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More NPC's


Notable Magician
I was wondering if the server could add more npc's to towns and Hogsworth which aren't interactable but just move around. Hogsend especially looks really empty and I think if there's more npc's walking around it would look much better. As long as it doesn't make the server lagg too much I think this would be a great idea.


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
Overall Suggestions - Includes NPC section - Completed
Add/Reskin NPCs to make them more alive ? - Self explanatory - Duplicate
More NPCs in the castle - Self explanatory - On-Hold
Map exploration - Includes NPC section - Under Review

Quoting Ash's (Poltergeist's) response to "Add/Reskin NPCs to make them more alive ?"
Your feedback is something that has been brought up in previous threads and we definitely agree with it. An official response on this feedback was given in this thread, but touching on the response given there, we are currently unable to do anything about the skins we have on the NPCs at the moment because of the version of Minecraft we use. However, once we update to a higher version, we will be able to change them and we plan to have different NPCs per town.
But thanks anyway for taking the time to make a suggestion, it's always nice seeing new threads and people on the forums.


Notable Magician
Thanks for your reply. I tried looking for a "more NPC's" thread although I couldn't find one. Anyways, it's good to see that this is already considered :).


Minecraft IGN: HektorTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
Hi there @JustinS!
Thank you for your suggestion! As Pankakes already mentioned, there has been a few suggestions about NPCs already!
As Ash already mentioned in this post as of right now, the server runs on a game version that doesnt support custom skins on NPCs running around in towns.
As soon as we update the server to a newer version we will be adding more NPCs with custom skins to towns!
We still appreciate your effort and hope to see more Suggestions and Feedback from you!
Have a wonderful day!
