Greetings witches and wizards!
The Systems team brings you exciting news today!
Firstly, we have been carefully designing a new system for PVP & PVE combat. We have decided to bring back talents, with some modifications! Spell trees and loadouts as a result will be removed, and we will be moving forward with the results of the poll which was posted in the discord a few months back. The result is going back to the Talents System!
What are Talents?
Talents are what make you different than any other witch or wizard, giving you the possibility to improve your spells in a way and combination that suits your combat abilities. There are three different categories of talents: Duelist, Transfigurer, and Mediwizard. These categories have up to 5 tiers of talents you can select from that are geared towards that category's specific combat style.
Duelist: These talents are geared towards witches or wizards who attack their foes more aggressively!
Transfigurer: These talents are geared towards witches or wizards who aim to guard their allies and distract foes!
Mediwizard: These talents are geared towards witches or wizards who want to heal and protect their allies during fights!
Secondly, we have spent time carefully adjusting some spells and their functionality, but those changes will be finalized once testing is over! Before we have a full release, we would like to offer you the chance to test out these Talents in various Arena halls!
How to signup: If you would like to contribute to the testing/feedback process, please reply to this post with 3 things! Your IGN, your level, and your discord ID! (For example, Salmandingo, 80, Sal#2212)
We will then add you to the list of volunteers! Once you are added, you will receive a message on discord from a Systems Team member with information on how to test & give feedback.
Requirements: Lvl 41 at the lowest, but we recommend that higher years sign up, otherwise you will have less access to the content that you're able to test. You will get access to all the Talents once you are lvl 80.
NOTE: You have until Monday April 4th at 12 PM PST to sign up! The testing period should last around 1-2 weeks.
If you have any questions, feel free to refer to Autumn (Auty#2106) or Sal (Sal#2212) on discord!
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