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I Have a Lot of Suggestions


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: robotabc773
As I said in the title, I have a lot of suggestions. They range from new features to tiny nitpicks, and instead of try to make 17 separate threads for each, I am putting them all together. These are all the things I noticed in the month or so I have spent playing on Potterworld. A few of these might really be better as bug reports, but I didn't want to make separate threads for those in a different spot. If I should split these up or move the ones that are more like bugs somewhere else, let me know. I think at least one of these has been rejected for being outside of current technical capabilities, and I just want to mention that it is my ambition to join the dev team once I hit level 80 (I'm 64 right now) and so I would be willing and excited to implement any of these if I were to be accepted.

The health of mobs, exp to level up, and potion timers, all things that count down, can show 0. This is probably either due to rounding a decimal number number downwards or a check that checks for less than 0 instead of less than or equal to 0. I suspect for at least the potion timers it is the former, as they appear to last the correct amount of time, but a 3 second timer counts 2, 1, 0 instead of the more intuitive 3, 2, 1. The general rule of thumb I use is that you should round away from the direction you are counting, but the current system appears to just always round down. I suggest that this be changed so that mobs cannot display 0 health without dying and the timers count down in a more intuitive manner.

Selling things to vendors takes a very long time, mostly because you have to keep clicking the category it is in. The market quick buy and stock deposit menus prove that it is possible to make a menu based on the contents of the player's inventory, so I suggest that that sort of menu be used instead of the current one.

In chat, when you leave the global channel, you get the message "You have focused Global" before the message "The channel you left was your focused channel, reverting to Local." I know this is a really small nitpick but the messages would make much more sense in the other order, so if it's not too hard it would be nice for them to be switched. Also, when you focus a channel and that also makes you join it, it would be nice a message that you have joined the channel and then that you focused it so that you know for sure that you hadn't been in that channel before.

Currently, both /me and the minecraft exp bar display your total exp, out of the total exp you need for your next level. Especially at higher levels, this means that for a long time the exp bar just displays as full because your total exp is so high compared to the exp for your next level. I think it would be much more useful if /me and the exp bar showed just your exp to the next level, instead of total. For example, if you were level 52, the % full for the exp bar would be calculated as follows: (current exp - lvl 52 exp) / (lvl 53 exp - lvl 52 exp) * 100

The information displayed above the health bar is great for not having to open f3 as much and helps with immersion, except for the fact that it doesn't show you which direction you're facing. Many quests tell you to go a specific cardinal direction, so if a compass was added there, it would make f3 less necessary and be a useful tool to help with quests.

I think that respeccing your skill tree is currently too expensive. I like the idea of the skill tree, and want to experiment with it to find what my favorite spells are, but it is hard to do that when I have to spend an amount of AC that could get me an entire level. At higher levels, and once I get better at classes, 50 AC becomes somewhat less of an investment, but I didn't spend any spell points for many levels when I was starting out because I was afraid of regretting my decision and having to spend at least a level's worth of AC to reset it. I suggest that the cost to respec be reduced, maybe to somewhere around 10 or 20 ACs, so that it still costs something but it is easier to experiment.
EDIT: Thanks to Joshios for letting me know this is a duplicate of an approved suggestion!

Mobs drop their unique loot quite infrequently, and this leads to confusion for some over if they are doing the right thing, and frustration for many as it takes a very long time to grind, for example, 6 Thestry Hearts and 6 Boomslang Venom when you lack mobility spells or a broom to keep away and must constantly retreat while being unable to deal very much damage. The early quests that involved killing mobs were very frustrating for me, and for several of them I just bought the mob drops so that I would not have to slog through so many hours and deaths of farming. It makes sense, on some level, to make players grind for strong but optional items such as the strongest gear or faster brooms, but to do it for the quests is just frustrating. I suggest that the early quests require less materials or that the combat at early levels be rebalanced to make it less frustrating and slow to fight them.
EDIT: To clarify, my final point here is that I believe that some of the early quests with mob drop requirements should have the quantity required reduced, not removed. For example, the quest that needs 6 Thestry Hearts and 6 Boomslang Venom could only require 3 of each. This keeps them as introductions to fighting mobs without making them too long of a grind. For lower level players, quests are a big source of exp, so making them long grinds will turn away players.

