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Oh The Levels...


Minecraft IGN: ohhelloitsnick
Auralock Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked
so I was talking with a lot of the other players and we were discussing the level system. whilst its really nice and I think it is designed very well, maybe some tweaks could help move things along and make the overall system a little more polished. I feel like once you get to level 50 it kinda goes a little stagnant. we were talking about how it becomes a game of grinding mobs and not really being immersed in the Harry Potterworld.. did you see what I did there... lol O-o . I think a simple fix that can help the flow of gameplay is removing the quest gapping, or giving a little bit more experience so it doesn't become a million point waiting game. I think also some other opportunities that could be really cool would be adding in some more daily actives. I noticed my self going in a loop of just /me getting my 36,000 XP. voting, and doing the daily riddle. I genuinely wanted more questing opportunities and to keep experiencing the awesome game play heheh.

a few prefaces... I know it isn't supposed to be easy (its supposed to be like how the challenges for your guardian; the higher level you go the harder the game is). I also know that that's what motivates people to keep going and work their butts off. I think players who have been around for a while will disagree and say that they want to keep the system. I AGREE - however making it go from "really challenging" to "working towards a goal" is pretty cool. I think maybe the really hard part and grinding mobs should come around level 70 instead of starting around level 50. now I understand that staff positions start at level 61+ so it could be tricky to re work the whole system. to be honest I think that's dumb LOL - I think adding one or two more opportunities or making it easier to continue smoothly through the levels would just make everything that much better. let me know what you guys think... I know its a touchy subject and probably has been posted about before but lmk - <3


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
I witnessed pretty much all of the leveling systems that PW had, and I did notice this too. I leveled up a bit on my friends acc a few months ago and I was surprised how fast I got from year 2 to year 7 (level 61). Farming mobs allowed a constant flow of XP, it got to a point where it's better to farm mobs for 1 hour straight than going to a class (which to me as a old player was ridiculous). But then slowly it started getting much and much harder. ACs weren't worth as much and I needed to kill hundreds of mobs just to level up once. The issue that occurs is that PW added several ways of getting XP which reduced the amount of XP that you get from ACs, making them worse than before. Those alternative ways, mostly mob farming, are unlimited which means they require a lot of play time, and with higher and higher levels, it just keeps getting more demanding. I will try to simplify it. Year 1 spells used to cost 10 ACs, year 7 spells were 40 ACs. So technically 7th year was four times harder to graduate from than the first one. Today, this difference is much much bigger and I feel like that's the issue. I think that they should just rebalance the total XP amount so that the lower levels need a bit more XP than they do now, and higher levels a bit less.


Minecraft IGN: ohhelloitsnick
Auralock Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked
I witnessed pretty much all of the leveling systems that PW had, and I did notice this too. I leveled up a bit on my friends acc a few months ago and I was surprised how fast I got from year 2 to year 7 (level 61). Farming mobs allowed a constant flow of XP, it got to a point where it's better to farm mobs for 1 hour straight than going to a class (which to me as a old player was ridiculous). But then slowly it started getting much and much harder. ACs weren't worth as much and I needed to kill hundreds of mobs just to level up once. The issue that occurs is that PW added several ways of getting XP which reduced the amount of XP that you get from ACs, making them worse than before. Those alternative ways, mostly mob farming, are unlimited which means they require a lot of play time, and with higher and higher levels, it just keeps getting more demanding. I will try to simplify it. Year 1 spells used to cost 10 ACs, year 7 spells were 40 ACs. So technically 7th year was four times harder to graduate from than the first one. Today, this difference is much much bigger and I feel like that's the issue. I think that they should just rebalance the total XP amount so that the lower levels need a bit more XP than they do now, and higher levels a bit less.
i couldn’t agree more i think you helped prove a really awesome point in regards to classes - i rather go to classes and experience more of that stuff that’s story based then killing mobs.thanks for your response


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Heya @ohhelloitsnick !

We apologize for the long delay in the response on this thread. We are currently working on sorting out older threads on the forums!

Thank you for all the given feedback on the matter of leveling, it's always helpful to see players giving us feedback on the game! You did bring up some good points in this thread. We have been working on improving the leveling experience for players for some time now and we are continuing to improve it still. Since this thread was created we have released an experience update meant to balance XP, increased XP players can gain from the first year quests, we released Reputations phase 1, with phase 2 still to come. There are also upcoming events and questlines that will offer players new ways to gain XP too. There's still a range of new content that we are currently working on that will add new ways for leveling and we suggest checking the GD blogs that are released to learn more about it, as well as some of the Droobletalks that you can find on our YouTube channel.

We are excited about the mentioned future releases and we sincerely hope that the leveling experience has become easier for the players and will continue to become more fluid as we release future content!