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Make Dueling Gear-Free

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Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
new realization: Revelius Part 1 returned the server to players having equivalent health and stats in dueling. Around that time, a bunch of duelists came flooding back. Now we're seeing the duelists leave once more... I don't want to jump to conclusions but I think the dueling community prefers the systems with equal stats so much more that they don't want to play otherwise...

Matias Varulv

Minecraft IGN: Mattius_Maximus
Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Werewolf
There’s no point in being skilled at dueling if you don’t have good high level (legendary or epic, specifically legendary), gear
As a mid/higher Level player, (lvl.52) Gear truly is obliterating the skill aspect of Dueling. You can have the maxed out spells and the best timing of spells casting, but IF you don't have gear that is better than your opponent, your chances of winning are close to none. My 1st dueling class was a nightmare. You had 75% of the class with low level gear, and then 20% with mid level gear and finally that 5% of people who had the Legendary max level gear. That 5% Killed every single person who in their path with vermillio. I agree that removing gear completely is not the solution, but in Dueling, Gear should not give any buffs during dueling as it is makes dueling feel like a Pay to win situation. I hope that this will be behind us as soon as possible.
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Keira :D

Minecraft IGN: ohBelle_
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire
Im an ok dueler and almost 6th year so I ahve pretty good spells, but I still have to student gear, I get WIPED away in dueling, one shot im done, even if a 3rd year hits me who has epic or legendary gear, I get killed

I agree, either have gear disabled in class, or give everybody equal "Dueling" gear

Matias Varulv

Minecraft IGN: Mattius_Maximus
Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Werewolf
new realization: Revelius Part 1 returned the server to players having equivalent health and stats in dueling. Around that time, a bunch of duelists came flooding back. Now we're seeing the duelists leave once more... I don't want to jump to conclusions but I think the dueling community prefers the systems with equal stats so much more that they don't want to play otherwise...
This is true. Some of my IG friends have decided to boycott PW due to the fact that Dueling is no longer skill based. Sadly gear has repelled people from playing PW and also caused people to be very demanding/harsh. I have a shop that sells gear recipes, but people have come to me time and time again complaining that all the recipes I sell are horrible because they are not Very high level (apparently, Level 61 gear recipes are not high levels Lol) or because it is not above an epic rank.


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
Hello everyone,
thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion for the server! It's really helpful and allows us to see what players think and want to change.
I will now bring up your idea to the other Poltergeists, so that we can discuss it. Once we have reached a decision we will inform you.
Have a great day!


Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
Placing my bets now that this'll be declined. Just saying, this has a LOT of support and the only negative backlash was from Fliiipendo himself. If highly valued suggestions by the community aren't accepted, then maybe having Feedback & Suggestions is pointless.

TLDR: Community wants this so if they decline it then the staff team doesn't value the community's opinions... :(


Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
Dueling was something that held us together. It was fun beyond belief to just hang around in Coliseum or Halls and just fight each other, even if you were against people better than you. Remember that time when the Phoenixes kidnapped Queeeni and a group of us fought our way in to take her back? That was all organized by the playerbase, and frankly it was one of the best times I've had on PW. We can't do things like allegiance raids anymore. It's just not fun...


Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
Sorry for the third consecutive post, but I just thought of a great idea. Why not create a poll in #gameplay-updates (or wherever was designated after the #polls was removed) to see how the playerbase feels about this issue? It would dismiss all our doubts as to whether staff were truly listening to feedback, and also show that the server's going in a direction that the players themselves decided. I see no downside to making such a poll, and the only reason to not do one would be if they didn't want to acknowledge our feedback in full-force. All they have to do is put a message and :thumbs_up: :thumbs_down: as reactions.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: SamuelTM
Griffin Phoenix Linked
Not true, it absolutely is still skill based. I may have said that it is not ONLY skill based now, which is true.
The Revelius Q&A: 47:34: “We’re going for RPG as oppose to everyone always being equal and skill and spells being the determining factors.” You’re basically saying that skill won‘t be a determining factor anymore. It will only be skill-based when there are 2 lvl 80‘s with good gear fighting each other. So don’t lie please, a lvl 60 would never be able to kill a lvl 80 as they have 3 times their hp.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: FLiiiPENDO
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix VIP Linked
The Revelius Q&A: 47:34: “We’re going for RPG as oppose to everyone always being equal and skill and spells being the determining factors.” You’re basically saying that skill won‘t be a determining factor anymore. It will only be skill-based when there are 2 lvl 80‘s with good gear fighting each other. So don’t lie please, a lvl 60 would never be able to kill a lvl 80 as they have 3 times their hp.
To clarify, when I said that I meant skill and spells won't be the ONLY determining factors. They absolutely still matter, otherwise you would see players who aren't considered the best duelists on the server winning tournaments.

It is true that to be on an equal playing field both players need to have relatively similar gear, but have you ever played a MMORPG where that isn't the case? Generally, players have always needed to be max level before they could become a top duelist, and although there are a few outliers, we want players to be max level in PvP.

Due to that, there is a bit of an impact on the amount of new players getting into dueling as they need to level up first. We're still figuring out how to solve that issue, but we hope dueling classes will help with that for the forseeable future while other ideas are being thought of and implemented.


Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
It is true that to be on an equal playing field both players need to have relatively similar gear, but have you ever played a MMORPG where that isn't the case? Generally, players have always needed to be max level before they could become a top duelist, and although there are a few outliers, we want players to be max level in PvP.
I understand that YOU want players to be max level and grind for the gear to be viable. However, this IS NOT what the community wants. When you say "we" you're talking about the staff goals which aren't aligned with the player's right now (on the topic of dueling). This whole thread is based around how the community wants an equal platform dueling. There's two pages of replies saying we want it changed, so if you're going in the direction the community wants???????


Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
The community simply doesn't want to have gear impact dueling. Simple as that. Mad props to my homeslices Sticktrees and Queeeni for their work on gear though, love y'all.

Keira :D

Minecraft IGN: ohBelle_
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire
Yeah I dueled Blizz and I kept Trying to dodge all of his attacks, but when he did hit me even with gear died one shot, I used to love dueling but now I don’t like it as much because not everyone can get gold and not everyone likes to go on quests and Some people haven’t play for that long to have all those old collectibles to sell


Minecraft IGN: xNyn
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
@Flippy As @Aviforma said, this whole thread has two pages of the community saying that they want changes. It does not matter if the whole staff team wants something if the majority of the player base wants the opposite. Without the players there is no use for staff. Nothing to moderate, there would be no potterworld if every non-staff player leaves due to the fact the staff want something different.

I'm not saying staff don't listen, because sometimes they do! And I know that some people enjoy gear, but in dueling it just completely ruins it. It needs to be balanced. I was never good in dueling, but I still enjoyed it because I stood a chance, and it was skill based. The only way dueling CAN be skill based is if you have the same gear, and stats.
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Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: FLiiiPENDO
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix VIP Linked
While gear will not be removed from PvP, we are currently working on adjustments that we aim to release sooner rather than later. We will not remove a whole system purely because the first iteration has issues, but we will fix the issues as quickly as possible. All I can ask is that you bear with us while we work on these issues, and we promise that gear will be balanced to the best of our ability in the future. This isn't an easy or quick fix, but we aim to make the first round of changes later this month, with possible setbacks pushing it back to early next month. Our current plans involve lowering the impact of gear on PvP and PvE, while defining each piece of gear with it's own playstyle, rather than having every piece of gear with damage, health and cooldown reduction.

Revelius, while it has been our biggest update and will probably remain that way, is only a building block for the game moving forward. The state of the game right now is absolutely not final, and we're planning on loads of content updates very soon. This is not something I will go into more detail about at this time.

I feel that I have addressed your concerns, so I would like you to hear out mine. This thread is a large example of mob mentality and confirmation bias. The majority of players who have replied to this thread are showing support, so naturally the other side will not speak up. Out of all the page views, barely 7% of thread viewers have shown their support for this idea. Now, there are definitely those who support this idea without showing it, but in the future please keep in mind that there quite possibly could be a silent majority. I might be wrong in saying that too and, if I am, I can only hope to change that with future content updates.
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