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Voting tokens for potterpoints.


Minecraft IGN: MagmaC4
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW
Since the revamped daily reward system that was introduced back in November broke maybe you could trade-in 2000 voting tokens for 100 potterpoints at the Token Shop. This would allow players to passively gain potterpoints at the same rate as what the daily login system planned. You get 2000 voting tokens if you voted every day, all month, and the daily login streaks gave out 25 potterpoints every ten days. 2000 tokens for 100 potterpoints is 25 more potterpoints per month than what you would've gotten from the daily login streaks, so 1500 tokens for 50 potterpoints might be a more widely acceptable trade-in.

aaron ♡

Minecraft IGN: Aarooncia
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Vampire Werewolf Linked
This would be really cool, but I think it's likely against the EULA. If I had to guess, Daily Login Streaks were not against the EULA because the server was simply giving them out by logging in each day, where as if this were to be implemented the server would be rewarding players with online currency to be used in the store (Which would normally cost real money) when players vote, which advertises the server. The other thing is, buying items off of the store is not required nor does it give an advantage to your gameplay experience, it is donating to the server in order for it to function, paying for plugins, paying for the host, etc. The store items are simply a perk to donating. While most players really only donate to get cosmetics, the sole purpose is to keep the server running.


Minecraft IGN: Honey_Dwarf1
Phoenix Raven Linked
I disagree with your point about the donating - most players buy items from the store because they want the item itself, not because they're donating. I think you could argue that potterpoints themselves are not a good idea by that logic if the store is more for donations. I see the store as somewhere where you could buy cosmetics and if potterpoints are not really easy to get, people would still buy things.


Minecraft IGN: MagmaC4
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW
This would be really cool, but I think it's likely against the EULA. If I had to guess, Daily Login Streaks were not against the EULA because the server was simply giving them out by logging in each day, whereas if this were to be implemented the server would be rewarding players with online currency to be used in the store (Which would normally cost real money) when players vote, which advertises the server.
It would not be against the EULA because the only place you can use potterpoints is in the new potterpoints store in the Magical Marketplace. It no longer has a correlation with Tebex and is strictly used only in-game. If you want to read the full EULA I'll provide the link here: https://account.mojang.com/terms#arbitration.

The other thing is, buying items off of the store is not required nor does it give an advantage to your gameplay experience, it is donating to the server in order for it to function, paying for plugins, paying for the host, etc. The store items are simply a perk to donating. While most players really only donate to get cosmetics, the sole purpose is to keep the server running.
I'm not saying that this should be implemented as a gameplay mechanic because voting isn't a required part of playing the server. It's something that rewards players who vote, and this gives more reason to do that other than the standard hats and currency you can get. In the suggestion above, I forgot to say that 1500 voting tokens for 50 potterpoints would be pretty much similar to what they gave out in November as it takes 20 days to get 1500 voting tokens and the daily login streaks gave out 25 potterpoints every ten days. I'm not asking for $10 in store credit daily, it's the same amount of potterpoints that staff we're willing to give out a couple of months ago.
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Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
+1. Potterworld has already shown a willingness to make Potterpoints obtainable to all, and it's in an even smaller quantity than then. This is an epic suggestion, and the increased voting will likely attract many new players. It's beneficial in all aspects for our beloved server <3
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Minecraft IGN: d3ci
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
Hello there! I'll now bring up your idea to the poltergeists team so we can discuss it and come with a response, thank you for your suggestion!


Minecraft IGN: TbhKate_
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Game Designer Linked
I like this idea, it's a good way to promote voting and as long as the amount of potterpoints you get isn't too much, I think this will work. Also, I don't think this will violate EULA because everything you get from the store is purely cosmetic and items bought from the store don't modify the game to make it easier in any way.


Minecraft IGN: d3ci
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
Hello there!
We have discussed your idea and we have decided that this is something that we are going to add. You can expect this to be implemented soon! Thank you for your suggestion, we love to read and discuss the community's ideas!


Minecraft IGN: Mireiia
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Linked
Hi there @Magma and everyone who commented on this suggestion,

I unfortunately have some sad news to share: we will no longer be implementing the Voting Tokens to Potterpoints trade. However, we have made a good stead on revamping the Voting Store, including implementing some new rewards, so definitely hold on to those tokens!

Thank you once again for creating this suggestion. Even though we will no longer be implementing your original idea, I do hope the revamp of the Voting Store is something you will look forward to! I hope you still have a wonderful day!!