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Prevent breaking of picture frames with wands


Minecraft IGN: 1psaonly
Dark Follower Serpent
So whenever you break something such as a chest or a block with your wand, it will always reappear and not actually break. This is the same as signs, where if you break them with your wand, it will reappear without text and not break. I can see why, as breaking items when casting is very annoying. However, this does not hold true for items such as picture frames. If you are a resident of a housing and you cast within range of a picture frame, it automatically breaks without context. This I see is a problem with not only consistency, but also with the casting mechanic on picture frames. I believe that making the wand not breaking blocks thing more consistent, as it seems to only happen with items that you can generally break in adventure mode. The lack of consistency of when I am able to hold my wand or not when breaking objects can be confusing to players, as only certain objects can be broken when holding your wand. I suggest making it consistent by making sure your wand is unable to break all items like it already does with nearly all blocks already in housing. I think this would be very convenient as I do not need to spend long amounts of time replacing every picture frame in my housing when I attempt to cast a spell.

Jae โŠนโ‚Š โ‹†

Minecraft IGN: xMye
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Lore Master SPEW Lead Arena Master Lead
Hello @1psaonly!!

This suggestion / issues has now been completed with the recent Dev housing update. Paintings and item frames will no longer break while holding your wand.

Thank you once again for making this suggestion! I hope you have a wonderful day/night:serpent: