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Just some random ideas for the store. :)


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: AstralFae
Dark Follower Serpent
Hi~ this is exactly what the title of the thread says, a load of random, probably stupid, but hopefully fun ideas I've came up with for possible items to be purchased for cosmetic use in the store.

ngl, these just popped into my head and i thought why not share them before forgetting them cos who knows maybe other people are crazy enough to want these too heh...

Broom Appearance: Enchanted Bicycle

We have the enchanted motorcycle, but why not a good old fashioned pedal bike? I picture a cute lil' bike with a basket on the front, flying through the sky, and it could be a fun little addition

Broom Appearance: Dragon

who doesn't want to be a bad*** dragon rider? we have dragon pets, why not ride them? Of course, having every single dragon type thats available in the store wouldn't be possible, so I'd suggest using the Midnight Dragon, who is popular due to being similar in appearance to the dragon seen in "How To Train Your Dragon" which of course, includes dragon riders. (also, out of curiosity, I own the violet "spyro" dragon in game, what happened to it in the store? xP)

Wand Apperance: Lollipop

Enough said, a big old lollipop! one of those traditional "swirly" ones ( like this ) - this could possibly work as a halloween "treat" candy reward in a possible event, too.

Pet: Chinese/Asian Dragon

back to speaking of dragons, it would be cool to see a dragon of the Chinese type, as they are very unique looking and different to the western dragons, but also very beautiful looking and awesome.

Pet: Jackalope

Everyone loves bunnies, right? well a jackalope is basically a magical bunny with antlers - cute and awesome! What's not to love?


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: dragonrule101
Honeybadger Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
I love some of these ideas. dragon rider would be really cool cause I wanna fly on a back of a dragon then who doesn't. Let's see what other think of these ideas.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Mekala_
Honeybadger Auralock
Hi there @Sirje_Wildmoon!

Thanks so much for putting the time into this suggestion! Unfortunately, this thread has been declined for the following reasons.

The bicycle was already discussed for this thread and declined (you can find the thread here). The dragon broom is a duplicate (which you can also find here).

The Lollipop wand is declined because we would like our wand appearances to preferably be items that can cast magic/spells.

The jackalope pet is declined because we cannot add 3D models to existing Minecraft mobs and we do not want to make an entirely new model for it, as the idea did not get much support from the community.

The Chinese Dragon Pet has been declined because we already have the Fireball Dragon Pet, which is a Chinese Dragon in HP Lore. However, we might look into into how we can make a unique pet out of this idea.

We look forward to seeing more suggestions from you in the future. Have a magical day!