It would be nice to have some way to figure out things about someone who you only have the username of, similar what you see if you shift-click someone or the !player command on the discord. I like seeing what houses people are in and what level they are, but when they have a different prefix than their house you can't tell. The description of the !player command mentions a /whois command, but trying /whois gives a permission denied message.
EDIT: Some of the discussion in this thread has made me realize that perhaps an in-game menu is not the best solution to this problem, or at least not as the only solution. I still think that an in-game menu would be nice, but perhaps the discord bot needs some work. My main frustration with the bot is that it doesn't allow searching by many of the categories that I care about, such as what types of spells it boosts. A more sophisticated searching or filtering system would be nice, though maybe difficult to build into a discord bot.

It would also be nice to have some way to see what gear a recipe results gives, without having to switch over to discord. Importantly I would want this to be available without having actually have the recipe, so that you can see what you're getting before buying recipes from player shops. One possible system could be a menu with a similar structure to the tailor's crafting menu, only it shows you every possible gear of a given year and type instead of only the ones you have recipes for in your inventory.

Currently you cannot access your housing while at the Luna Hovel, even though you can at the nearby Dwelling. I think the Luna Hovel should have access to housing because there are several fetch quests there and having to walk all the way to the Dwelling to access your storage chests is a pain.
EDIT: To clarify, the reason I felt this is because I already had many of the items I needed for these quests from chests and fighting mobs, and I was storing them in my housing. This turned the quests that should have been easy because of my preparedness into a series of slogs back and forth between the nearest housing access point and the Hovel to retrieve the appropriate items from my storage.

If you get put into a minigame part way through brewing or doing a brewing-equivalent quest task, you lose any items you already put into task. If some of them are quest items, it locks you out of the quest until an admin can give you the quest items. This is probably more a bug than a suggestion but I don't want to make a separate thread just for this.

EDIT: This came up the discussion but I'm also putting it up here so it doesn't get missed. The new Scarlet NPC is a nice idea for helping with first-year quests, but using it means that you don't really get to learn the castle or experience the exploration. What Pankakes suggested and I agree with is system of smaller checkpoints starting from the Great Hall and leading you to your class, instead of just getting coordinates that don't help very much or being teleported right to it.

In the 3rd Year quest Promoting S.P.E.W., one of the flyer locations is listed as "near Quality Cakes and Confection." The actual location, which I ended up needing someone else to give me the coordinates to, was in fact not really close to QCC. Instead, it was in fact right in front of the Lumen Theatre. While Lumen Theatre may be harder to find than QCC, listing the location as being near there is just misleading.
EDIT: Thanks to chaileyrose for letting me know this one is fixed!

Many of the puzzles in Potterworld's quests are interesting and thought provoking. A few however, seem to be a little two obtuse. The second year House of the Cunning quest is a perfect example of this. People in chat are always asking how to solve it, and the most common answer is to just tell people to click ETAO, which is not even what the answer really is. The problem with that puzzle is that there are many layers, first unscrambling how the runes correspond to the statues, then clicking them in the right order. There is also a guessing component, you have to figure out to spell out OPEN. Then there is the part that is somewhat misleading, if the letters and statues didn't line up so well people would be more likely to see that the statues are not directly associated with the letters, but that each is associated with a rune. I think this puzzle would be much improved if the runes and statues didn't have a seemingly obvious direct correlation so that it was more obvious to use the runes, and that you were given a better hint as to what you needed to spell.

I think this might already be implemented in some stadiums, but the server does have systems for not being able to cast spells in certain areas, and teachers are always telling students not to cast in the stands. It seems like it would make sense to mark the stands as a no-casting area so that people can't cast in the stands. This would just make one less rule that the teachers have to say every time and lower the number of warning teachers need to give out during class.

Almost every class has some sort of timed element, whether that is to complete the parkour in Wizard PE or to write an assignment in a notes or creative writing class. This causes a lot of time checks, which take time away from both the teacher/helpers and the student. Instead, I suggest a timer system in which a teacher can start a timer during class for a specific amount of time, and then students can check the remaining time with a command (maybe /timeleft or /timecheck) and a message is sent in chat when the time ends. This would allow teachers to automate somewhat tedious task of having to give out time checks and also could give a more accurate time that includes seconds. I've seen a system similar to this in some Wizard PE classes but I think it should be on a command instead of click so that it can also be used in writing classes.

It would be really cool if the house cup indicators in the Great Hall actually indicated the relative house points of the houses, or maybe how many points they had on a scale based on the typical number of house points at the end of each house cup.

