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Minecraft IGN: Liyl
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent Linked
The lighting for both greenhouse and library are fine if you have your brightness set l max. Personally, I think the lighting just adds an extra edge to the game.


Minecraft IGN: Liyl
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent Linked
I don't think the problem is due to the lack of lighting in the map itself. It's more so because of players destroying the lighting in maps like Dark Prison and Chamber Entrance. You could probably fix this by either creating more maps like Ministry or Common Rooms which have obstacles in the center, which would give you a chance to put lighting in places that players can't decay, or you could just give everyone night vision ;p
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Assistant to Head of CM
Head Staff
Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: Tangular123
Assistant Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Lead Prefect Discord Moderator WizNetworker SPEW Media Lead Drooble's Order Linked Store Lead Faerie
I think destroying lighting in maps such as the dark prison and chamber entrance is a great strategy and those shouldn't be altered. The library, however, could do with some extra lighting- the middle of that map is really hard to see.
Personally I would like it if there was light added to the floor of the library map. Therefore over the game, light can be removed, keeping the map challengingly dark, but at least a bit more manageable.


Minecraft IGN: Salmandingo
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW Linked
I don't mean to take over Matty's suggestion, I agree with him on what he said but i'd like to make a follow up suggestion of my own, in case the lighting idea was dismissed. We could give everyone a potion of night vision that lasts for like 30 seconds and can be consumed by the player anytime they want throughout the run.


Minecraft IGN: YeetChris
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Class Helper SPEW Linked Faerie
Howdy! So I can understand the lighting. I love melting floor and sometimes I can see it is darker than I prefer. I've read suggestions above and either adding night vision or something of that sort would be great but for now, I suggest turning on your brightness to the max- this personally helps me. :)


Minecraft IGN: Evux
Honeybadger Auralock Linked
From personal experience, I haven't seen this as much of an issue, it adds an extra challenge and I focus on looking at the different shades on the floor and have found that it generally helps. Although I play in my room like a vampire fully in the dark with a bright monitor. So it may simply be my monitor that helps me avoid this issue hence giving me an unfair advantage. I would have to try playing on a different computer and compare them to see if its an issue.


Minecraft IGN: 1psaonly
Dark Follower Serpent Linked
I agree! i have played melting floor many times, and often i would have to stand up to see my screen or just run and pray when playing! my brightness is at max, but it is still quite hard to see in many different maps! plus, i know a lot of people dont have their brightness at max, and i think it would not be fair to the community if they were forced to change their entire minecraft settings just to play a game!


Minecraft IGN: AzureAsh
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW Linked
Heya (to everyone who responded to this)!

Apologies for the long wait on a response to this! I'll make sure that this gets brought up to the team (and relevant leadership team) as soon as possible, so that we can get a decision out on this. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, as well as bumping it!

Keira :D

Minecraft IGN: ohBelle_
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire
The lighting for both greenhouse and library are fine if you have your brightness set l max. Personally, I think the lighting just adds an extra edge to the game.
Sorry for late response XD But my computer is on full brightness and PITCH black


Minecraft IGN: AzureAsh
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW Linked
Hia, I have returned with a decision!

I'm happy to let you know that this suggestion has been accepted. Our devs have kindly given all players night vision in Melting Floor. We decided on this because there have been complaints in the past about this. While the darkness does add a challenge, this can mostly be negated by changing gamma or brightness settings anyway. This change has been completed, and should hopefully be live soon!