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Student Council


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: za1ty
Staff Serpent Werewolf Arithmancer
Add a non staff council of students, maybe two or three from each house who are voted for and who could give direct feedback about stuff on the server, idk just think it would be cute

Max Fireheart

Minecraft IGN: Maxymoos
Griffin Phoenix Linked
Hmm, it's interesting - my personal problem with this would be that it could make people who aren't in this role thinking that THEY shouldn't give feedback, especially if there's a specific role for it. The other thing is there are a couple of staff positions (Grounds Keepers and Poltergeists) whose jobs are to give feedback on events and such. The other thing is that this position could be mistaken for a staff position, which is just a general concern amongst positions like these. The other thing is that it would be difficult to have people vote for the people to fulfill these positions, especially if in reality they're not suited for the job. Just my two cents :)


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: za1ty
Staff Serpent Werewolf Arithmancer
Hmm, it's interesting - my personal problem with this would be that it could make people who aren't in this role thinking that THEY shouldn't give feedback, especially if there's a specific role for it. The other thing is there are a couple of staff positions (Grounds Keepers and Poltergeists) whose jobs are to give feedback on events and such. The other thing is that this position could be mistaken for a staff position, which is just a general concern amongst positions like these. The other thing is that it would be difficult to have people vote for the people to fulfill these positions, especially if in reality they're not suited for the job. Just my two cents :)
make it a cute status thing then, any school should have a student council who arent staff right.


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
Hmm, it's interesting - my personal problem with this would be that it could make people who aren't in this role thinking that THEY shouldn't give feedback, especially if there's a specific role for it. The other thing is there are a couple of staff positions (Grounds Keepers and Poltergeists) whose jobs are to give feedback on events and such. The other thing is that this position could be mistaken for a staff position, which is just a general concern amongst positions like these. The other thing is that it would be difficult to have people vote for the people to fulfill these positions, especially if in reality they're not suited for the job. Just my two cents :)
god forbid they vote for someone like you max


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
I don't think it's a good idea. How would these elected people decide what idea should be brought up first and which one last if they don't have the knowledge of an insider. Might as well make them staff.

Also, it already takes AGES to get an answer from the staff on really simple suggestions. Adding another middleman would just prolong the process


Minecraft IGN: iSpitLikeALlama
Auralock Griffin Werewolf Linked
I don't think it's a good idea. How would these elected people decide what idea should be brought up first and which one last if they don't have the knowledge of an insider. Might as well make them staff.

Also, it already takes AGES to get an answer from the staff on really simple suggestions. Adding another middleman would just prolong the process
Weren’t you just ranting about how separate the staff and players are.


Minecraft IGN: Honey_Dwarf1
Phoenix Raven Linked
Isn’t that basically what the forums are for? The players who have suggestions make posts that the staff team directly read and decide on. Surely adding another role makes this process more inefficient since someone with an idea has to put it to someone in the student council who then puts it to the staff team. Also I think the best person to argue a suggestion should be the person who made the suggestion not someone else, which also allows for abuse from the student council member if they don’t like an idea because they could just quietly forget about it. The reason real schools have a student council is because they don’t have a system for students to feedback directly to the school, whereas this server does


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
Isn’t that basically what the forums are for? The players who have suggestions make posts that the staff team directly read and decide on. Surely adding another role makes this process more inefficient since someone with an idea has to put it to someone in the student council who then puts it to the staff team. Also I think the best person to argue a suggestion should be the person who made the suggestion not someone else, which also allows for abuse from the student council member if they don’t like an idea because they could just quietly forget about it. The reason real schools have a student council is because they don’t have a system for students to feedback directly to the school, whereas this server does
Really good point! u wud be good gor the achool council diaya


Minecraft IGN: Cateo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked
Greetings @zZalt!

Thank you for bringing your suggestion to Potterworld! We are always on the lookout for making our server a better place so we love to see your idea!

At this time, I will be forwarding your idea to my fellow Poltergeists to get additional feedback as to if we are to implement this suggestion or not. I will get back to you here so be on the lookout for future notifications from this thread!

Before doing so, I want to ask some clarifying questions before I do so to make sure I send out your idea the way you would like to see it!

The idea I'm getting at is:
Starting a student council of non-staff/non-team member where players are voted in by their peers. They are in charge of giving direct feedback to the server

What I want to ask is:
- Would this be rather a Role-play title or a whole new sub-department in team members? (ex: performers are team members, not staff. And Head of Serpents is a Role-play title, doesn't have any requirements nor additional perms).
- Feedback is given here on the forums, would these members of the council be in full charge of looking out for feedback and sending them in? Likely to be working with the Poltergeists to give and review feedback. If so, what would be the proper requirements?
- How do you feel the voting system would work? What would be the requirements to apply?

Those are the questions I want to ask so that we can give the proper feedback on your idea. I will still be marking this tread as under review as well as watch this thread so that I can see your response! Please take your time though there is zero rush.

Once again thank you for sending your suggestion in, take good care and I hope you have a magical day! <3

Kind wishes,

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Minecraft IGN: Cateo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked
Good day @zZalt!

Once again thank you for bringing your suggestion forward to the threads! We are super appreciative of your idea!

Sadly, at this time we will be declining your suggestion. While we like the idea, we feel that this pertains to the job of what Poltergeists do currently: be a bridge between the staff and student's voices. Adding another team like this will change nothing in terms of the way threads are brought up. Additionally, as the Student Council would not be apart of the staff team, they would not have the same information that Poltergeists do. We would need to come up with a system of sharing this information to the team, which would be extremely complicated.

Anyone is able to give feedback and send their suggestions to the server through these threads. Also, we would have to create a sort of process of picking candidates for the council. Thus meaning setting up an application/hiring process and holding standards as well as a leadership system to this team.

When it comes to the idea, I want to encourage those interested to apply for the position of Poltergeist! We are a super fun team with great communication and lots of fun. And to be the one who creates the bridge between staff and non staff is a very good feeling. If you meet the reqs and would be interested I highly recommend applying as we're like the "staff version of a Student Council".

Regardless of our decision, we are super appreciative of you bringing your idea forth to the threads. Take good care of yourself and I hope you have a fantastic day! <3

Kind wishes,