The library maze has some really dark spots where it's easy to get turned around. I suggest either lighting the maze a little better or allowing Lumen in it.
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Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: chail3y
Dark Follower Staff Raven Vampire Lead Game Designer Sr. Architect Lead
"In the 3rd Year quest Promoting S.P.E.W., one of the flyer locations is listed as "near Quality Cakes and Confection." The actual location, which I ended up needing someone else to give me the coordinates to, was in fact not really close to QCC. Instead, it was in fact right in front of the Lumen Theatre. While Lumen Theatre may be harder to find than QCC, listing the location as being near there is just misleading."

I am not a poltergeist but I would like to note that I reported this recently and it has been fixed! Thank you for also catching that


Minecraft IGN: Joshios
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
Importantly I would want this to be available without having actually have the recipe, so that you can see what you're getting before buying recipes from player shops.
I do not see this as a feature that would be practical. There are 1000+ gear pieces, and putting them all in a menu would take a while.

It would be nice to have some way to figure out things about someone who you only have the username of, similar what you see if you shift-click someone or the !player command on the discord.
Another alternative to checking a player's statistics would be like this: https://potterworldmc.com/player/Joshios

I think that respeccing your skill tree is currently too expensive.
This is a good suggestion, but they are already working on implementing this as seen here!

For example, if you were level 52, the % full for the exp bar would be calculated as follows: (current exp - lvl 52 exp) / (lvl 53 exp - lvl 52 exp) * 100
I agree with this, it looks really weird because you always see the bar past the 50% mark, because it's comparing all XP, and not how much xp you need to the next level.

I just want to mention that it is my ambition to join the dev team once I hit level 80 (I'm 64 right now) and so I would be willing and excited to implement any of these if I were to be accepted.
I would like to point out that the Tech & Dev department is different from Game Design. To see what all the roles do, check out this! It's not 100% updated, but it's still a good resource. As of right now, there is no way non-staff players can join the Tech & Dev team. (unless they are getting reinstated upon the team)

A lot of the other ideas are small bugs or QOL changes, and so I won't comment on those. I enjoyed reading your forum post, and I hope to see you on the server!
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Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
Another alternative to checking a player's statistics would be like this: https://potterworldmc.com/Joshios
The link you provided isn't accessible, could you please describe what it is ?
unknown (13).PNG

The information displayed above the health bar is great for not having to open f3 as much and helps with immersion, except for the fact that it doesn't show you which direction you're facing. Many quests tell you to go a specific cardinal direction, so if a compass was added there, it would make f3 less necessary and be a useful tool to help with quests.
I agree with this so much. It's really hard to navigate the castle for new players (even after adding teleport NPC, since I don't think it's mentioned somewhere that it has been added) a compass would help a lot, however, I think for first years it should have "checkpoints" as in it wouldn't guide you to the NPC directly, but rather show you the way.

For example: If they have a quest in the library, it shouldn't just guide them to the direction where the Library is, but instead it should guide them to the Grand staircase, then 2nd floor, then another corridor and so on and so on, just to teach the players the paths and ways they can take to said quests.

Inb4 someone says "it wouldn't encourage exploration", let me just say that it's a not effective argument imho. I think that players are more likely to explore once they're confident in the castle layout and know how to backtrack to the familiar corridors if they get lost.

First years don't know how Potterworld works, they just see a quest they have to get to, anything else isn't as important. "But they get coordinates"... "and (?)" It tells them absolutely nothing to where they're supposed to go and what floor is it on. And no one wants to "explore" and get lost right away without knowing where they are, which makes asking for help even harder.

[I should probably make this as a separate Suggestion]
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New Magician
Minecraft IGN: robotabc773
I do not see this as a feature that would be practical. There are 1000+ gear pieces, and putting them all in a menu would take a while.
I do not know how menus are formatted in the plugins or the database for the discord bot, but I suspect this could be automated.

Another alternative to checking a player's statistics would be like this: https://potterworldmc.com/Joshios
Thanks for poining this out, but not everyone has a forum account and the point is that you shouldn't have to leave the game to check.

