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Pride 2022 Giveaway

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Hello Witches and Wizards!

Pride festivities are in full swing, so we want to help you look amazing while celebrating! So, we're hosting a giveaway on our forums for the chance to win either the Rainbow Flower Crown, the Rainbow Wand Effects, OR the Love Emote Pack. To enter and celebrate self-love this Pride month, all you have to do is write about your favorite trait about yourself!

Here are the guidelines for entering:
- You must follow the prompt and it should be at least one sentence long.
- You must state your in-game name in your entry.
- You may only enter once for the entire giveaway.
- All submissions should follow all Potterworld rules (keep it appropriate).

To enter just reply to this post with your statement and add your in-game name.

For any questions, please message Sunnya (sunnya#6761), Emily (Ralie#5837), Alexa (Alexa#6745), or Maddy (maddy#8699).

The entry period will close on June 23rd, and the winner will be announced no later than June 25th. Good luck to all of those who enter!


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New Magician
IGN: BreakingMyBones
So I saw the announcement and decided to try it out :) Following the print, there are many traits I love about myself. But one is my determination, I had come out to my mother as trans a few years ago. I was determined to get her to accept me and she did! She accepted me as her son, she accepted my boyfriend and so has my whole family. The way I look at my determination is how much I’ve been through, even with all the hard stuff life throughs my way I can still somehow get through it all! To cut this sob story short my mother is a widow and I live with my grandparents, I’ve fought depression my whole life and fought to get to a good school. But because of my determination I was able to get the help I needed, to finally succeed in school. And finally be confident and happy in myself, I love pride month and it makes me happy to finally accept myself.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Deescreates
IGN: Deescreates
I’m really keen , outgoing, someone that willing to learn and add more skills.
my goal is to be a content creator and travel around the world to learn different cultures. One of my favorite traits I love to help people and meet new people. I love baking and everything Minecraft. I am intelligent and a critical thinker. I really love to make people happy , I’m caring and empathetic to people and what they go through.
I think I have the best smile and laugh in my family. I think my hair is beautiful.

Atreus | ethxnTM

Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: ethxnTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf
IGN: witheredapollo
My favourite trait about myself has to be my colour-blindness. I see the world in black and white, with only blue visible. To be more specific, blue-cone monochromancy. Despite the fact that the world is very different for me, I like to think I see it in a different light. Despite my inability to see colours, I can still draw and sew, and I like to think I'm pretty good at both. I have a very rare condition, but it makes me unique, which is why I like it.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: TommyXxHardy
Dark Follower Serpent
TommyXxHardy (in-game name)

The trait i like about myself is that i always want to try making new friends with everyone. I may not talk much the first time but the longer you know me, the more i'll talk. I try to get better at talking with people i dont even know that well and it goes pretty good at the moment. I like this about myself the most because most of the time i have friends for life and who you can trust with everything you got. <3


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: CreepyFriend15
Honeybadger Auralock
Ign: CreepyFriend15
My favorite trait about myself is my honesty. Growing up, I lied A LOT, but after I hit my teen years I started valuing honesty a lot more and realizing in all situations it's better to be honest than to keep a lie going for too long. People lying to me is also why I grew to be so honest, I wouldn't want to be known as a liar or untrustworthy, I would rather be that person people can count on and depend on.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: faewillow
IGN: faewillow
One trait I truly appreciate about myself is my resilience. This past school year has been extremely challenging going back to a normal school year after COVID while participating in many other extracuriculars, all while also trying to fight to have the motivation to finish the rest of the school year strong. There have been many times where I've felt like it's easier to let my grades and my commitments slip from my fingers but I kept on working super hard. I ended off the school year feeling accomplished after ~120 hours of pit orchestra rehearsals for the spring musical, many hours of tutoring my peers, being a section leader for orchestra, and straight A's! Without my resilience, I would have never felt this fufilled. <3


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: MysticalBlizzard
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Class Helper SPEW
IGN: MysticalBlizzard

I really love my creativity. Often during the day, I get inspried from random things and decide to create a lot of things. I honestly take my time to learn on how to improve my creativity. For example I draw, play piano, act, write and do everything I can to express myself to the world. I feel the need of expression and I do it through various things. This is my favourite trait about myself and I hope my creativity will never fade away.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: deardisdain
IGN: willshroom
I think the trait I value within myself the most is my adaptability. I've been in a lot of hard situations and even if it felt awful initially, I've become better and better at allowing myself to go with the motions and enjoy myself wherever I might be. It's what has let me experience so many different kinds of living and meet amazing people and made me who I am today! I genuinely feel very lucky to be where I am and to feel valued and loved by the people around me :]


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: SamP1ayz
Honeybadger Dark Follower
IGN: SamP1ayz

Personally, the trait I value most is my compassion. I've always been someone that others could rely on when they needed help, be it physical, mental or emotional. I'd help them to the best of my ability and even if I couldn't help much, I would be by their side encouraging them. I think its what helped me make all the friends I have.


