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House Points for good suggestions


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
Hi everybodi. I was forced to make this suggestion early because SOMEONE decided to copy it. Can you imagine?? Anyway, basically I think players should be rewarded house points for good quality suggestions/feedback. I envisioned it to work similar to bug reports or helping people in chat, so it wouldn't happen too often. I think this is a very nice way to thank players who make suggestions here, and possibly motivate others to be more active on forums.


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
What do you mean by "good suggestions" exactly? Are the good suggestions the ones that get accepted? Or does it include the ones that get declined? Because I have seen a few "good suggestions" that have been declined on here.
How would they (staff) rate a suggestion as good though? I would think that doing that would be subjective and that there would be biases toward a suggestion too.
Maybe it could be based on their - Feedback Guidelines page?


Minecraft IGN: Honey_Dwarf1
Phoenix Raven Linked
What do you mean by "good suggestions" exactly? Are the good suggestions the ones that get accepted? Or does it include the ones that get declined? Because I have seen a few "good suggestions" that have been declined on here.
How would they (staff) rate a suggestion as good though? I would think that doing that would be subjective and that there would be biases toward a suggestion too.
Maybe it could be based on their - Feedback Guidelines page?
my issue with that (and this idea as a whole) is that's just a format to use, so i feel it would result in spam suggestions just to get hp.
i feel like people might start throwing around not very well thought through suggestions just to see if one sticks.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Takalo
Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Linked
my issue with that (and this idea as a whole) is that's just a format to use, so i feel it would result in spam suggestions just to get hp.
i feel like people might start throwing around not very well thought through suggestions just to see if one sticks.
I mean there is always suggestions that are well thought through and some that are not. The point is to make people use the forum more often to get more active playerbase in a whole. The bad and good suggestions will be filtered out just by the reaction of the members (which is exactly how such a forum should work?)

and even if they are not well thought through people replying to them and bringing up other things will lead to a better picture (like people suggesting something else which is contributing to the main idea of the not well written post)
Spam shouldnt be an issue since that is forbidden anyways and will result in a warning or ban from the forums.

~Ju Crestello


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
I mean there is always suggestions that are well thought through and some that are not. The point is to make people use the forum more often to get more active playerbase in a whole. The bad and good suggestions will be filtered out just by the reaction of the members (which is exactly how such a forum should work?)

and even if they are not well thought through people replying to them and bringing up other things will lead to a better picture (like people suggesting something else which is contributing to the main idea of the not well written post)
Spam shouldnt be an issue since that is forbidden anyways and will result in a warning or ban from the forums.

~Ju Crestello
I think the number of lacklustre or just comedic posts goes up by 100x as soon as u start considering comments tho


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
Guys it's really not that complicated, it would work the same as bug reports or helping in chat. Not every bug report gets HPs, and there's not set criteria (that i know for) which determines if you would get HPs or not, so ofc it is somewhat subjective. Even things like rating someone's work in classes and deciding if it's O+ worthy is also subjective to a certain extent. A good suggestion is probably the one that gets accepted, that is innovative and creative. It doesn't necessarily need to be accepted as i envision this to be done by poltergeists, and those do not always have the last word in decision making when it comes to accepting/declining threads.


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
If you put it that way, then maybe this idea could backfire? Imagine if a player submitted a suggestion hoping that they were able to get HP for it after they saw someone else get HP for a suggestion. This person's suggestion gets accepted and implemented, but they never received HP. Why? They would ask staff who would probably say, "Oh we implemented your idea because it was nice but we don't think it warrants any HP." Of course this person would think that wasn't fair, then they might be hesitant to submit any future suggestions if they think suggestions have to be liked by staff. Of course this just hypothetical and to be honest I'm sure people who submit suggestions would be happier to see that their suggestion was implemented and likely see the HP as an added bonus.

With Bug Reports, I think the reason they give out HP for a report is to encourage other players, who do find bugs, on the server so they could report them instead of hiding them and potentially abuse the bug.

