The Obscurium... in the palm of my hand...
Early this morning, Auralocks were alerted to the presence of a struggle that was ongoing in Diagonal Lane. After arriving on the scene, they quickly discovered a horrifying site as Grimlotts was set ablaze. Upon closer inspection, it was revealed that the vaults had been sealed shut. Quickly realizing that Grux was likely behind the attack, Rani Lightwood alerted the other Faction Leaders, who arrived on the scene shortly after. Thanks to their quick wit (and a few clever charms) they were able to pry open the entrance to the vaults, only to discover that Grux had torn up the track, and created several layers of seemingly impenetrable defenses around his apparent target - The Crestello Vault. With the Obscurium, a powerful book of untold evil in his hands, as well as the arcane objects that lie within the Crestello Vault, there's no telling what evils may unfold over the coming weeks. Will you answer the call?
How to Play
Speak to Nathan Nakamori in the Roleplay Hub to travel to the entrance of the Grimlotts Vaults. Upon entering, you'll be tasked with gathering as much raw magic as possible by completing minigames, which can be accessed from the Vaults as well. Every time you complete a minigame, you'll be rewarded with Raw Magic. You will also notice that you have a personal Raw Magic total, as well as a global raw magic total - you will get points for both as you complete minigames. As you all earn raw magic, you will break down the barriers that Grux has created.
-Venture into the Vaults of Grimlotts and participate in a variety of familiar minigames to help break through Grux's barriers to put an end to his scheme once and for all.
- On June 18th, at 12 PM PST, participate in the Final Roleplay Live Event. The number of barriers you break through will directly effect the final event!
As you earn Raw Magic, you'll unlock rewards, including a total of 10 Roleplay Tokens, as well as other collectables. Obtaining 10 Roleplay Tokens will give you access to an exclusive reward: The Roleplay Staff. You can trade in your 10 Roleplay Tokens in the Roleplay Hub, accessible from the Great Hall. Additional Roleplay Tokens will be able to be traded for up to two out of six Roleplay-themed wand and hat appearances.

Concept and Content Creation:
NSgaming, chail3y, Thrashaba, darkatspock, SLGMatt, TaraTheDragon, Melioraa, Maxymoos, MilkBones_ , HenryyTM, Joelowo, Droobledore
0ceqn, Ardnassaz, chail3y, CraftyKanna, SLGSky
Testing & Feedback:
0ceqn, 20zuzka04, AzureAsh, Bailey, KipxSateee, Leonaur, LoganTheLamb, marmitemira, Mireiia, Nives_Willows, Tangular123, TaraTheDragon, Teheeo, viewful, VynVibes, Wildsam, xFleur_
Release Banner - Sunnya
Roleplay Staff - Droobledore