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Hogsworth Wizard's PE class Checkpoint


Minecraft IGN: WildKoekje
Honeybadger Dark Follower Werewolf
I came to represent the whole community.

I would like to suggest a checkpoint on the first stage so that we don't have to redo entirely the first section when we fall from a certain point as it can be frustrating when you get to maybe like the fences and have to redo two difficult jumps prior to them.

I feel its unfair that we have to constantly get to a certain point and have to redo it all even when the section is incredibly long too.


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
I spent close to 40 minutes trying to get through the first part of that hogsworth parkour map. Granted, I know that I suck at parkour but somehow manage to get through a few other parkour maps, but having fences right out the gate seems like a joke and makes for poor gameplay especially for a class.


Minecraft IGN: cheddarsoup
Auralock Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
Strongly disagree, the only hard part of the first section is that it's long. If you take that away it becomes a cake walk. Keep in mind that parkour is meant to be hard.
I feel its unfair that we have to constantly get to a certain point and have to redo it all even when the section is incredibly long too.
It's not unfair when everyone has to do it, but I get that it can be annoying. Still doesn't mean it should be made way easier.


Minecraft IGN: Honey_Dwarf1
Phoenix Raven Linked
it becomes a cake walk.
it is the first section though... I agree with this suggestion since it's a pretty long section, especially with all the fence posts, and it's no fun for people who struggle to even get past the first part (and probably demotivating as well, since it gives the impression that you can't do any of the parkour if you can't even do the first bit)


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
Hmmmmmmmm. I have mixed thoughts. At one hand I don't think first stage is that hard and it is supposed to be challenging, but on another hand, that extra checkpoint could do a bit more justice to people who aren't as good but would still like to get to the next stage + a checkpoint doesn't technically make the parkour itself any easier.


Minecraft IGN: cheddarsoup
Auralock Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
it is the first section though... I agree with this suggestion since it's a pretty long section, especially with all the fence posts, and it's no fun for people who struggle to even get past the first part (and probably demotivating as well, since it gives the impression that you can't do any of the parkour if you can't even do the first bit)
Most professors give skips to everyone on the first part after a certain amount of time. Also, I don't want to be that person, but "if you can't even do the first bit" like you said then you won't be able to do the later sections anyways.

Just because it's the first section doesn't mean it should be ridiculously easy.

a checkpoint doesn't technically make the parkour itself any easier.
This statement is objectively incorrect, a checkpoint does make the parkour much, much, much easier.


Minecraft IGN: WildKoekje
Honeybadger Dark Follower Werewolf
Most professors give skips to everyone on the first part after a certain amount of time. Also, I don't want to be that person, but "if you can't even do the first bit" like you said then you won't be able to do the later sections anyways.

Just because it's the first section doesn't mean it should be ridiculously easy.

In my opinion, there are 2 difficult jumps at the end of the corridor and having a checkpoint doesn't exactly mean easier parkour it just helps those who struggle but I understand how you see it as "Easy" and while I disagree it doesn't mean that I can't see your point but having those fences in the first section makes it all the more reason to have that checkpoint you don't have to get ac for the checkpoint either its just to help those who struggle with the two really difficult jumps at the end of the corridor and then having to do fences.


Minecraft IGN: Honey_Dwarf1
Phoenix Raven Linked
yes they give skips after a certain amount of time, but don’t you think it’s pretty disheartening to spend ages on a stage only to skip it and have put in the same amount of work as someone that did nothing?
I think there’s really no harm in an easy level to ease people into it, even if it doesn’t give a cat that checkpoint


Minecraft IGN: cheddarsoup
Auralock Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
In my opinion, there are 2 difficult jumps at the end of the corridor and having a checkpoint doesn't exactly mean easier parkour it just helps those who struggle
If it doesn't make it "easier" then how does it help those who struggle... I understand that it can be annoying to repeatedly fail, but you can't get good at something without failing a lot at first.

There's also ways to practice parkour outside of class, I don't remember the name of the parkour housing place that was built but it definitely helps so just ask in game about parkour housings.

yes they give skips after a certain amount of time, but don’t you think it’s pretty disheartening to spend ages on a stage only to skip it and have put in the same amount of work as someone that did nothing?
I think there’s really no harm in an easy level to ease people into it, even if it doesn’t give a cat that checkpoint
To the first point, yeah it's a bit annoying if you had just finished that part and everyone else gets a free pass, but even if there were a checkpoint they would still do that. I mean, they give people free skips on courses like the beginning stages of Whales... the checkpoint would not change that.

To the second point, it already is relatively very easy compared to the rest of the course (barring some exceptions). It's just a difficult course overall. Not much else to say there.

Lord Lunara

New Magician
Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: JustMerePanda
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Drooble's Order
I believe that there should be a skip right before the ladder jumps because otherwise it is too hard with that there you still have to complete the hard ladder jumps not making it
a cake walk
which cheddersoup said. I believe staff should look into this issue even if a checkpoint is not added.