Anyway, I think this idea is nice but I think there has to be some clarification on how HP is awarded like just giving AC to every accepted Suggestion even if denied suggestions have quality ideas in them? Then again, I think the actual reward is getting the idea implemented into the server and I wouldn't need HP after that.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Takalo
Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Linked
If you put it that way, then maybe this idea could backfire? Imagine if a player submitted a suggestion hoping that they were able to get HP for it after they saw someone else get HP for a suggestion. This person's suggestion gets accepted and implemented, but they never received HP. Why? They would ask staff who would probably say, "Oh we implemented your idea because it was nice but we don't think it warrants any HP." Of course this person would think that wasn't fair, then they might be hesitant to submit any future suggestions if they think suggestions have to be liked by staff. Of course this just hypothetical and to be honest I'm sure people who submit suggestions would be happier to see that their suggestion was implemented and likely see the HP as an added bonus.

With Bug Reports, I think the reason they give out HP for a report is to encourage other players, who do find bugs, on the server so they could report them instead of hiding them and potentially abuse the bug.

Anyway, I think this idea is nice but I think there has to be some clarification on how HP is awarded like just giving AC to every accepted Suggestion even if denied suggestions have quality ideas in them? Then again, I think the actual reward is getting the idea implemented into the server and I wouldn't need HP after that.
I mean there is also Bug reports that dont give any HP... I remember not receiving some after some bug I reported.
But that is not what I want to reply to you: I think we all agree with each other if we say more people should use the forum and this is one example of achieving it. There are housepoints given for very good stories in classes like Magical History... but not everyone receives that which would mean that your point would also be the same with such classes. Fact is: people still get an O+ and receive Housepoints for it.
I would like a mix between this suggestion and the suggestion made by @LiviDk right here
where you receive AC for replying to multiple different or the same forum suggestion (without spamming) and maybe receive housepoints if your suggestions is a big change and /or is being accepted (amount of HP could differ from 3-10HP).

~ Ju Crestello

Liz Frogg

Minecraft IGN: cxrzyyy
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Linked
Hi @Ivan_ and all others who contributed to this thread!

I'm sorry to say that this suggestion has been declined. We believe that suggestions and feedback should be genuine and not only suggested to get house points, but because the players want that change to be made. We find it could cause spam for house points instead of getting useful feedback, therefore we will not be implementing this.

Nonetheless, thank you so much for making your suggestion. I hope you have an amazing rest of your day!


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
Hi @Ivan_ and all others who contributed to this thread!

I'm sorry to say that this suggestion has been declined. We believe that suggestions and feedback should be genuine and not only suggested to get house points, but because the players want that change to be made. We find it could cause spam for house points instead of getting useful feedback, therefore we will not be implementing this.

Nonetheless, thank you so much for making your suggestion. I hope you have an amazing rest of your day!
Does the fact that you *might* get HP (alternatively ACs) make the suggestion less genuine? Aren't you able to rule out suggestions that are not genuine/useful in the first place? Do bug reports get spammed as well?
We spend time and effort to write suggestions and provide feedback, we wait for MONTHS often to get a reply, and a lot of those times we disappointingly get declined simply because something isn't a priority / even if accepted wait even more time for it to be completed.
That's the biggest reason why the forums are so inactive in the first place, there's so few suggestions being made and people don't even bother discussing it much since the additional comments are often ignored as well. My most genuine and useful threads weren't even picked up yet and 2/3 of them are over a year old now, and the third one was made in February. I asked about it ~ 3 months ago as to why they aren't under review and I am yet to get an answer.
Do you even want forums to be active or it's easier to just keep it inactive for the sake of having less work to do?


