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New "Map" Item


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: SpoopyBirb
Dark Follower Griffin Werewolf
Since the update, it's been quite a bit harder to navigate Hogsworth. The only way I manage is because I've been playing on the server for years, but even I have trouble sometimes remembering where certain classrooms are. The Revelius update was at least partially intended to encourage exploration, which I think is great. But I do think new players will have some trouble finding their ways around the castle, especially when experienced players who have traversed the castle a million times have trouble themselves. I think it might be really helpful to introduce a new item similar to the "Maurader's Map". It wouldn't be like the old warp key and just teleport you, but it would help players find locations while sticking to the original vision of the Revelius update.

My idea is to create this item that has multiple locations in Hogsworth listed when you right-click it. You can choose a location, and the item will then cause a small chain of particles to appear, showing you the path through the halls to whichever location you choose. You follow the particles through the castle halls to get to the library, or divination classroom, or trophy room, or any other location listed in the map's GUI.

There are several reasons I think this item would make an excellent addition to the server. First, it isn't particularly overpowered. You still have to walk the entire distance, exploring the castle and its intricacies, to find any location. Second, it's extremely useful to everyone, especially new players, and would eliminate the need to search for tiny signs pointing you in the right direction. Third, it sticks to the original vision of the Revelius update, which is to encourage exploration. Players would have a very easy method to find cool parts of the castle without aimlessly wandering for hours. Finally, it's fairly easy to implement (assuming the starting location is always taken to be in the Great Hall), and shouldn't be too much work to code fully.

Hopefully this suggestion helps! I really do think it would be a good idea to at least implement something to help out with navigation in this update. I also have a few ideas on the specifics of an implementation, but that really isn't too important to put into this thread, so I left them out to keep the length of this comment down.


Minecraft IGN: may2070
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
This is honestly such a good idea. It makes it a lot easier for new players to navigate the castle, while still keeping the focus on exploration since players will go out on there own to explore the towns

Just to add on, maybe the Mauraders Map could be treated as a last resort kind of thing, which you can buy off a shady player if you're ever truly stuck (just incase there is still some sort of concern for how it impacts exploration)


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf
This would be great for the first year students who seem to have a hard time finding the locations of quests within the Hogsworth school even though the quests include the coordinates for those locations. It would be extremely helpful for them if they are able to follow the particles.

I'm assuming that the particles that you're referring to are similar to the red particles found in the ROHT during that 2nd year Raven quest where players had to find the journal? And yeah, there might have to be a set starting point, like the great hall, for all of these because I think the particles are premade and can't really start off from a random starting point.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: SpoopyBirb
Dark Follower Griffin Werewolf
Yeah, I assumed that the particles would all be premade. It's actually theoretically possible for them to NOT be, but that would require creating a topographical node map of each room and hallway in the castle, then running a search algorithm to find the shortest path, THEN showing the player through each and every hallway along the way, which would require loads of time and effort. It's a lot more effective if you just say "start at the great hall" and then have particle trails leading from there (or some other starting location; it doesn't really matter). And yeah, I think it would be really similar to the particles in the ROHT in that one quest.


Head of Media
Head Staff
Minecraft IGN: MamaDuckie
Staff Head Staff Raven

As lovely an idea as this is, we're unfortunately going to have to respectfully decline it. Having a map at hand to lead players on a direct path to their destination would discourage players from exploring the castle themselves, which would cause them to miss some of the amazing parts of the castle they would normally find upon taking a wrong turn here or there in their attempt to locate what they had aimed for.

Also, we currently have signs around the castle to help point players in the general direction as well as the map on our website that can add a bit of help. We will, however, look into adding more signs around the castle and we always encourage players to ask others for help!