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Raccoon pet


Minecraft IGN: MagmaC4
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW
i feel as though this idea has struck a deep core within inside of myself withing me and i do also agree with the fact thats your suggestion has allowed me to perceive


Minecraft IGN: marmitemira
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower SPEW Linked
Hello @Edenn!!

Thank you for making this suggestion! This would definitely be a very cute idea to add to the store! I will bring your idea up to the other Poltergeist's and we will discuss it. Once leadership has made a final decision I will let you know!

Thank you again and have a great day!


Minecraft IGN: marmitemira
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower SPEW Linked
Hello @Edenn!

Thank you for this suggestion. Unfortunately this suggestion had been declined at this time. We like the idea of a raccoon pet and that it would be a cute addition to the store, however we feel it is very similar to the badger pet. The badger pet was released fairly recently and we want to keep variation within the store. It might also be a challenge to fit this item into a themed store release. We will reassess this decision in the future after some time has passed from the release of the badger pet. Also, to see if we can find a theme that will fit this pet release.

We greatly appreciate the ideas and feedback you have provided and that you continue to make more. We hope you understand why this decision was made. Thank you and have a wonderful day!!

Jae ⊹₊ ⋆

Minecraft IGN: xMye
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Class Design SPEW Lead Arena Master Lead Linked Faerie
Hihi @EdenLovesMommy !!

We have included the pet Raccoon in the newest Jurassic Store Release! You can find the information about this release here.
Thank you once again for your suggestion. I hope you have a wonderful day/night:serpent: