We have all been waiting for it: a second gauntlet!
It's been announced, its being implemented. But before you copy everything from the first gauntlet let's make some changes to improve both possibilities of players battleing bosses and stepping up to the challenge!
In a gauntlet, if you die, the spot where you died gets marked by putting a ghost on that exact spot. The players who are still alive then get the chance to revive you with a medkit so that you can step up to the challenge once more.
so that you cannot miss the shot, your ghosts are made visible by outlining them shiny as seen in pictures below.
Your ghosts are also assigned your ingame name so that people know who they revive.
The name is very usefull to us in gauntlet since there are people who are specialized in healing the players while in the gauntlet. If a healer dies players can look at their name and revive the person so that the round is safed! the bad side: lavapits
With players dying in lavapits it is impossible to see the name of the player. With zoom you have a bit better chance of seeing the name but it is also pretty hard in the midsts of a battle going on (I have made some screenshots of two lovely angels who died for me in a gauntlet very many thanks to you sacrificing your lives for this post)
With the gauntleteers not being able to see the name it is pretty much random if you revive the right person in the pit or not meaning: your chance of winning goes
While encountering exactly that problem me and my fellow gauntleteers came to the idea of assigning every player a colour in the beginning of a gauntlet. that colour could be assigned random or by alphabetical order or however you want it to be. the ghost of the player dying in unfortunate ways can get outlined by that colour of the player so that the healers can be found easier within the corpses of teammates.
This would help players that don't use labymod or optifine to find the players in need.
I personally believe that this would be a great addition to the gauntlet right now as well as the next one coming up which we have all been waiting for.
This has been a long text for a small suggestion wanting to be implemented as soon as possible. I hope you weren't bored and I will see you ingame!
~Ju Crestello
ghost outline:
with zoom:
without zoom:
Possible ghost outline colour:
It's been announced, its being implemented. But before you copy everything from the first gauntlet let's make some changes to improve both possibilities of players battleing bosses and stepping up to the challenge!
In a gauntlet, if you die, the spot where you died gets marked by putting a ghost on that exact spot. The players who are still alive then get the chance to revive you with a medkit so that you can step up to the challenge once more.
so that you cannot miss the shot, your ghosts are made visible by outlining them shiny as seen in pictures below.
Your ghosts are also assigned your ingame name so that people know who they revive.
The name is very usefull to us in gauntlet since there are people who are specialized in healing the players while in the gauntlet. If a healer dies players can look at their name and revive the person so that the round is safed! the bad side: lavapits
With players dying in lavapits it is impossible to see the name of the player. With zoom you have a bit better chance of seeing the name but it is also pretty hard in the midsts of a battle going on (I have made some screenshots of two lovely angels who died for me in a gauntlet very many thanks to you sacrificing your lives for this post)
With the gauntleteers not being able to see the name it is pretty much random if you revive the right person in the pit or not meaning: your chance of winning goes
While encountering exactly that problem me and my fellow gauntleteers came to the idea of assigning every player a colour in the beginning of a gauntlet. that colour could be assigned random or by alphabetical order or however you want it to be. the ghost of the player dying in unfortunate ways can get outlined by that colour of the player so that the healers can be found easier within the corpses of teammates.
This would help players that don't use labymod or optifine to find the players in need.
I personally believe that this would be a great addition to the gauntlet right now as well as the next one coming up which we have all been waiting for.
This has been a long text for a small suggestion wanting to be implemented as soon as possible. I hope you weren't bored and I will see you ingame!
~Ju Crestello
ghost outline:
with zoom:
without zoom:
Possible ghost outline colour: