DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
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Server Maintenance - July 4th (Edit: July 5th) - MAINTENANCE OVER

Greetings everyone!

With the upcoming Revelius update, we will need to put the server in maintenance mode to update the server and prepare everything.

This maintenance will be happening on July 4th, at 5 AM PST. That is 12 PM UTC. Minigames will be available during the majority of the maintenance, and the hub will be open. We have no ETA as of now, but we will try our best to provide many updates during the update. We will be updating this thread with the updates.

We hope you are as excited as we are for the update, and we hope the transition will be smooth. With any new update, bugs and glitches are bound to occur, so we ask that you remain patient with us and help us get through it all! You can help us out by reporting each bug that you see to the staff team here and by helping out your fellow players when they experience any issues or confusion. Thank you all for your continuous support! This is a new chapter for the server!

Update 1 - 07/03/2020 - 10:30 AM PST - Droobledore:
Salutations Everyone! We have an important announcement about the Revelius Update!

With permission from Danny to briefly explain this, we will be bumping the release of Revelius by one day (July 5th) because Danny is currently in the midst of moving houses and even his internet isn't hooked up currently. He would like to say he is deeply sorry as he knows everyone is super excited about the Revelius Update!

Just for transparency we also talked about still releasing on July 4th but later in the same day, however a challenge would be setting maintenance and releasing that late would be past Danny's and many staff’s available time and it is dire to have everyone around for any issues that occur after release.

We hope everyone understands and will grant us this time to make sure the release of Revelius is as smooth as possible! Thank you everyone!

Update 2 - 07/05/2020 - 5 AM PST
Maintenance has now officially begun, all worlds can no longer be joined. Minigames and hubs will remain open and accessible.

You may experience the hub restarting a couple of times during this maintenance. All members working during the maintenance are currently going through their maintenance to-do list.

We will be providing another update very soon.

Update 3 - 07/05/2020 - 5:32 AM PST
Hub and minigames are now available! You can talk to the Revelius Update NPC in the hub to get some information about the update. You will also receive the new resource pack when you log in

Update 4 - 07/05/2020 - 6:11 AM PST
The online map is now live! You can look at the entire world here, zoom in, find the coordinates for a specific location and see much more!


Update 5 - 07/05/2020 - 8:36 AM PST
We’re still getting through our maintenance to do list and fixing the bugs occurring. We’ve turned everyone’s game tokens and fire dust into gold, and we’ve nearly finished the marketplace. We’re also working on finalising some things, and fixing some last minute caught resource pack bugs. We’re also attempting to remove all exploration update items from everyone’s shops, so players don’t purchase outdated items out of confusion.

It’s going pretty good so far, and we might be able to provide an ETA in a couple of hours! My advice for now would be to relax and play some mini games or chat with some of your fellow excited players! Thank you all for patience and continuous support

Update 6 - 07/05/2020 - 1:50 PM PST
Greetings everyone! I’m sad to say that after working on the update for the entire day, it does not look like we will be releasing it today. We’ll continue working it for the entire night and tomorrow, and we're aiming for releasing it tomorrow. Some things took a lot longer than originally anticipated, and we simply need more time to finish everything up.

I do bring some good news though! We have re-enabled Domination so you can all play it whilst the server is in maintenance mode. You can queue right now for it in /games, and play with your fellow students! May the force be with you.

I will provide an update tomorrow when things are a bit clearer. We want to release this update right and as good as we can, and if that means making sacrifices like these, then it is something we will do. Thank you all so much for your patience. Please bear with us!

Update 7 - 07/05/2020 - 5:09 PM PST
We’re still working on the maintenance but we took a quick break! We joined a voice channel and show cased a lot of the stuff we are adding with the update -- it was awesome to see that up to 80 people joined the voice channel! We hope this made you even more excited for the update.

After popular demand, we’ve decided to enable :snowflake: **Snowballing** too. Snowballing is a super fun fast phased game that you can play with your friends - we’ll disable it once the maintenance is over, so if you wanna play it before Christmas, now’s your chance!

Thank you all for your support! We are super excited for you all to try it out! Progress is going well with the maintenance as well.

Update 8 - 07/06/2020 - 3:06 PM PST
Greetings everyone!

This time, it brings me great happiness to announce that in the next 5-10 minutes, we will be enabling Revelius for all staff members so they can test everything and make sure it works for real!

We will allocate 30-45 minutes for this. If nothing goes wrong, we will open the doors and let you all experience this incredible update. This is not an ETA (but we can hope ).

Thank you all so much for being patient with us! I’m honestly so excited for you all to try it! Once we do release, bugs are bound to occur. Like I said in my first message, all bugs can be reported here and a reward will be given (house points): https://potterworldmc.com/bug

Update 9 - 07/06/2020 - 5:45 PM PST
After an hour and 45 minutes of testing, we’ve discovered quite a lot of bugs - bugs that are not quick and easy to fix, unfortunately. It looks like we will not be able to release the update today, but tomorrow looks super bright and very possible.

