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Head of Media

Congratulations to Danielle (@MamaDuckie) on becoming our newest Head of Media & Public Relations!

As Head, Danielle is now responsible for the management of all the teams within the Media & PR department. She will be responsible for the standards for creative content released & used for the server.

Danielle has been a huge part of the Media team ever since she joined in 2020 as a Daily Diviner Writer. Since then, she has shown so much growth and has learned a lot about the team. She is dedicated to making sure Media is the best it can possibly be, and I am confident that her skills as a leader will help Media continue to produce high-quality content!

Danielle has earned this position and has my full support as she begins her journey in this new role! I hope you all give her a big congratulations and show your support for her and the team!

Congratulations Danielle! :heart:
