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Revelius Update Feedback Forms


Minecraft IGN: DenizTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP SPEW

In early July, we saw the release of the long-awaited Revelius Update. We would love to give all players the opportunity to give feedback and suggestions on this update. Receiving this is important to us, as it will help us potentially improve this update and future updates. There are four separate forms that can be filled out:

Professions, Economy and Quests
Mobs and Gear
Travel and Map
General Update

The due date for these forms is the 2nd of August, at 12 PM PST. You will receive 10 AC per form you fill out. If you wish to remain anonymous, you are free to leave your name off the forms that you fill out. However, you will not be able to receive the AC reward.

Here is the changelog for the update:
Revelius Changelog