We apologize for being slow with it, but like I said before, we want to do this right, and that means as little bugs as possible.

Next update will most likely include an actual ETA, and be the final one (if not the actual release). See you then!

Update 10 - 07/07/2020 - 6:57 PM PST
After countless hours of working on the update during the maintenance, it brings me great happiness to announce that the doors for the Revelius update will be opened in 1 hour and 33 minutes (8:30 PM PST).

If anything major breaks, the server will be put back in maintenance, but we are hoping everything runs smoothly.

We posted a Revelius Changelog yesterday, which can be found here:

Bugs can be reported here. They are going to occur no matter what, so please be respectful

See you once the gate opens! Please remember that we'll be releasing a feedback form from a week from now, so try your best to hold your feedback till then.

Update 11 - 07/07/2020 - 7:45 PM PST
Before we made the announcement, we had zero server crashes. After we made the announcement, we had 4 back-to-back server crashes. This timing is extremely unlucky, but for the past 21 minutes, nothing has happened.

We're monitoring the server very closely and trying to see if we can find out what caused it, but so far, we have not been able too.

Release is still planned at 8:30 PM PST, but, if the crashes were to frequently happen during the release, we will put the server back into maintenance until we get the entire team to look at it. If you're staying awake for the update and you're European, my personal advice would be to sleep and come back tomorrow, but we're all crossing our fingers and hoping for the best

We just wanted to quickly send this so we're all aware that there is a somewhat good chance of the maintenance to be re-enabled.

Update 12 - 07/07/2020 - 9:03 PM PST
A lot of players were put around 50 levels higher than they were supposed to, and only a couple of players got teleported to the update hub. A lot of servers are crashing immediately when booting up, and some are crashing mid-gameplay too. These are a lot of issues, and we want you all to have the right experience, so we've made the call to put the server back in maintenance mode.

We know this isn't great, but to ensure the best experience, the server will be put into maintenance till tomorrow. When we enable the server again, we won't make an announcement because we've learned from this that making an announcement will get 200 more players online, which is causing a huge load on our servers (servers are limited to 50 players, but one server got 85, which is way too many and crashed it).

On that note, thank you for being patient with us! We hope to see you all tomorrow, and we hope you all enjoyed the small glimpse of the update, and we apologise sincerely for this experience.

We won't know when, but we know it'll be tomorrow. Thank you all!

Update 13 - 07/08/2020 - 7:33 PM PST
Hey everyone. As you all know by now, turns out the release is not going to be today.

We know it’s frustrating that the maintenance has lasted 5 days now, trust me, we’re frustrated and bummed out about it too, and we wish we were at the stage where we’d be ready to release it, but we simply aren’t.

Yesterday taught us a lot about the release and helped us catch things, but once we realized how many things were breaking, the damage was already done. We’ve spent hours restoring the data so players would get set back to what they were before the joined.

We will be writing a post about this entire maintenance period after the release, where we explain what went wrong, what we learned, and what we will do moving forward. We’ll be talking about the state of the update pre-maintenance and during the maintenance. We want to be transparent and honest with you about it all.

So.. when are we going to release? We are working very hard to get everything ready as soon as possible. We are truly hoping it’ll be tomorrow or friday, but we don't know when exactly. When we release, we’re going to do what we call a ‘soft release’, which means we won’t make any announcements about it.. the worlds will just suddenly be open. This doesn’t mean you should spam /worlds, or be on the hub 24/7, I honestly wouldn’t recommend this either, because the word is gonna spread quite quickly so you're going to find out anyway, but we just want to minimize the damage as much as we can. We’ll make an announcement some time later after the opening of the server if everything is stable. This means no ETA will be released. We've tried giving ETAs but as you've already noticed, they have all failed, so we don't really see the point in giving 'false hope' again (which we're truly sorry for).
Last edited:



Minecraft IGN: ZADANeth
Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix
@Zadanthalion Just to answer your question, there's an online map that can be found here - https://potterworldmc.com/map/
That's not what I said. Haha. I know about that map, it's an overworld map not a full map. You can't see any of the actual mapping for the locations themselves. Or it's bugging on my end if you can cause it's just the overworld. Hogsworth, not the halls of Hogsworth. I thought this was going to be more like a mauraders navigation map but right now it just helps you get from hub to hub.


Minecraft IGN: xNyn
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
If nothing goes wrong, we will open the doors and let you all experience this incredible update.
Amazing! I can't wait to play!


