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the command limitations dont make sense


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
I already made a post about enabling some commands in certain areas like halls and parkours (https://potterworldmc.com/threads/enable-commands-in-certain-areas.11876/) but honestly /world commands are just as annoying. First of all, for whatever reason, /shop was disabled in the world. You cant use /me in gauntlet, or use ender chest (i know this isnt a command but ill put it here anyway). You also cant do /housing it the world. But for whatever reason, you are able to do /event in any part of the world, and from the event world you can access both /shop and /housing. This makes absolutely no sense, and honestly, all of those limitations are simply annoying and dont have a precise purpose.


Minecraft IGN: WildKoekje
Honeybadger Dark Follower Werewolf
I agree, this really is a hassle especially when you are restocking shops or in need of something from housing during quests I have had trouble in the past where there was no event and I needed something from my housing for a quest and I had to go to the nearest town just to go there and in hindsight this is not a very practical solution to a quest which is in the middle of no where.


New Magician
Yeah! I also don’t see a reason to limit it. I get that in mob spawn areas you can’t to keep you from going away when you’re low on health, but I don’t get the point of limiting that. In the HP wizarding world, you’d be able to apparate or use a warp key anywhere.


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
You also cant do /housing it the world. But for whatever reason, you are able to do /event in any part of the world, and from the event world you can access both /shop and /housing.
I think it makes sense that you can't do /housing or /shop when you're not within a specific town area in the main world. My guess is that they initially made it like that just to force players to find a town and to avoid them from evading a mob quickly before they die.
And the /events warp being available anywhere in the world is I guess to give players easy access to events? It wasn't made at the same time /shop and /housing command limitations were put in place.


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
My guess is that they initially made it like that just to force players to find a town and to avoid them from evading a mob quickly before they die.
Why force players? Lol. And for the second thing, there's a thing called combat log that can be put in place.
And the /events warp being available anywhere in the world is I guess to give players easy access to events?
Pick a side. It makes no sense that /shop is disabled, but /event isn't. And even worse, you can do /event and then do /shop in event world.
I really don't see why /shop would be disabled anywhere, and about /housing, it's no different from /event, which u could use to avoid death or whatever, so where's the logic.


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
I'm fine with the current command limitations because I can easily warp or fly to a town to use /shop or /housing. And /events is usually up for a month at a time so if you want to do the loophole way of /events > /shop or /housing then go ahead.

Players can use the enchanted backpacks if they need extra storage - plus I think most players just use /shops if they are killing mobs so they can restock or store items in there?


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
I'm fine with the current command limitations because I can easily warp or fly to a town to use /shop or /housing. And /events is usually up for a month at a time so if you want to do the loophole way of /events > /shop or /housing then go ahead.

Players can use the enchanted backpacks if they need extra storage - plus I think most players just use /shops if they are killing mobs so they can restock or store items in there?
My thread is about those limitations not making sense, and clearly they do not. Loopholes shouldnt be existing the the first place. No offense, but i really don't care if u agree with limitations or not, if u don't have a logic to back them up.


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
My thread is about those limitations not making sense, and clearly they do not. Loopholes shouldnt be existing the the first place. No offense, but i really don't care if u agree with limitations or not, if u don't have a logic to back them up.
Okay, what if they decided to limit /events from being accessed all over the main world and require players to be in a town to use /events? Next, what if they decided to remove /shop and /housing from being used in /events? You would be fine with all of those changes, right? Limiting the commands /shop, /housing, and /events to be used within Towns would make sense.


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
You say it makes sense, but don't explain how lol. And why have limitations in first place?
I don't know man, it just makes sense to be able to use /shop and /housing commands whilst within a town area instead of freely when out in the main world around mobs. And the /events command is fairly new and is probably accessible wherever a player is so they can easily join the event instead of having to go to hogsworth like it was done previously.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: RainbowElfe
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
not being able to access shop and housing from anywhere is dumb in the first place, who cares about it being more immersive etc. the reason the map is so big is to encourage exploration and there still isnt anything to explore, so why should players be punished and forced to travel just to access a shop or their own house??? people do not have all the time in the world, trying to do /housing is not the same as travelling for a quest, so why do we need to travel like it is one


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Greetings, @Ivan_ and others that contributed to the tread!

We're happy to say will be enabling /housing and /shop everywhere on the main world, as it can easily be bypassed and is an unnecessary hassle.
However, we cannot allow access to ender chests or /me in Gauntlets. This is because the ender chest actually causes a bug between items in the main world & items in the gauntlet. While we have tried to fix the bug, the only patch we have found was to disabled ender chests. Command /me is disabled, but any required additions such as /talents are enabled in a Gauntlet.

Thank you for bringing up this suggestion and we hope you all have a fantastic day!


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Greetings, @Ivan_ !

I apologize for the delay in handling this suggestion, but I'm happy to let you know that it has now been completed! We have recently removed the shop and housing restrictions in the world. Unfortunately however we cannot enable handbags due to restrictions on playerdata in minigames. The /me menu is also disabled as a lot of that information isn’t applicable in minigames, but we have made core menus available such as /talents. If you think a specific menu is missing please reach out so we can add it.

Again, apologies for the delay and thank you again for making this suggestion! I hope you have a lovely day!