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Stop Selling Brooms Because of Revelius


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf
In the recent Revelius Update Q&A, it was mentioned that there was going to be a new broom system.
This new system would make the current brooms unusable and that they would turn into Collectables which would no longer fly.

The suggestion is to stop the Broom NPCs from selling brooms to players due to the updated broom system that makes the current brooms obsolete.
The reason why is that new players or players who aren't informed about the new broom system may end up buying a broom and find out that their broom is useless once Revelius comes around.
Sometimes it's not easy for these new players to acquire gold, so they're usually reluctant to buy a broom or save up until they can buy the fastest one.
If brooms were stopped from being sold sooner than later then players would be less likely, hopefully, to get mad that the brooms that they recently bought were only temporary and a waste of gold.

  • Completely stop selling brooms right now or maybe starting on June 1st.
  • If you guys prefer to keep selling brooms then at least put tons of disclaimers in capitals and colorful font somewhere within the broom NPCs so they know that these brooms are going to be obsolete in a month or so.
  • Or, just sell the Bluebranch only, but at a lower price and then remove the higher tiered brooms. This makes it so that players can still fly for a month or so with the current brooms without having to have wasted tons of gold on the high tiered brooms.


Minecraft IGN: DenizTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP SPEW

Thank you for your feedback! We recently made an announcement that addresses the concerns of making brooms obsolete, so I think that pretty much addresses this thread? Brooms will still be usable after the update :)

If you haven't given the thread a look, I recommend doing so by clicking here.