Minecraft IGN: cheddarsoup
Auralock Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
Does the fact that you *might* get HP (alternatively ACs) make the suggestion less genuine? Aren't you able to rule out suggestions that are not genuine/useful in the first place? Do bug reports get spammed as well?
We spend time and effort to write suggestions and provide feedback, we wait for MONTHS often to get a reply, and a lot of those times we disappointingly get declined simply because something isn't a priority / even if accepted wait even more time for it to be completed.
That's the biggest reason why the forums are so inactive in the first place, there's so few suggestions being made and people don't even bother discussing it much since the additional comments are often ignored as well. My most genuine and useful threads weren't even picked up yet and 2/3 of them are over a year old now, and the third one was made in February. I asked about it ~ 3 months ago as to why they aren't under review and I am yet to get an answer.
Do you even want forums to be active or it's easier to just keep it inactive for the sake of having less work to do?
yeah i used to care about suggesting stuff but then i realized (like most other people) they take at least 5 months to get a response (on the shorter end) along with a couple years to implement if accepted


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Takalo
Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Linked
Does the fact that you *might* get HP (alternatively ACs) make the suggestion less genuine? Aren't you able to rule out suggestions that are not genuine/useful in the first place? Do bug reports get spammed as well?
We spend time and effort to write suggestions and provide feedback, we wait for MONTHS often to get a reply, and a lot of those times we disappointingly get declined simply because something isn't a priority / even if accepted wait even more time for it to be completed.
That's the biggest reason why the forums are so inactive in the first place, there's so few suggestions being made and people don't even bother discussing it much since the additional comments are often ignored as well. My most genuine and useful threads weren't even picked up yet and 2/3 of them are over a year old now, and the third one was made in February. I asked about it ~ 3 months ago as to why they aren't under review and I am yet to get an answer.
Do you even want forums to be active or it's easier to just keep it inactive for the sake of having less work to do?
^^^^^^ this ^^^^^^

watch them take a week to respond to this

Micah Cresswell

Minecraft IGN: Hacim4
Raven Linked
Does the fact that you *might* get HP (alternatively ACs) make the suggestion less genuine? Aren't you able to rule out suggestions that are not genuine/useful in the first place? Do bug reports get spammed as well?
We spend time and effort to write suggestions and provide feedback, we wait for MONTHS often to get a reply, and a lot of those times we disappointingly get declined simply because something isn't a priority / even if accepted wait even more time for it to be completed.
That's the biggest reason why the forums are so inactive in the first place, there's so few suggestions being made and people don't even bother discussing it much since the additional comments are often ignored as well. My most genuine and useful threads weren't even picked up yet and 2/3 of them are over a year old now, and the third one was made in February. I asked about it ~ 3 months ago as to why they aren't under review and I am yet to get an answer.
Do you even want forums to be active or it's easier to just keep it inactive for the sake of having less work to do?
At this point you might as well just use Discord for suggestions bc ppl will check that more often.


Senior Developer
Minecraft IGN: Alexstrasza14
Staff Phoenix Raven Werewolf SPEW Sr. Developer Linked
Thank you all for the response after your initial reply. We acknowledge we missed the mark with our initial reply and it didn't properly address the real concerns. The reason why we declined the idea was because we do not believe the addition of housepoints will be a motivator for a more active suggestion forum, and neither will it result in faster response times from our side. We will not completely say no to this idea forever, but we feel it is better to first tackle the fundamental problems.

We know we can improve the forums a lot, and we have been working behind the scenes on 2 things; first, investigating ways to improve response time; second, we are looking into opening a suggestion forum on the discord.

For improving our response times, we'd first like to explain what exactly makes it take so long. When a suggestion is first made, we often give it some time for players to reply before we handle it ourselves. Once that week is over, the poltergeist will discuss internally and make an advice based on their own knowledge and the player responses. This can again take a week. From there on, it is passed to the appropriate leadership who will then give the final decision. And finally a response is formed. There are a lot of steps along the way, and not every step is as fast as we'd like. Once the rework of the discord bot is done, we'll also be working on some tools for poltergeist to make this process a bit more efficient without losing quality.

Now for the discord forums, we understand people are more active on Discord than on the website. With the introduction of Discord Forum channels, we've been trialling these under staff to see how well they work, and if they can be used to fit other purposes, such as a player suggestion forum. The experiments have gone quite well, and we are now working on the actual details of how this will work. We aim for a release in the first quarter of the new year.

We hope that these improvements will more adequately address your concerns. If not, we are not fully closing the door for housepoints and we will reconsider it in the future if need be.