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February Dueling Tournament Finals


Minecraft IGN: anoobcarrot
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf SPEW

The Dueling Finals have taken place today! Congratulations to iQuackLikeADuck, Bastaii, Joelowo for leading Honeybadgers to victory! Here are the results:

:griffin: Sticktrees
:griffin: BeingClickable
:griffin: Eild

:honeybadger: iQuackLikeADuck
:honeybadger: Bastaii
:honeybadger: Joelowo

:raven: Lofwyn
:raven: MagLanD_Kenneth
:raven: _Txlly

:serpent: MattyAvery
:serpent: LittleI
:serpent: KittenNugget

Matchup 1
:honeybadger: Honeybadger: 2
:raven: Raven: 0

Matchup 2
:griffin: Griffin: 2
:serpent: Serpent: 0

Matchup 3
:griffin: Griffin: 2
:raven: Raven: 0

Matchup 4
:honeybadger: Honeybadger: 2
:serpent: Serpent: 0

Matchup 5
:raven: Raven: 1
:serpent: Serpent: 2

Matchup 6
:griffin: Griffin: 0
:honeybadger: Honeybadger: 2

Points Total
1st: :honeybadger: Honeybadger - 9 points
2nd: :griffin: Griffin - 6 points
3rd: :serpent: Serpent - 2 points
4th: :raven: Raven - 1 point

Thanks to everyone who participated in this tournament, see you next month!