Minecraft IGN: cheddarsoup
Auralock Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
I mean in response to the thread saying there should be one half way through the first stage. If that were to be a thing it’d be only logical to put them in every stage half-way..
In what way does that make it more or less fair than if there were no checkpoint (or, if for some reason this suggestion is suggested, one checkpoint)


Minecraft IGN: MelancholiaUFO
Honeybadger Auralock
In what way does that make it more or less fair than if there were no checkpoint (or, if for some reason this suggestion is suggested, one checkpoint)
The suggestion is to help players who have trouble with the course, but as stated before they’d struggle on the next part, then the part after that, ect. Even if they had a half-way one just in the first part. When I said “to make it fair” I mean like if this suggestion was actually taken on board. Because it makes no sense from a design standpoint to just give one part a checkpoint when the others wouldn’t have one. So I meant, it’d be more fair for players who need help on the course. Would be no point with only the first part having a checkpoint.

I personally don’t really have an opinion (whether there’s any checkpoints or not) since I don’t really have too much trouble and thinks it’s fine as it is, but I understand other players might have more trouble. Also there’s players who have difficulty with specific parts of the course, and from this suggestion this person is finding the first part difficult, then other players would start wanting checkpoints for other parts of the course (depending on what they find difficult).

So I think if this suggestion *were* to be a thing, you’d have to put them at the other parts to make it fairer to all players (since EVERYONE would be able to utilise a checkpoint no matter what part they’re at so it’s not just benefiting people who can’t get past the first one).

Which does kind of just show how this is a larger, more impactful subject then just adding one checkpoint at one part. Like, a checkpoint at the start won’t benefit anyone who can get past it just fine. It’d only be benefiting a set few amount of people and the only way to make it fair is to add checkpoints at other points. (Remember I have no opinion whether having none or having them would make for a better experience. Also I can get past the first level just fine.)

Also note. If there were checkpoints, it’d probably lessen “free skips” from teachers, which in my opinion would be/are a LOT less fair then just having checkpoints (around) midway for every part which are accessible to every player. Sometimes these skips come in form of trivia, but (as I’ve seen someone point out) that usually comes down to the fastest typer.

I don’t really need to explain how it’s unfair, a random player is chosen and gets allowed to skip the part they’re on. (Or they typed the answer fast enough.) As someone said before in the thread, “don’t you think it’s pretty disheartening to spend ages on a stage only to skip it and have put in the same amount of work as someone that did nothing”?

But if checkpoints were to be added, I think it‘d be an incentive for teachers to stop or lessen giving out skips, as the checkpoints would be deemed “help enough”. So more players would actually be finishing the class, not to free skips, but thanks to parkour (which is the premise for the class).


Minecraft IGN: cheddarsoup
Auralock Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
Because it makes no sense from a design standpoint to just give one part a checkpoint when the others wouldn’t have one.
There already is a checkpoint at one part of the map while the other parts don't have one, so I don't think this matters at all.

Also there’s players who have difficulty with specific parts of the course, and from this suggestion this person is finding the first part difficult, then other players would start wanting checkpoints for other parts of the course (depending on what they find difficult).

..., you’d have to put them at the other parts to make it fairer to all players (since EVERYONE would be able to utilise a checkpoint no matter what part they’re at so it’s not just benefiting people who can’t get past the first one).
Right... so let's just put checkpoints at every jump on the map then. Since some people might struggle with specific jumps while other people don't. Wouldn't be fair to have a checkpoint from one jump to another if one person struggles on a different jump. They all need checkpoints!

Also note. If there were checkpoints, it’d probably lessen “free skips” from teachers, which in my opinion would be/are a LOT less fair then just having checkpoints (around) midway for every part which are accessible to every player. Sometimes these skips come in form of trivia, but (as I’ve seen someone point out) that usually comes down to the fastest typer.

But if checkpoints were to be added, I think it‘d be an incentive for teachers to stop or lessen giving out skips, as the checkpoints would be deemed “help enough”. So more players would actually be finishing the class, not to free skips, but thanks to parkour (which is the premise for the class).
I think that the free skip system should be looked at but making the class absurdly easy is not the way to do it. I don't think that every player who comes to the class should finish - the maps are supposed to be a challenge (granted, there are some like whales which practically everyone finishes anyways, but that's 1 out of several).

Imagine if every player who went to dueling class won a round of an FFA, or if every player who wrote an essay for a Mythology class got an O+. The parkour is fine as it is, it's challenging but doable for many people. Also, to everyone on this thread struggling, practice.

/housing PWParkour --> Spend a few hours doing that parkour and you'll find most of the class maps to be much easier.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: RainbowElfe
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
Honestly, the first stage isn't that beneficial to either 'good' nor 'bad' parkourists as it is now. People good at parkour gain nothing bc while it's easy, it's long and boring. As someone decent at parkour, I'd rather move on quickly to the more difficult stages. People not as great hate it because it takes forever to complete. The only issue is the length. I think splitting the stage would create some benefit for those who aren't that great at parkour. I think people have trouble starting with the fence/cobble wall jumps. A checkpoint there can help people practice those types of jumps during class to prepare them for the much harder levels ahead. The first stage doesn't have to be necessarily easy, but it doesn't need to be that long either. I mean, isn't that what stage 2 is for?


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Hello, @WildKoekje and others interested in this suggestion!

I'm happy to inform you that this suggestion has been accepted, as we like this idea. We definitely recognize that this stage can be very long for players to complete, and we agree with adding a checkpoint to split the first stage into two. We have now added this and it should be live!

Thank you for making this suggestion and I hope you like the new checkpoint!