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lock blocks on your housing for yourself


Minecraft IGN: 1psaonly
Dark Follower Serpent
So basically, sometimes there are things on my housing I myself do not want to break but will due to casting. This can be a problem if I am trying to pvp or something on my housing and when I cast I break half my housing. I would like maybe a command to lock the blocks on the housing, or unresident myself. How unresidenting myself would work, I would still be able to reresident myself later on, so I have the perms to make people resident and do the housing commands but I won't have perms to break stuff on my housing or open chests (although that'd sorta suck but idc). Basically I would have perms to change the /house settings but I would not be resident. Or something else, I just want to be able to cast spells in my housing without breaking certain items.


Minecraft IGN: daance
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent SPEW

After discussing this idea with the Poltergeist team, we've decided that this isn't really a necessary addition, and could potentially confuse people even further/add more complications—not something we would want to look into. Still, thank you for the idea, though! <3