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Tilly Statue in New Arena Halls


Minecraft IGN: iSpitLikeALlama
Auralock Griffin Werewolf Linked
Tilly has 39 tournament wins (17 flying, 19 dueling, 3 seasonal), the most out of any potterworld player ever by a landslide. She is the reason arena is remotely popular or successful and pioneered the server's competitive scene. I know this is rarely done, but the entire arena/potterworld community would agree that some sort of memorial is required for tilly since she is leaving arena and potterworld for good. It should be built in the new arena hub when it is released soon to remind everyone of her legacy as the greatest potterworld player ever (other than me). Please upvote now


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Kailen
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
I've known Tilly for around a year and a half now and I can whole heartedly say that irrespective of her many victories within the arena scene she is deserving of something like this.

I remember when I first came back to the scene, I didn't know a thing past 2016 duelling mechanics. I'm standing in the duelling halls getting smacked around for what felt like an hour and out comes this ginger I'd never spoken to in my life offering to show me a thing or two. Fast forward to now and Tilly has consistently shown herself to be a model for the entirety of the community. She's always been welcoming and offered a hand to anyone that has needed it. The community needs more people like Tilly and for that she should always be remembered.

Aight I'm done getting all soppy, someone get me a statue for putting up with llama for this long


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
i acutlaly think instead that poterwoluld should code an NPC bot to act like tilly and roam around the world and go to dueling and and and be tilly and then tilly will will never be gone and then and thhen we can kill her f we can but we wont because that wud be rude and and she can can be at housing and great hhall and everywhere


Minecraft IGN: Aglyn
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Professor Class Design Arena Grandmaster SPEW Linked Faerie
Hello, @Llama

Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined. We will not be implementing any specific statues in the Arena Halls, old or new. We do not have any statues for players or staff, instead extraordinary Arena achievements are acknowledged within the Arena Hub. Additionally, when players leave a challenge or tournament they’re able to access various trophies which open menus that contain achievements such as: most tournament wins and the longest win-streaks.

Nevertheless, thank you for your suggestion and I hope you have a wonderful day/night!


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: ColeTheCapybara
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire
Hello, @Llama

Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined. We will not be implementing any specific statues in the Arena Halls, old or new. We do not have any statues for players or staff, instead extraordinary Arena achievements are acknowledged within the Arena Hub. Additionally, when players leave a challenge or tournament they’re able to access various trophies which open menus that contain achievements such as: most tournament wins and the longest win-streaks.

Nevertheless, thank you for your suggestion and I hope you have a wonderful day/night!
Not having statues for players or staff is not necessarily true. NPCs exist in the Dueling Halls for the arena members marking each arena. I think it would make sense to have one somewhere for Tilly in the new Dueling Halls to pay respect to what she has done for arena. If worried about it becoming an inappropriate skin or something (which I doubt Tilly would do) then you could set it to stay as whatever her current skin is. Also, I see no reason why in the new Halls, extraordinary achievements could not be shown off there as well. It would be more visible to all to see, including those who are not regular challenge attendees.

Thanks for the quick response to this suggestion!


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: EdenLovesMommy
Auralock Dark Follower Raven Linked
Not having statues for players or staff is not necessarily true. NPCs exist in the Dueling Halls for the arena members marking each arena. I think it would make sense to have one somewhere for Tilly in the new Dueling Halls to pay respect to what she has done for arena. If worried about it becoming an inappropriate skin or something (which I doubt Tilly would do) then you could set it to stay as whatever her current skin is. Also, I see no reason why in the new Halls, extraordinary achievements could not be shown off there as well. It would be more visible to all to see, including those who are not regular challenge attendees.

Thanks for the quick response to this suggestion!
we the people demand an appeal. One problem with the server is there is not outside motivation for arena except for people that are already into arena. By not having tournament NPCs in the real great hall as well as tilly statue you are limiting these champions recognition to those that already care about arena. Staff should be motivated to put tournament npcs and MVP statues in public places so even if you haven’t heard of arena and the competitive pvp side of potterworld, you may be more inclined to dabble in it due to the incentive of recognition and building a reputation. STOP LIMITING ARENA TO ONLY ARENA, WE GET NO NEW PLAYERS THAT WAY, ARENA ACHIEVEMENTS SHOULD BE FOR EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THE SERVER TO SEE NOT JUST THOSE THAT GO TO CHALLENGES. THIS IS HOW WE INSPIRE A NEW GENERATION OF ARENA PLAYERS OTHERWISE ARENA DIES WITH THE CURRENT GENERATION.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: EdenLovesMommy
Auralock Dark Follower Raven Linked
Hello, @Llama

Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined. We will not be implementing any specific statues in the Arena Halls, old or new. We do not have any statues for players or staff, instead extraordinary Arena achievements are acknowledged within the Arena Hub. Additionally, when players leave a challenge or tournament they’re able to access various trophies which open menus that contain achievements such as: most tournament wins and the longest win-streaks.

Nevertheless, thank you for your suggestion and I hope you have a wonderful day/night!
My remarks are to you not charcole


Minecraft IGN: iSpitLikeALlama
Auralock Griffin Werewolf Linked
we the people demand an appeal. One problem with the server is there is not outside motivation for arena except for people that are already into arena. By not having tournament NPCs in the real great hall as well as tilly statue you are limiting these champions recognition to those that already care about arena. Staff should be motivated to put tournament npcs and MVP statues in public places so even if you haven’t heard of arena and the competitive pvp side of potterworld, you may be more inclined to dabble in it due to the incentive of recognition and building a reputation. STOP LIMITING ARENA TO ONLY ARENA, WE GET NO NEW PLAYERS THAT WAY, ARENA ACHIEVEMENTS SHOULD BE FOR EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THE SERVER TO SEE NOT JUST THOSE THAT GO TO CHALLENGES. THIS IS HOW WE INSPIRE A NEW GENERATION OF ARENA PLAYERS OTHERWISE ARENA DIES WITH THE CURRENT GENERATION.
Yeah I agree with this eden went a bit crazy but arena has lost a lot of activity in the past few months. It's very hard for new players to get into the arena scene or even learn about it. An entire statue is slightly unnecessary, but like tall mentioned npcs or some sort of recognition for the arena achievements of players in the main world (maybe gh courtyard it's very empty) would be beneficial for both the community and the arena team.


Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
Tilly has done an incredible amount for the arena community and has been a community member for years. I know this defies precedence or whatever you'd like to call it, but please. Break professionalism and listen to the community. Everyone is saying this is something we'd love to see, even staff members. Tilly deserves recognition for what she's accomplished. This is the type of thing that people *love* to see, even new players who don't know her, as it gives them something to aspire to and be impressed by. I know for a fact this won't even take you ten minutes to set up, I've done the tech myself before. Just listen to the community for once, please.