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Update Feedback


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Jinkiesss
Raven Werewolf
Hello, me and a group of friends who would like to stay anonymous want to give some feedback to the Revelius Update. We think it would be better off to not do the spell tree as it may make people more unique it just seems a lot more boring, and lots of aspects of the server revolve around dueling, mobility, and more so I feel like we should all just get all the spells like before.
Also, we think how the warpkey system is being implemented isn’t that good, being able to only go to one location and for a cool down of 15 mins seems to be really retrogressive especially how the floo powder will be costing more than before.
Some people who want to remain anonymous have stated;
"An issue I have with what they're doing is it's supposed to be based off of Harry Potter. In the books and movies you see, and read about them going to classes and learn about all sorts of spells. They are limited to only learning 30 or so spells. They don't have to make their brooms themselves. Granted they can take liberties but being limited to 30 spells and having to use a spell tree in my eyes isn't a great idea for the server. I can understand wanting to make changes to the server, but potentially losing a lot of old, and active players isn't great for the server."
"I feel as though so many of us, especially old players, will, after the update, have wasted our time playing before it. We have worked too hard to grow as players (really duelists for the most part) to have it all taken away. Hot bars have been mastered, spells have been carefully picked, combos have become signature to each and every one of us. And that, what, disappears one day? Does that make any sense to anyone? Of course not! Yeah, we will stay graduates but, that doesn’t fix or restore all our progress that will soon be lost. You expect us to pick up and basically restart a good thing that what he had going for us? That’s just wrong. And, staff, start taking actual complaints and constructive criticism because we know you know that we all hate a lot of the things you are doing. The majority of this update was so unnecessary and the player base knows this. So, do something about it. But, you guys won’t. This update will kill the server just watch."
Lastly, although you might read this I feel like feed back from the community isn’t even taken to account so as lots of the times you shoot down peoples ideas so I hope this feedback can help with the Revelius Update and also to answer feedback better.


Minecraft IGN: Scoobydoolego
I do not understand why you believe the spell trees are boring. I find it much more exciting for each player to be able to pick their own style of dueling than having every play use the same spells. However, I do get your point about why everyone should keep their spells. It would fit better with the lore and be more interesting in my opinion if instead of giving spells, the spell trees only increased the power of certain spells.

Next, you give your opinion on the new warp keys, and I have to admit your point makes sense. It does seem to make travel much more difficult. However, I believe the reasoning behind this is that they want to encourage people to explore, rather than just teleport across the world to get to wherever they need. I think both arguments are convincing, and you are therefore unlikely to sway the opinion of the staff.

Later you give a few quotes. In the first one, the person expresses their frustrations with the spell tree system and broom crafting not fitting into the Harry Potter universe. As I've stated in other posts before, I do believe the spell tree system does fit with the lore because of the fact that not all wizards learn all the spells to their full extent, but I can see how it could be interpreted as being inappropriate in that universe. Broom crafting doesn't particularly fit into the Harry Potter universe, but if you're going to point that out, there are other things that fit in much less. For example, mobs giving XP that you can use to learn spells, professions being their own separate leveling system rather than tied in with the school curriculum, or players not really hanging around Hogsworth after level 20 don't fit HP lore. I think that interesting gameplay should be prioritized over what fits exactly into the Harry Potter universe.

In the next quote, they talk about how they are angry about how we all are basically being reset. They say that all of our hard work disappears and was all wasted. I completely disagree with this. Speaking as a long time graduate, I wouldn't be too upset even if my account got reset completely. After you graduate, there is a short period of enjoyment in having all of the spells, and then years of boredom and repetitiveness. This update will hopefully fix that. I understand that it can be frustrating to be just as powerful as a low-level player after having played for years, but would you honestly rather have the alternative of missing almost everything added in the update?

Later in their quote, the person talks about how the majority of the update is unwanted and that the update will kill the server. I don't mean to "shoot down ideas" like you talked about early, but I think this is complete and utter nonsense and very disrespectful to all the hard work staff put into this update. Haven't we all been hoping and waiting for quests ever since the Daily Activities were released? Almost anyone can appreciate being able to travel anywhere in the Wizarding World on the same map, and having new locations is a nice bonus as well. Professions are basically useless currently, and this update will fix that. Mobs will become fun to fight, instead of just shooting spells at them until they are dead. And what about all the new mobs being added? The only changes that are controversial in this update are making travel more expensive and difficult, adding the spell tree system, and gear. But I think we can all agree that each of these things has good and bad things about them. It just all depends on each person's personal opinion. Some people may be willing to forgo fast travel for more interesting exploration. Others would rather have varied dueling than be able to have every spell. Some will be able to give up some similarities with the HP Universe in order to have more individuality. And of course, most people will have varying opinions on all of these things. Some may dislike it enough to quit. But to say that this update is unwanted? That it will kill the server? That is just crazy.

I do agree with your point that staff doesn't usually directly ask the players for their opinions, but I think that the addition of the Poltergeist team and Official Feedback and Polls Forum is a step in the right direction.

By posting this reply I did not intend to shoot down other people's opinions. I wrote this to simply explain why I disagreed with many of the points made in this post. You can choose whether or not you agree with my ideas, and I am always ready for a friendly debate. I know I used some strong wording (especially in the part about where you said people hated the update and it would kill the server), but that's because I feel strongly about this topic. I think it's fine to dislike what the staff has done and want more say in it, but saying that staff should start taking "actual complaints and constructive criticism", that "the majority of this update was so unnecessary", and "the update will kill the server" is not respectful to all the hard work put into the update, and from my point of view is not true. I put a poll in a separate post, and although half of the people said they disliked some aspects of the update and were a little apprehensive, only a little over 10% said they hated the update, and thought it was unnecessary.


Minecraft IGN: DenizTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP SPEW

Thank you for your feedback! We recently made an announcement that addresses the concerns of spell trees, so I think that pretty much addresses this thread? We will only be removing 8 spells, and that's from everyone. This is something we had to do, but you get to keep the 58 other spells that we had planned on removing for spell trees. Spell trees will still become a thing, but differently! We talk more about this in the announcement. :)

If you haven't given the thread a look, I recommend doing so by clicking here.