Minecraft IGN: TbhKate_
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Game Designer Linked
Hey staff, is the map going to include an option to see the layout and mapping of the actual buildings and cities too? Like the castle or Hogsend for example. Just curious. I may draw out my own map if not cause this one is helpful for the over world getting spot to spot but still doesn't help navigate the places themselves. Unless I'm missing something which is totally possible
Currently I don't think there are any plans to make individual maps for each town/major building, but if you would like to make your own unofficial one that is definitely allowed. You can also suggest this idea by making a forum post under "Feedback and Suggestions"!


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: u4c

Greetings everyone!

With the upcoming Revelius update, we will need to put the server in maintenance mode to update the server and prepare everything.

This maintenance will be happening on July 4th, at 5 AM PST. That is 12 PM UTC. Minigames will be available during the majority of the maintenance, and the hub will be open. We have no ETA as of now, but we will try our best to provide many updates during the update. We will be updating this thread with the updates.

We hope you are as excited as we are for the update, and we hope the transition will be smooth. With any new update, bugs and glitches are bound to occur, so we ask that you remain patient with us and help us get through it all! You can help us out by reporting each bug that you see to the staff team here and by helping out your fellow players when they experience any issues or confusion. Thank you all for your continuous support! This is a new chapter for the server!

Update 1 - 07/03/2020 - 10:30 AM PST - Droobledore:
Salutations Everyone! We have an important announcement about the Revelius Update!

With permission from Danny to briefly explain this, we will be bumping the release of Revelius by one day (July 5th) because Danny is currently in the midst of moving houses and even his internet isn't hooked up currently. He would like to say he is deeply sorry as he knows everyone is super excited about the Revelius Update!

Just for transparency we also talked about still releasing on July 4th but later in the same day, however a challenge would be setting maintenance and releasing that late would be past Danny's and many staff’s available time and it is dire to have everyone around for any issues that occur after release.

We hope everyone understands and will grant us this time to make sure the release of Revelius is as smooth as possible! Thank you everyone!

Update 2 - 07/05/2020 - 5 AM PST
Maintenance has now officially begun, all worlds can no longer be joined. Minigames and hubs will remain open and accessible.

You may experience the hub restarting a couple of times during this maintenance. All members working during the maintenance are currently going through their maintenance to-do list.

We will be providing another update very soon.

Update 3 - 07/05/2020 - 5:32 AM PST
Hub and minigames are now available! You can talk to the Revelius Update NPC in the hub to get some information about the update. You will also receive the new resource pack when you log in

Update 4 - 07/05/2020 - 6:11 AM PST
The online map is now live! You can look at the entire world here, zoom in, find the coordinates for a specific location and see much more!


Update 5 - 07/05/2020 - 8:36 AM PST
We’re still getting through our maintenance to do list and fixing the bugs occurring. We’ve turned everyone’s game tokens and fire dust into gold, and we’ve nearly finished the marketplace. We’re also working on finalising some things, and fixing some last minute caught resource pack bugs. We’re also attempting to remove all exploration update items from everyone’s shops, so players don’t purchase outdated items out of confusion.

It’s going pretty good so far, and we might be able to provide an ETA in a couple of hours! My advice for now would be to relax and play some mini games or chat with some of your fellow excited players! Thank you all for patience and continuous support

Update 6 - 07/05/2020 - 1:50 PM PST
Greetings everyone! I’m sad to say that after working on the update for the entire day, it does not look like we will be releasing it today. We’ll continue working it for the entire night and tomorrow, and we're aiming for releasing it tomorrow. Some things took a lot longer than originally anticipated, and we simply need more time to finish everything up.

I do bring some good news though! We have re-enabled Domination so you can all play it whilst the server is in maintenance mode. You can queue right now for it in /games, and play with your fellow students! May the force be with you.

I will provide an update tomorrow when things are a bit clearer. We want to release this update right and as good as we can, and if that means making sacrifices like these, then it is something we will do. Thank you all so much for your patience. Please bear with us!

Update 7 - 07/05/2020 - 5:09 PM PST
We’re still working on the maintenance but we took a quick break! We joined a voice channel and show cased a lot of the stuff we are adding with the update -- it was awesome to see that up to 80 people joined the voice channel! We hope this made you even more excited for the update.

After popular demand, we’ve decided to enable :snowflake: **Snowballing** too. Snowballing is a super fun fast phased game that you can play with your friends - we’ll disable it once the maintenance is over, so if you wanna play it before Christmas, now’s your chance!

Thank you all for your support! We are super excited for you all to try it out! Progress is going well with the maintenance as well.

Update 8 - 07/06/2020 - 3:06 PM PST
Greetings everyone!

This time, it brings me great happiness to announce that in the next 5-10 minutes, we will be enabling Revelius for all staff members so they can test everything and make sure it works for real!

We will allocate 30-45 minutes for this. If nothing goes wrong, we will open the doors and let you all experience this incredible update. This is not an ETA (but we can hope ).

