Minecraft IGN:
Dark Follower
Sr. Grounds Keeper
Hello, Firstly I want to apologise if this thread is duplicated, but I've tried to find wiz PE and it was so short to search it.
So, I’ve attended so many different classes, and I can’t help but notice every class has variety, But Wiz PE is the only class that is always the same, which makes the class too repetitive.
In flying classes, besides the traditional house races where everyone can finish it, some faster, others slower. We also have Fish in a barrel from time to time that is fun, although some of players doesn't like it.
In Duel (which was a class where I attended the least because its schedules on a time only who has NA schedule can attend, so I only attend the surprised ones) besides where each the last one/two/three last man standing for each house, we have a hunger games, where the last man stands win hp or someone who died before can get house points for killing a bounty.
In writing classes, you can do either an opinion or creative one in hope to get 30 ac and hp. However, if you don’t want to do that, you can choose to do the questions that usually some professors put on the given book. Or sometimes there are true/false questions after the notes, which is totally optional. And sometimes they are even more creative and we do something different, and everyone will enjoy it.
Wiz pe, on the other hand, it’s always the same… parkour, parkour, and more parkour, and most of the maps are extremely hard, at one point where only 1 or 2 students can finish. The rest are stuck, struggling, at least the ones who keep trying. The others just give up before they would rage, which makes a good amount inactive during class, waiting until the time runs out.
Let’s be honest, 98% who attend doesn’t think parkour is fun, most of them just attend because of the 10 AC guaranteed regardless of where they stay on the course, or the trivia in hope to get a skip. With that in mind, the parkour goes to the second option to the most students...
That's why, my suggestion is making wiz PE diversify, because I don’t see a reason while the rest classes are diversified, wiz PE is the exception.
For example, we could distribute students into a few teams, something like it was done on the Community engagement, and with that we play like dodgeball, where we need to avoid being hit and try to hit the opponent teams. Pretty much the quabble, but instead of catching, we must avoid it.
Another could be quabbleball like we have on /games. Quabbleball is the most well-known sport in the wizarding world, so it would make sense to have it in wiz PE class. If the dev team can place it, indirectly it will increase the quabbleball popularity.
Then, Elytra. It’s an awesome way to practice for the events or when they will be released around the map on potterworld. In Elytra you also want to learn how to control it. Plus it can return harder elytra maps, that will make challenge and everyone will want to finish it.
Yes, I understand this can be hard due to technological limitations, but if this can be done. I believe it would make wiz PE more enjoyable to everyone, more people would attend by knowing there is a good change it’s not parkour.
Thank you for taking your time reading it, I hope you have a magical day!
So, I’ve attended so many different classes, and I can’t help but notice every class has variety, But Wiz PE is the only class that is always the same, which makes the class too repetitive.
In flying classes, besides the traditional house races where everyone can finish it, some faster, others slower. We also have Fish in a barrel from time to time that is fun, although some of players doesn't like it.
In Duel (which was a class where I attended the least because its schedules on a time only who has NA schedule can attend, so I only attend the surprised ones) besides where each the last one/two/three last man standing for each house, we have a hunger games, where the last man stands win hp or someone who died before can get house points for killing a bounty.
In writing classes, you can do either an opinion or creative one in hope to get 30 ac and hp. However, if you don’t want to do that, you can choose to do the questions that usually some professors put on the given book. Or sometimes there are true/false questions after the notes, which is totally optional. And sometimes they are even more creative and we do something different, and everyone will enjoy it.
Wiz pe, on the other hand, it’s always the same… parkour, parkour, and more parkour, and most of the maps are extremely hard, at one point where only 1 or 2 students can finish. The rest are stuck, struggling, at least the ones who keep trying. The others just give up before they would rage, which makes a good amount inactive during class, waiting until the time runs out.
Let’s be honest, 98% who attend doesn’t think parkour is fun, most of them just attend because of the 10 AC guaranteed regardless of where they stay on the course, or the trivia in hope to get a skip. With that in mind, the parkour goes to the second option to the most students...
That's why, my suggestion is making wiz PE diversify, because I don’t see a reason while the rest classes are diversified, wiz PE is the exception.
For example, we could distribute students into a few teams, something like it was done on the Community engagement, and with that we play like dodgeball, where we need to avoid being hit and try to hit the opponent teams. Pretty much the quabble, but instead of catching, we must avoid it.
Another could be quabbleball like we have on /games. Quabbleball is the most well-known sport in the wizarding world, so it would make sense to have it in wiz PE class. If the dev team can place it, indirectly it will increase the quabbleball popularity.
Then, Elytra. It’s an awesome way to practice for the events or when they will be released around the map on potterworld. In Elytra you also want to learn how to control it. Plus it can return harder elytra maps, that will make challenge and everyone will want to finish it.
Yes, I understand this can be hard due to technological limitations, but if this can be done. I believe it would make wiz PE more enjoyable to everyone, more people would attend by knowing there is a good change it’s not parkour.
Thank you for taking your time reading it, I hope you have a magical day!
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