I would like to point out that the Tech & Dev department is different from Game Design. To see what all the roles do, check out this! It's not 100% updated, but it's still a good resource. As of right now, there is no way non-staff players can join the Tech & Dev team. (unless they are getting reinstated upon the team)
Thanks for letting me know of this, I suppose I will have to apply to Game Design, which I am also interested in.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: robotabc773
I think for first years it should have "checkpoints" as in it wouldn't guide you to the NPC directly, but rather show you the way
I love this idea, it made me a little sad when they added the teleport NPC because I loved learning the castle through the first year quests but also wished there was a better way to guide people around then making Stardust do it all day. A guide with checkpoints would be great for showing people around the castle while still letting them explore some.


Minecraft IGN: nathan1e
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW

I liked reading your thread. I wanted to reply to a few specific points that I disagree with. Everything from your original post that I have left out are things I either agree with, or don't really have a strong opinion on (or is actually already discussed in a different thread, like Joshua mentioned). Let's get started.

Selling things to vendors takes a very long time, mostly because you have to keep clicking the category it is in. The market quick buy and stock deposit menus prove that it is possible to make a menu based on the contents of the player's inventory, so I suggest that that sort of menu be used instead of the current one.
The only thing I truly find annoying about the vendor NPC is that if you're trying to sell gear recipes, you continuously have to go back into the right menu. I think this could be improved to be more like how it works with mob drops, where it only closes once you no longer have an item of that category in your inventory.
Apart from that I think the NPC is fine and the reason why I think it's fine is because the server is designed so you can't just get loads and loads of gold with a single click; you have to put some work into it. From this viewpoint it makes sense to keep it the way it works now compared to the marketplace. After all, depositing huge amounts of stock all at once into your market doesn't cause you to earn loads of money with that single click; it can take time before your stock is actually sold.

In chat, when you leave the global channel, you get the message "You have focused Global" before the message "The channel you left was your focused channel, reverting to Local." I know this is a really small nitpick but the messages would make much more sense in the other order, so if it's not too hard it would be nice for them to be switched.
I was a bit confused here so I went ahead and took a screenshot of what happens when you leave global chat:

To me this seems fine, I don't really see any reason as to why this should change. This would take time and effort from the devs that I think are best put into something more important for the server, especially if this is fine as it is already.

Also, when you focus a channel and that also makes you join it, it would be nice a message that you have joined the channel and then that you focused it so that you know for sure that you hadn't been in that channel before.
You mean like this?

Because the way you describe it is already exactly the way it is in-game.

Mobs drop their unique loot quite infrequently, and this leads to confusion for some over if they are doing the right thing, and frustration for many as it takes a very long time to grind, for example, 6 Thestry Hearts and 6 Boomslang Venom when you lack mobility spells or a broom to keep away and must constantly retreat while being unable to deal very much damage. The early quests that involved killing mobs were very frustrating for me, and for several of them I just bought the mob drops so that I would not have to slog through so many hours and deaths of farming. It makes sense, on some level, to make players grind for strong but optional items such as the strongest gear or faster brooms, but to do it for the quests is just frustrating. I suggest that the early quests require less materials or that the combat at early levels be rebalanced to make it less frustrating and slow to fight them.
I disagree with this notion as well. In this paragraph you treat strong gear and fast brooms as optional items whereas you treat quests as main gameplay; I see them as the exact opposite. For pretty much everything you want to do on the server you need good gear and a steady broom for the purpose of not getting killed easily by mobs and getting around the map quicker. Quests, however, are completely optional. You can do whatever you want on the server without ever touching any of the quests.
From this point of view it makes sense to have sme quests be a bit more challenging. Sure thing, the quests would be made a lot easier if mob fighting was to be omitted from them, but would the quests really be as fun as they are now if they were made easier? Sure, you may argue that it causes less frustration, but sometimes frustration is required to get more of a satisfied feeling at the end.
Furthermore, I think these early quests are a great introduction to mob fighting overall. I'm usually not very keen on just starting with mob fighting but with these quests I got into it very easily, which in hindsight was a great thing for me because nowadays I earn most of my gold from grinding runespores.

It would also be nice to have some way to see what gear a recipe results gives, without having to switch over to discord. Importantly I would want this to be available without having actually have the recipe, so that you can see what you're getting before buying recipes from player shops. One possible system could be a menu with a similar structure to the tailor's crafting menu, only it shows you every possible gear of a given year and type instead of only the ones you have recipes for in your inventory.
What exactly is so problematic about having to switch to discord? I think the bot works fine, it tells you everything you need to know and I just don't really see any problem with how it currently works. All in all, this is again something that I don't really consider something worth fixing seeing as it's fine as it is now, similar to the chat leaving/joining messages earlier.