Thank you all so much for being patient with us! I’m honestly so excited for you all to try it! Once we do release, bugs are bound to occur. Like I said in my first message, all bugs can be reported here and a reward will be given (house points): https://potterworldmc.com/bug

Update 9 - 07/06/2020 - 5:45 PM PST
After an hour and 45 minutes of testing, we’ve discovered quite a lot of bugs - bugs that are not quick and easy to fix, unfortunately. It looks like we will not be able to release the update today, but tomorrow looks super bright and very possible.

We apologize for being slow with it, but like I said before, we want to do this right, and that means as little bugs as possible.

Next update will most likely include an actual ETA, and be the final one (if not the actual release). See you then!

Update 10 - 07/07/2020 - 6:57 PM PST
After countless hours of working on the update during the maintenance, it brings me great happiness to announce that the doors for the Revelius update will be opened in 1 hour and 33 minutes (8:30 PM PST).

If anything major breaks, the server will be put back in maintenance, but we are hoping everything runs smoothly.

We posted a Revelius Changelog yesterday, which can be found here:

Bugs can be reported here. They are going to occur no matter what, so please be respectful

See you once the gate opens! Please remember that we'll be releasing a feedback form from a week from now, so try your best to hold your feedback till then.

Update 11 - 07/07/2020 - 7:45 PM PST
Before we made the announcement, we had zero server crashes. After we made the announcement, we had 4 back-to-back server crashes. This timing is extremely unlucky, but for the past 21 minutes, nothing has happened.

We're monitoring the server very closely and trying to see if we can find out what caused it, but so far, we have not been able too.

Release is still planned at 8:30 PM PST, but, if the crashes were to frequently happen during the release, we will put the server back into maintenance until we get the entire team to look at it. If you're staying awake for the update and you're European, my personal advice would be to sleep and come back tomorrow, but we're all crossing our fingers and hoping for the best

We just wanted to quickly send this so we're all aware that there is a somewhat good chance of the maintenance to be re-enabled.

Update 12 - 07/07/2020 - 9:03 PM PST
A lot of players were put around 50 levels higher than they were supposed to, and only a couple of players got teleported to the update hub. A lot of servers are crashing immediately when booting up, and some are crashing mid-gameplay too. These are a lot of issues, and we want you all to have the right experience, so we've made the call to put the server back in maintenance mode.

We know this isn't great, but to ensure the best experience, the server will be put into maintenance till tomorrow. When we enable the server again, we won't make an announcement because we've learned from this that making an announcement will get 200 more players online, which is causing a huge load on our servers (servers are limited to 50 players, but one server got 85, which is way too many and crashed it).

On that note, thank you for being patient with us! We hope to see you all tomorrow, and we hope you all enjoyed the small glimpse of the update, and we apologise sincerely for this experience.

We won't know when, but we know it'll be tomorrow. Thank you all!

Update 13 - 07/08/2020 - 7:33 PM PST
Hey everyone. As you all know by now, turns out the release is not going to be today.

We know it’s frustrating that the maintenance has lasted 5 days now, trust me, we’re frustrated and bummed out about it too, and we wish we were at the stage where we’d be ready to release it, but we simply aren’t.

Yesterday taught us a lot about the release and helped us catch things, but once we realized how many things were breaking, the damage was already done. We’ve spent hours restoring the data so players would get set back to what they were before the joined.

We will be writing a post about this entire maintenance period after the release, where we explain what went wrong, what we learned, and what we will do moving forward. We’ll be talking about the state of the update pre-maintenance and during the maintenance. We want to be transparent and honest with you about it all.

So.. when are we going to release? We are working very hard to get everything ready as soon as possible. We are truly hoping it’ll be tomorrow or friday, but we don't know when exactly. When we release, we’re going to do what we call a ‘soft release’, which means we won’t make any announcements about it.. the worlds will just suddenly be open. This doesn’t mean you should spam /worlds, or be on the hub 24/7, I honestly wouldn’t recommend this either, because the word is gonna spread quite quickly so you're going to find out anyway, but we just want to minimize the damage as much as we can. We’ll make an announcement some time later after the opening of the server if everything is stable. This means no ETA will be released. We've tried giving ETAs but as you've already noticed, they have all failed, so we don't really see the point in giving 'false hope' again (which we're truly sorry for).


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: SpoopyBirb
Dark Follower Griffin Werewolf
Take your time! Better to wait for a few extra days and get a good server running than to push it out and lose a bunch of data


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: AstralFae
Dark Follower Serpent
So.. I've just been checking every couple of hours, now I'm getting a message now saying "we are making some changes to your account, you will be able to log back in shortly"

is everyone getting this? I'm guessing they're trying to get people off the hub maybe so that when it does release it isn't swarmed immediately, in which case I'm hoping it releases soon, hopefully I don't sound too impatient, I'm just hyped xD

Tysm to all the staff working their butts off for this <3