positions and it could create confusion for newer players. Then some families either don't have a leader or theres several different "branches" which is very common with families from HP universe (Lestrange,McGonagall,Granger,Snape,Potter,Gregorovitch etc.) so there will also be several "leaders" for the same family.


Minecraft IGN: scarvlover
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Werewolf
I don't think this would be the best idea, as there are a lot of pw families and it would be hard to keep track of them all. You may say the list is a good way, but new families can be created all the time - including ones not aware of the list - and there can be many old families that may return.

This would all result in family heads who don't have the prefix, and also no matter what there will be quite a few people with this prefix and it could confuse people. They might be mistaken for staff positions, and they would likely overall confuse both new and older players even if they know that they're not staff positions.

Like Ivan already said, the HP names are very hard to organise and won't have a consistent family head. You say that you are the Head of the Lestranges, but thats very difficult to keep yourself in as it wasn't a family you created and is a part of HP itself. A lot of people will join, and you can't really be upset at people for joining without asking, or for refusing to see you as the family head, as Lestranges are very much an open family that really anyone can join without considering themselves a part of your family specifically, and without considering you as their family head. I suppose in a way this is true for all families, but especially for HP families.

Another thing is that family names are very much a roleplay aspect of the server, as is the google doc you listed. Official roleplay characters don't get unique prefixes, so why should unofficial rp characters get them for being head of a family?

Finally, the benefit you listed for this is that people know who to speak to when joining a family. However, people already know who they can speak to when joining a family: most of the time, it's at the end of their names. Morbius_Lestrange, Mallaidh_Callaway, Holly_Hawthorn, it's right there and thats your indicator. But what if they're not the family head? Well, they can direct you to the family head or ask the family head if they can join. You might ask a different Callaway if you could join us, and they'd tell me about it and I'd get into contact with you as the family head. Also, not all families have heads and so people might not know at all who they can contact about joining as they will constantly be looking for the person with that prefix.

Those are my reasons that I disagree with this suggestion, but I'd love to hear any further thoughts you have!


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Serpent Werewolf
ye I think maybe this could lead to some people getting annoyed at like eachother cause everyone would always want the family head prefix and and doing this just seems like a slippery slope where every person gets a prefix, like I would argue theres many other unofficial roles that are more influencial than family heads and then more and more people will want their own prefix, even though it could lighten up the unofficial RP world, I think it wud be very confusing to manage
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Minecraft IGN: xNyn
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
This is a cool idea, but just wouldn't work. Like other people said, some families have multiple owners. Gregorovitch, for example, has had multiple owners overtime, and when I was once the owner I decided to co-own with somebody else.

Also, there would need to be requirements such as having a certain amount of people in the family first, otherwise somebody could simply start a family, have it only be them, and get the prefix.


Minecraft IGN: morrgannn
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW
Hello @Morbius Lestrange,

Unfortunately this suggestion has been declined. There are a lot of different families, meaning that a lot of different players would get these prefixes. Having prefixes for family heads would create confusion between these roles and staff roles, and players who need help would not be able to tell the difference as well. There are currently already a lot of different staff prefixes, and this would increase the confusion about what prefixes are what. If players want to find out who a family head is, they can ask a member of the family. If we were to do this, there are often multiple family heads, meaning that it would either become a competition as to who would get the head prefix, or all heads would receive the prefix, which would be too much. We thank you for taking the time to create this suggestion!

Have a great day!