Currently you cannot access your housing while at the Luna Hovel, even though you can at the nearby Dwelling. I think the Luna Hovel should have access to housing because there are several fetch quests there and having to walk all the way to the Dwelling to access your storage chests is a pain.
Again disagreed. The Luna Hovel is a wizarding residence, not a town. I think those quests would simply be made too easy if housing were to be accesible from the hovel. What I said earlier about quests becoming easier also goes here. Furthermore I believe I saw Deniz talking somewhere about backpack system being worked on. This would probably include more storage space in the normal world, which would kinda already solve this problem.

The library maze has some really dark spots where it's easy to get turned around. I suggest either lighting the maze a little better or allowing Lumen in it.
Okay, I know I said at the start of this reply that I was only going to comment on the things I disagree with. Ignore that, or consider this the only exception.

While I agree that the library maze can get dark, this goes for a number of other games too. The library parkour, for example, has loads of dark inside of it. I think that if this gets "fixed", I think the build team should also look at "fixing" other games where the same applies.

Aight, that's it from me for now, have a nice day ^^


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
For pretty much everything you want to do on the server you need good gear and a steady broom for the purpose of not getting killed easily by mobs and getting around the map quicker. Quests, however, are completely optional. You can do whatever you want on the server without ever touching any of the quests.
It's not true that it's optional. In order to get a broom you have to finish the 3rd year quest where you acquire one. That's why players are stuck in Hogsworth until the end of the 3r year, because everything is so far away, fire dust is expensive and so are brooms. I think quests are essential to the immersion, even though they are all "go there, kill that, bring this"


Minecraft IGN: nathan1e
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
It's not true that it's optional. In order to get a broom you have to finish the 3rd year quest where you acquire one. That's why players are stuck in Hogsworth until the end of the 3r year, because everything is so far away, fire dust is expensive and so are brooms. I think quests are essential to the immersion, even though they are all "go there, kill that, bring this"
You don't need a quest to get a broom. All mobs from level 30 onwards drop broom recipes, which can easily give you a briskbranch recipe. The quest that gives a briskbranch is completely skippable which would underline my earlier notion of quests being completely optional.


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
Again, Third year isn't early levels (that much) and just because it is possible to not do quests, it doesn't make it viable. I doubt anyone is leveling up from the start by killing Wiggleworms
I suggest that the early quests require less materials or that the combat at early levels be rebalanced to make it less frustrating and slow to fight them.
For pretty much everything you want to do on the server you need good gear and a steady broom for the purpose of not getting killed easily by mobs and getting around the map quicker
Exactly, you need a high level broom and gear, which isn't possible at low levels. Changing the drop rates/required items for quests/combat for low levels would be great to teach them about drops, once they are a higher level it'd be okay to lower it as it is now, since I doubt that a level 80 like you spends the same amount of time killing Mandrakes as a level 15.

but would the quests really be as fun as they are now if they were made easier?
There is a fine line between a challenge and a grind and making something harder to get and longer to complete doesn't make it more fun or challenging.
Sure, you may argue that it causes less frustration, but sometimes frustration is required to get more of a satisfied feeling at the end.
This comment strongly reminds me of this


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: robotabc773
The Luna Hovel is a wizarding residence, not a town.
So is the Burrow, but it has housing access.

the server is designed so you can't just get loads and loads of gold with a single click; you have to put some work into it.
I agree that you should need to work for your money, but that work should be the farming mobs, not the selling of the drops. Making the vendor easier to use is just a small QOL improvement.

With the chat things, I meant that I felt like the "you have focused Local" (I may have made a typo there) should be before "the channel you left was your focused channel, reverting to Local", but I agree that this is a very small nitpick and probably not worth the effort to change. For the joining / focusing I'll have to check again, but I remember doing "/ch g" when not in the global channel and only getting the "you have focused Global" message

What exactly is so problematic about having to switch to discord? I think the bot works fine, it tells you everything you need to know and I just don't really see any problem with how it currently works. All in all, this is again something that I don't really consider something worth fixing seeing as it's fine as it is now, similar to the chat leaving/joining messages earlier.
I actually think the bot could maybe use some improvement too, right now it is very annoying to find gear for a certain strategy as you have to go through each level near your level and each gear type and run a new command for each gear piece you want to check. A minecraft menu would be easier to navigate and more accessible.

