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pls reply to ban appeals

hi, im not the one banned but my friend ahhnastacia is. shes been banned for 4 years. put in a ban appeal and it hasnt even been responded to ! please i wanna play on potterworld but im too shy to do it without my best fwend.

aaron ♡

Minecraft IGN: Aarooncia
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Vampire Werewolf
Hi @nooodlesoup!

For starters, it's important that your friend or you as a matter of fact do not discuss or try and bump a ban appeal. There is only a certain select few of people who can check ban appeals and it can be time consuming. I hope you and your friend understand, if you have any questions I recommend contacting our Community Management leadership members on Discord (Erica#7556) (Jada#8987) (Deniz ツ#0007). Please remember to refrain from discussing a ban in public chats.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: CrymsonTM
Dark Follower Serpent
hi, im not the one banned but my friend ahhnastacia is. shes been banned for 4 years. put in a ban appeal and it hasnt even been responded to ! please i wanna play on potterworld but im too shy to do it without my best fwend.
Hi nooodlesoup!

Just to echo what Aaron said, ban appeals take time so I would recommend your friend have patience - someone will get to it as soon as possible.

Also, don't feel shy at all. The Potterworld community is very friendly and helpful. Jump in and start exploring - you'll have a great time! :)