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The Apperation Spell Allowed you to TP to any place You’ve Unlocked.

Archimedes Lestrange

New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Morseius
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire SPEW
I think the Apperation spell would be more useful and closer the the lore of Harry Potter of when using the spell it would open a GUI showing places that you have unlocked and are still locked but allow you to click on one of the unlocked places TP you there.

it would be cheaper for grads and such to have it this way and allow for more travel.


Minecraft IGN: TheBrohman
Dark Follower Serpent
While I agree with this, I do not believe this would happen. The old Warp Key system used to be like that, when it was called the Warp Key Bag (Or the Marauder's Map I think at some point as well if I recall correctly). They moved away from that system for a reason.

aaron ♡

Minecraft IGN: Aarooncia
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Vampire Werewolf Linked
As you can imagine, Potterworld hasn't always been hard to travel around. Since revelius, a goal that the current travel system achieves (and it's still being perfected) is that it encourages exploration. I like appareo just the way it is, I think that what you're suggesting would be incredibly overpowered and would defeat the purpose of the Warpkey bag as you could travel to any place you've unlocked while your warp key only allows you to set 1 location. Yes, it is more realistic to the movies/books but I personally have grown to like the transportation system. Even if this was accepted we'd have to make a drastic change to Appareo's cooldown which would be a huge issue for a lot of people, myself included as I use it extremely often, pretty much everywhere. If people could teleport anywhere instantly, people could get an excess amount of gold from hidden chests, materials, and do quests much easier.


Minecraft IGN: FlatJambo
Honeybadger Auralock
I think that a teleportation spell would be overpowered. We have Fire Dust for a reason, and it is priced the way it is because of how much we want players to explore.


Minecraft IGN: TheBrohman
Dark Follower Serpent
A potential solution to the reservations against changing how Appareo works, could be that if it is cast while shifting, it opens a GUI for location teleportation while the normal left click works as it used to. Could have two different CDs or have it so the spell goes on a longer CD When used to teleport to a location. (If the suggestion was to get accepted I mean, which I highly doubt)

aaron ♡

Minecraft IGN: Aarooncia
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Vampire Werewolf Linked
A potential solution to the reservations against changing how Appareo works, could be that if it is cast while shifting, it opens a GUI for location teleportation while the normal left click works as it used to.
Definitely a solution, but it doesn't really solve the issue of appareo being extremely OP.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: CruelDuarte
Dark Follower Griffin SPEW Linked
Appareo is a spell often used in dueling so this would be a turn off for the dueling community as it would have no use anymore if it would just tp to locations, furthermore this would just be a way to use the fire dust system for free and go to locations that may not even have a fire dust spawn which is the opposite of what they were working for with the travel changes from the Revelius update since they want to encourage players to explore more. By adding this it basically removes the purpose of the fire dust network and would just bring back something similar to the old warp key bag (not too sure if that made sense as it did in my head)

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Heya, @Morbius Lestrange!

Thank you for making this suggestion! We always appreciate finding ways to improve the server. However, your suggestion has unfortunately been declined for a couple of reasons. This spell would be extremely overpowered, as it negates all the changes we've made to encourage physical travel, and it would make the warpkeybag useless. Also, appareo is a spell that is currently used a lot for PvP and PvE purposes, as well as being generally very useful as a close-range mobility spell, so removing it would cause other issues. This could be changed by having the teleporting option only work when casting while shifting, but in that case, the cooldown of appareo would still need to be changed since it would be overpowered to teleport anywhere on the map you've already unlocked every 15 seconds. This would again cause problems for other aspects of the server. Regardless of this, I hope you continue to share more suggestions with us in the future!

Have a nice day!