You make some good points about the other things but I think other people have already made the same counterarguments that I would have.


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
I actually think the bot could maybe use some improvement too, right now it is very annoying to find gear for a certain strategy as you have to go through each level near your level and each gear type and run a new command for each gear piece you want to check. A minecraft menu would be easier to navigate and more accessible.
A minecraft menu would probably require just as much clicking. The best way to show items, recipes, gear, locations, etc. is...
Potterworld Wiki
But AFAIK, it's still WIP


Minecraft IGN: nathan1e
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
Again, Third year isn't early levels (that much) and just because it is possible to not do quests, it doesn't make it viable. I doubt anyone is leveling up from the start by killing Wiggleworms
This is irrelevant. It's irrelevant if not doing quests is viable or not because that was never part of the discussion.I
To combat confusion, here's a quick overview of why quests being optional is currently being discussed:
It makes sense, on some level, to make players grind for strong but optional items such as the strongest gear or faster brooms, but to do it for the quests is just frustrating.
In their original post, robotabc773 refers to gear and brooms as being "optional items" whereas quests are implicitly referred to as required gameplay. I argued that this is the exact opposite; quests are optional whereas gear and brooms are required for qualitative gameplay.
Your reaction:
It's not true that it's optional.
You claim that quests are not optional, while they are. Brooms can be obtained outside quests. Gear and gold can be obtained outside quests. Pretty much any item anyone may want to obtain, can be obtained outside quests. Sure thing, quests make them easier to obtain, but that does not take away from the fact that quests are completely and purely optional.

Exactly, you need a high level broom and gear, which isn't possible at low levels. Changing the drop rates/required items for quests/combat for low levels would be great to teach them about drops, once they are a higher level it'd be okay to lower it as it is now, since I doubt that a level 80 like you spends the same amount of time killing Mandrakes as a level 15.
You start off by quoting too things that are pretty much uncorrelated. robotabc773 refers to combat at early levels being rebalanced for the sake of quests being less frustrating, while I refer to gameplay elements outside of quests that may require gear and/or brooms.

Apart from the fact that it is quite unprofessional to just quote 2 things as if they are a direct replies to each other while they are not, it is also very disrespectful, and I therefore request that you stop doing so for the sake of a healthy progression of this discussion.

Apart from the fact that I disagree with your notion on changing drop rates based on which level a mob is in, I was quite confused as to what you meant with:
since I doubt that a level 80 like you spends the same amount of time killing Mandrakes as a level 15.
Since this only has to do with the gear I wear, and not the level I have. When the Revelius update had just released, it took me quite some effort to battle low-level mobs as well because the gear I wore, quite plainly, sucked big time.

There is a fine line between a challenge and a grind and making something harder to get and longer to complete doesn't make it more fun or challenging.
Surely making something harder to get is the very definition of being more challenging? You're welcome to think that making something harder doesn't make it more fun (and I invite you to explain to me why you think this way) but to me it seems somewhat counter-intuitive to suggest that making something harder to get doesn't make it more challenging.

So is the Burrow, but it has housing access.
Ah, small communication error. When I refer to a "town", I don't refer to a town in the classical sense, but "town" in the sense that PW sees it: a location with housing access. (There really isn't another consistent way to describe towns, as it would always lead to the implication that Whitewaye is a town, while that place doesn't have housing access.) I see now that this is somewhat flawed logic, so I take back what I said earlier and will attempt a more direct approach.

I simply do not think it is logical for the Luna Hovel to have housing access. First of all there's the point of "do we really need this?" and personally I think the answer to this is no. Apart from the quests you do in this location (and perhaps the occasional chest run) there isn't really much that could draw players to this location. There are no important NPCs here (vendor, tailor, tommy riddle, news seller, etc), there's no crafting center here. After you've done the quests in this location, it's pretty much equivalent to malfoy manor and shell cottage, which do not have housing access either. Furthermore, if you're in dire need of housing access I think the town known as "Tristmoor" is close enough for a quick housing visit.

It again comes down to: is this really necessary to have the devs working on? With housing access closeby and more important things to work on, I don't think so.

I actually think the bot could maybe use some improvement too, right now it is very annoying to find gear for a certain strategy as you have to go through each level near your level and each gear type and run a new command for each gear piece you want to check. A minecraft menu would be easier to navigate and more accessible.
Well, agree to disagree. If I want to buy a gear item from the market or from a shopkeeper I personally find it extremely handy to be able to keep this GUI open while I look up this item in discord. It means I'm able to go back easily to minecraft to check the gear item's spelling.

