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Searching for threads


Notable Magician

Whenever I want to post a new suggestion or feedback, I have to go through 6 pages of threads to check if it wasn't already mentioned. I was wondering if you could add a search button to find a thread with a few keywords for example. I tried using CTRL+F but that only works for one page so I would have to retype it every page and that's not very efficient. Maybe there's already a search bar that I haven't seen though?


Head of Technology & Development
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Minecraft IGN: Teheeo
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Hey @JustinS,

Not entirely sure if this is what you're looking for, but a search page does exist here at https://potterworldmc.com/search.

You can access it in the top bar next to your account details on desktop mode and it should allow search threads by keyboards. For example here is a search I did today based on this very thread here:

Hope this helps. :)

Best Wishes,


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
Heya @JustinS,

Firstly, what Harrison said is a very useful feature that already exists and allows you to search for existing threads, especially when looking for similar suggestions.
Secondly, this thread itself is a duplicate, as something similar has been suggested already here. We have actually accepted the previous thread and are planning to add an add-on to the website that will help with this, but this will likely only be done in the far future.

Thank you for using these forums to bring up your ideas!

Best regards,