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Quabbleball: Defender Addon


Minecraft IGN: Frebii
Griffin Phoenix SPEW
I feel like a little dash would be a nice Defender addon
1. it would make the role more realistic at all
2. it would buff the role in general
3. it would make people more want to play or one trick this role
4. it would make the role even more skill reliant
5. brief outplay-potential nerf


Potterworld Legend
Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Grounds Keeper Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Wizencouncil Class Helper SPEW Sr. Prefect Drooble's Order
Hello Frebii!
As there is a similar suggestion about defenders here I will be marking your thread as a duplicate. However, all your new ideas will be reviewed and you can check the other thread for any updates pertaining to this.
Thanks for making a suggestion for Potterworld. We are always appreciative about players making suggestions and leaving feedback so we hope you will decide to continue doing so in the future.
Have a great day!