If I'm on the 5th page of gear recipes in the marketplace while having to check said gear item in another GUI it would probably take me more time to go to and from each GUI compared to how much time it takes for me to type "!gear item <name>" in the #bot-commands channel.

If you think that the bot itself needs improvements, I think you may be onto something and I would invite you to write about the things you specifically would like to see changed. However, I simply do not believe that an in-game GUI featuring all gear items would be the right way to solve any potential bot shortcomings.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: robotabc773
If I'm on the 5th page of gear recipes in the marketplace while having to check said gear item in another GUI it would probably take me more time to go to and from each GUI compared to how much time it takes for me to type "!gear item <name>" in the #bot-commands channel.
You make a good point here, perhaps it would be a better solution to improve the bot instead of make a new menu. I will give improvements to the bot some more thought.


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
You claim that quests are not optional, while they are. Brooms can be obtained outside quests. Gear and gold can be obtained outside quests. Pretty much any item anyone may want to obtain, can be obtained outside quests. Sure thing, quests make them easier to obtain, but that does not take away from the fact that quests are completely and purely optional.
I stand corrected

You start off by quoting too things that are pretty much uncorrelated. robotabc773 refers to combat at early levels being rebalanced for the sake of quests being less frustrating, while I refer to gameplay elements outside of quests that may require gear and/or brooms.
That is exactly why I quoted those two messages, not as if they are answers to each other, but to point to the fact that robotabc773 asks for changes made to the quests specifically, and since they are, as you said, optional, I do not thing they interfere with gameplay elements outside of quests that you are mentioning.

Apart from the fact that it is quite unprofessional to just quote 2 things as if they are a direct replies to each other while they are not, it is also very disrespectful
I do not work here nor does this seem like a corporate company to me. This is not my job therefore I do not see a point in calling a random player "unprofessional". Regarding being "disrespectful" by quoting two messages - read my previous message.

Since this only has to do with the gear I wear, and not the level I have. When the Revelius update had just released, it took me quite some effort to battle low-level mobs as well because the gear I wore, quite plainly, sucked big time.
It isn't about the gear only, it's about the spells and the combat as well, as mentioned previously by me and robotabc773:

I suggest that the early quests require less materials or that the combat at early levels be rebalanced to make it less frustrating and slow to fight them.
Changing the drop rates/required items for quests/combat for low levels would be great to teach them about drops
This discussion is about making quests easier, not about gameplay elements outside of quests. I doubt that "Bring 4x Mandrake strings" instead of 8 would change the general gameplay outside of quests.

Surely making something harder to get is the very definition of being more challenging? You're welcome to think that making something harder doesn't make it more fun (and I invite you to explain to me why you think this way) but to me it seems somewhat counter-intuitive to suggest that making something harder to get doesn't make it more challenging.
Let me try to explain it with Sea of Thieves. In Sea of Thieves, you can fight bosses, the bosses' health scales with the number of players in a crew, however, the HP scales exponentially not linearly. That means, that 1 solo player kills the boss way too quickly, while the 4 player crew has to attack it for far too long. One would think that's nice, because it gives the 4 players a "challenge", however, the challenge is nonexistent, since the boss has the same attacks all the time and all you have to do is hit him, run away, heal..hit..run..heal, again and again. Is it hard to kill the boss ? Yes, because it takes too long to kill him. Is it challenging ? Not at all, you're doing 3 things over and over.

It again comes down to: is this really necessary to have the devs working on? With housing access closeby and more important things to work on, I don't think so.
I don't think it's up to players to determine what the developers should be working on, this is a suggestion, not an order. Once the dev team likes the idea, they will find the time. If you think that every thing has to be done ASAP once it's approved, please, take a look at Accepted suggestions on forums and notice how many are "On-Hold"


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: robotabc773
I know this is from a while back in the thread, but I just got back to my computer and checked out the chat messages again, and to clarify, when I do /ch leave g to leave the global channel, and then /ch g to both focus and rejoin the global channel, I get this result:
Screenshot 2020-10-26 135848.png

I once again acknowledge that this is a really small nitpick, but I just feel like the "You have focused Local" and the "The channel you have left was your focused channel, reverting to Local" should be switched and that it should say "You have joined the channel Global" when you try to focus a channel you aren't in and also end up joining. I also realized that if you to /ch join g instead of /ch g, it does the same thing but you get both messages, making this an even smaller and less significant point. Nevertheless, I noticed it and wanted to point it out. It is ultimately up to the dev team whether or not they think it is worth changing.

