I'm not sure who to talk to about this , since mentioning it in chat in game resulted in unhelpful suggestions from prefects. I'm level 20, almost 21, and I need to gain about 90k experience (given that when I level up to 21 I only need to gain another 85k) and it seems like the server has been designed to only be fun for people who either: A- Live on the server 24/7 and grind non-stop, or B- Play all day and attend every single class that is held. Well, I'm an adult who works a 9-7 work shift (CST). The only options I have right now to level up are to attend classes, do quests, or fight mobs. Well, two of those options aren't logical and ones not possible. I cant quest because all my year 2 quests are done and I can't access year 3 until I get to level 22. I would love to attend classes, If there were more than maybe one or two in a day during the times I'm even able to be online, and I don't know how much exp you get from classes, but I'm certain it's going to take weeks worth of classes to level up. And the third option is to grind. And I have done the math and to level up to level 22, I would either have to kill 500 Thestrys (or equivalent) or spend weeks trying to grind monsters that one shot me, causing me to have to spend about 20-30 minutes walking back and forth every time I die. And I'm not really interested in spending about 9 hours straight killing the same mob over and over and over again just to get access to questing. It's almost like you guys cant decide between being an RPG server and an MMO. I don't mind grinding if it offers a better payoff besides levelling up and gaining another spell I will never use. And I would love to roleplay, if it didn't require a certain level to do quests, or if classes were more available. I really hope there is a solution to this, and if not, I guess I will just have to find another game. (Not that one player leaving the server probably matters to anyone). I dont mean to sound rude, but its wildly unhelpful when prefects just say "Do quests" "Attend classes" and dont offer any other suggestions or ideas such as maybe "We understand that it can be quite the grind to level up, but if this is a problem, or you are unable to for IRL reasons, you should make a post on the forum (Like im doing now) and raise your concern with the other staff." But instead, all I get is basically "Suck it up". Anyways, I guess I will go and find another game that allows me to have fun with my relatively restricted availability.
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