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Let's create some POGtastic words B)


Minecraft IGN: YeetChris
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Class Helper SPEW
Howdy!!!! Sooo all you cool kids seem to be into saying POG repeatedly in global, I might not understand it but I'm here to feed ur fun!! I had an idea let's all have a conversation but add something "Pogtastic" to each sentence. Example:

Me: Howdy, y'all! is everyone having a pog day? :eek:
Cate: Yes! I'm having a pretty poggersome day (y)

Anywhoo!! Let's do this kiddos! Let's keep it up, keep it appropriate & someone please inform me on this fun hip slang y'all use. Y'all can talk about whatever or even just respond with a word that's been pog made. :cool:


Minecraft IGN: Rhines
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire
pog is used in regards to something epic gamer someone does while livestreaming on twitch. it's an emote a lot of streamers use. additionally, there is an alternate version of the word that's pogchamp, which has the same meaning.

uses in sentences:
"omg that clutch was epic, pogchamp"

yeah, i made this myself.