In addition, I have made some edits to my original post to make some clarifications about some of my points. I apologize if any of my points were previously unclear.

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Jr. Professor Class Design Sr. Game Designer
Hello, @robotabc773!
Thank you for sharing your suggestion! I’ll bring it up to the staff team and send a response to you as soon as possible!
Have a wonderful day!


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist
Hello @robotabc773 and everyone else that replied!

Thank you for bringing up these suggestions to the team, and we apologize for the delay in response. We’ll be going through each individual suggestion and providing a specific outcome here!

We understand that it makes more sense to have health and time at 1 not 0, and will be looking further into how we can change this. As this encompasses different systems (potions, mobs, health, etc) this may take some time and will not all be changed at once.

We know it takes a long time to sell items to the Vendor but have been working to include back buttons in a lot of our Vendors. We have also previously accepted the idea of introducing a way of depositing stock for the Vendor, but this is not an extremely high priority for our developers.

For the order of chat messages when you leave global chat as the focused channel, we have now made some changes! We have removed the double message of focusing local, and also changed the order of the messages so that they make more sense.

We are super happy to say that we have just recently fixed this long-term bug that occurred where the hotbar would show your total XP instead of your XP only to get to the next level. We have also made the line in /me that shows your required XP much more obvious. Thank you for bringing this up!

We completely agree that it would be incredibly beneficial to include cardinal directions above someone’s hotbar. While this hasn’t been implemented yet, it’s something we will work towards!

While Spell Trees were in action, we had many players agree that the cost to reset spell trees was too high, and we lowered it to only 100 Gold. Now we utilize talents, which don’t even have a reset system as individual talents can be changed!

Since the post of this thread, we have made some changes to our lower-leveled mobs. We have reduced both the health and damage of all mobs which are level 30 and below, making them easier for new players to defeat. Therefore it is much easier to obtain the ingredients required for quests now.

Unfortunately, we have decided we will not be implementing a command that does a similar display to the shift-click. You can see information about a player through the shift-click, discord command as mentioned, or through the character profile viewing on the website. We have plans to one day implement a system to hover over one’s name in chat and see details about them, but that is not a priority of ours and only something to implement if we have extensive time.

Since the posting of this thread, we have removed the gear recipes entirely. Now, one can see all buffs on gear and there is no need to craft it.

We have also added access to housing from Luna Hovel- thank you for the suggestion!

We have ensured that all quest items, especially those used in brewing sequences, are now reobtainable. Materials can now be retrieved from where they were first obtained to continue brewing if items have been lost.

We have decided to implement the Prefect system for travel around the castle. While it does provide quick travel, it also gives the names of nearby locations when one travels, so they can familiarise themselves with the castle while teleporting. We also have increased the number of signs around our castle for ease of travel. This will appear in London and Hogsend soon too!

For the Promoting S.P.E.W. quest, as was said above, we have amended this Quest Description to make it easier for players to find the flyer boards.

Since the post of this thread, we have also changed up the House of the Cunning quest. We have removed the secret code between letters and runes, and instead, players have to directly spell out OPEN. We believe this has helped players progress through the quest while also having fun.

Since this suggestion, we have disabled spells in a lot of our Dueling Classroom stands! We will continue to do this for all of our classrooms as we agree that they should be disabled.

We are happy to say we have implemented timers in many of our classes! Wizard's PE classes hand out a 45-minute timer which also shows how many AC you have earned. In writing classes, there are timers in the middle of the classrooms to show the time remaining. While we didn't use a command system as suggested, we have seen our timers alleviate the consistent questions about the time remaining.

For the House Points visual suggestion, unfortunately, we're not able to physically show the house cup points through blocks on the counters. We think it would be really smart for immersion, but hard to consistently update. The house points can be seen on Discord and /hp, and also by clicking the house point counters in the Great Hall! We've added particles to these counters so that it's easier to see that clicking will show the current house points.

We also agree that the Library Maze is a bit dark at times. For this, we have decided to enable Lumen! This has now been implemented.

Thank you so much for all of your suggestions, and we apologize for the time taken to get through all of these. Enjoy the new changes!