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Server custom advancements


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Jodelle
I thought it might be quite interesting if custom advancements were added to the server. Thanks to this, players could gain experience and money and complete it as side tasks.

The advancement menu is easily accesible just by pressing "L" key on the keyboard or by pressing escape -> Advancements.
Custom tabs, custom advancement trees and custom rules can be set up quite easily using vanilla datapacks. When done, the progress bar is easily seen and understandabe even to new players.

For the starts, I'd like to suggest these progress advancements:
1) collecting flowers
2) making potions
3) cooking food
4) attendence of classes (it is also possible to split into individual classes - Flying, Wiz PE, Potions, Creative writing ...)
5) attendence in challanges
6) attendence in turnaments
7) playing minigames
I believe there are lots of other options

A gift in the form of experience, money or something else would be given after collecting a certain amount of something.
The amount of experience/golds/other would grow with difficulty.

for example if I collect 10 flowers, I receive 5xp -> if i collect 25, I recieve 10 xp and so on
10 (5xp) -> 25 (10xp) -> 50 ()-> 100 -> 250 -> 500 -> 1000 -> ...

like for example this:


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Mekala_
Honeybadger Auralock
Heya @Jodelle!

Thanks so much for your suggestion! However, a similar suggestion has already been brought up and accepted. You can find this suggestion here. As this idea takes a lot of planning and work, hopefully it will be done in the near future. I am going to mark this suggestion as a duplicate, but we are always looking for more ideas from players!

Have a fantastic day!