New Magician
IGN: Lexi_Is_Trans
So I am not a person who likes myself a lot but a thing that even I like about myself is the fact that I can understand things that are extremly hard to understand since I without thinking make it pretty simple or to say it shortly: I can make almost anything pretty easy to understand


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: TraumatikRiddim
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf
IGN: TraumatikRiddim
My personal favourite trait about myself is my ability to not express my emotions meaning I can come across however I need to come across, and although some may say this is a bad trait to have I can't help it due to certain mental health issues so I've learned to embrace it and accept that yeah my brain works differently but I'm happy and I'm whitty and in turn, I make others around me happy. This also entails that I have no set sexuality and I'm comfortable and love the fact I like men or women and I don't label it. I'm just happy to be me :p

Micah Cresswell

Minecraft IGN: Hacim4
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf
IGN: Hacim4
I like that I don't give up, even when it gets hard. Even when something bad happens I keep going. I want to thank my family (6 siblings and 2 parents) as well for shaping me into the person I am today. I don't know who I would be without them in my life.
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New Magician
Minecraft IGN: sylam
IGN: sylam

My favorite trait has to be my intuition. I was taught from a young age to trust my gut, especially when it comes to other people. I've consistently gotten "weird vibes" or just disliked people from the get-go that turned out to be absolutely horrible. This intuition has saved me and my friends/family from hurtful people, and even events. I was supposed to get on a train a couple weeks ago but skipped it because it felt weird/wrong, and there was a stabbing on the same train. This also boosts my self awareness : if I met myself, would I have good vibes?


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: elaf_19

Hello Witches and Wizards!

Pride festivities are in full swing, so we want to help you look amazing while celebrating! So, we're hosting a giveaway on our forums for the chance to win either the Rainbow Flower Crown, the Rainbow Wand Effects, OR the Love Emote Pack. To enter and celebrate self-love this Pride month, all you have to do is write about your favorite trait about yourself!

Here are the guidelines for entering:
- You must follow the prompt and it should be at least one sentence long.
- You must state your in-game name in your entry.
- You may only enter once for the entire giveaway.
- All submissions should follow all Potterworld rules (keep it appropriate).

To enter just reply to this post with your statement and add your in-game name.

For any questions, please message Sunnya (sunnya#6761), Emily (Ralie#5837), Alexa (Alexa#6745), or Maddy (maddy#8699).

The entry period will close on June 23rd, and the winner will be announced no later than June 25th. Good luck to all of those who enter!

IGN: elaf_19
My favourite trait about myself is my acceptance. I am extremely accepting of others and who/what they choose to be in this life. One of my best friends came out as bisexual a few months ago and I could not have been happier for her. I accepted her for who she was and she told me she loved that about me. I'm very proud of this trait.

Miki Willows-Vitale

Minecraft IGN: MikiMau7
Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Prefect Jr. Professor Class Design Jr. Architect
IGN: Miki_Mau7
This is really difficult for me because I have struggled a lot with myself over the past year and a half. My favourite trait is probably my friendliness. Even with my anxiety, I manage to stay kind and considerate of others 99% of the time, which has got me through some tough situations. This has helped me manage my anxiety so much and made it easier to find a job. Others have told me I seemed really confident when we first met and it's been a huge self-esteem boost for me. It's a really great skill and it is one of the few things I appreciate about myself.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Esteleth
Honeybadger Phoenix
IGN: Esteleth
My favorite trait about myself is not giving up no matter how hard things get. Currently i'm in a difficult situation with my partner, we're on a distance, and honestly no matter how hard things get i never ever thought about giving up. I just don't give up on anything that i feel that it's worth it. Some people just easily give up after life or things get difficult, but there's ALWAYS better times to come, and that's important to remember even if at the moment you might not feel that way. There's always gonna be bumps in the road, we just have to keep going.
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