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New Wand Suggestion!


Minecraft IGN: Salmandingo
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW
Hi cool kidz

Alright so my suggestion is to add a new wand on the store that can be used by members of the Werewolves or anyone wishing to get a cool wand. We already know the werewolves for their strong claws and that's one of the ways they hunt down their preys.


I was thinking, since we have a wand appearance that looks like a glove, why not do something similar but make it a werewolf claw?
The arm would be covered in fur of course and would have shiny claws that can glow (if possible but not necessary)

However, here's the twist. Buying the wand from the store gives you
two items. One of them would be the working wand appearance and the other item would be a replica of the wand appearance (which does not cast magic), so that the players can put the replica in their offhand and the actual wand in their main arm slot. This way the players can have claws on both hands and I feel like that would be super cool :D

The replica would obviously have to be bound to the player and non droppable or tradable so that it doesn't become a collectible.

Anyway thanks for reading if I get
10 likes i'll order pepperoni pizza and cheesy garlic bread


Head of Media
Head Staff
Minecraft IGN: MamaDuckie
Staff Head Staff Raven
Hello and thank you for your suggestion! I'll bring this up to the team and get back to you as soon as I can!


Head of Media
Head Staff
Minecraft IGN: MamaDuckie
Staff Head Staff Raven
Hello and once again thank you for your suggestion! Unfortunately, we'll be declining this suggestion because we don’t think it’ll be a popular item within the store as people prefer actual wands/staffs. While the idea sounds wonderful we’re not sure how the modelling would work or if it would be the right approach since it’s a claw and not a wand/staff.

We hope to hear more suggestions from you in the future!