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Make Dueling Gear-Free

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Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
Lmao, it gonna go down.
Please someone record it

Edit: Please, let's not get heated up and personal, we're still discussing gear in duelling not someone's skill level


Minecraft IGN: xNyn
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
Skill only comes into dueling if you spend the hours (or thousands of gold) getting gear - which is extremely boring (or it is for most ppl). I was NEVER good at Dueling, but before Revelius at least I had the same chance as everyone else, now as my gear isn't very good so I do not stand the same chance, it's no longer skill - somebody could be the best dueller on PW, but without gear, their skill makes no difference.


Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
I won once against Magma and we had some good fights and I won against Chloe once - I could not beat Demetri - they are very, very good - yeh I lose a lot too - I never said I would win against all the best Duellers - I went to prove I can put up a fight :) Which I find the fact that I won a duel against any Alzarin a win in my books - and would class it as "lasting long against high skilled pvpers" when you can beat them every so often. You made assumptions based off of what - text? My point wasn't that my Duels last 5 minutes - If you do heal and use protellum and vulna ect - theres no reason a duel wont last a long time.
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Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
1st of all no one really gets 1 shot but getting 2/3 shot is possibly even with LVL 80 gear. The number of dmg spells can do with the percentages and other aspects of gear and dmg scaling make some spells do around 5k dmg headshot. No one can be considered dueling wrong when the system makes it so.
Secondly, the number of time fights take can vary on the gear set that ppl are using for example if it's 2 dmg ppl dueling it will maybe take around a minute. Hybrid and Healers have a massive stall and can delay for long amounts of time.
Also, removing it from dueling wouldn't be all that bad, gear would still probably be needed in other aspects of the game such as dungeons, world bosses, and quests. As gear currently stands in dueling it makes certain aspects of it unfair and these balance changes were definitely needed for the people that duel on the server.
Just backtracking through the thread -

These are all really good points - and I agree with all of them - I think until there is more content such as Dungeons and replayable world bosses - removing gear in pvp makes gear pointless for lvl 80s
My point was always depending on how you fight and what gear, fights could last longer for the reason players can stall and heal.

But I agree with it all.


Minecraft IGN: SmellyBigBro
Dark Follower Griffin Linked
Just backtracking through the thread -

These are all really good points - and I agree with all of them - I think until there is more content such as Dungeons and replayable world bosses - removing gear in pvp makes gear pointless for lvl 80s
My point was always depending on how you fight and what gear, fights could last longer for the reason players can stall and heal.

But I agree with it all.
I agree as well except of the removing gear from pvp. All other points I agree with


Minecraft IGN: Rhines
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Linked
Just backtracking through the thread -

These are all really good points - and I agree with all of them - I think until there is more content such as Dungeons and replayable world bosses - removing gear in pvp makes gear pointless for lvl 80s
My point was always depending on how you fight and what gear, fights could last longer for the reason players can stall and heal.

But I agree with it all.
gear bad


Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
Realise what you are all asking for please. You are asking for the team to remove something from the game that their update practically revolves around - evidentally "Please just burn all your work!"
I was part of the team working on gear. I was actually privy to the creation process, and I can say confidently that Sticktrees probably did more work on gear than anyone else. I can't elaborate more as most of it is confidential info, but it should show something that he's advocating for its removal.


Minecraft IGN: HektorTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
I killed Celest the other day ANBaseball - Hector too - Joelowo - like I said me and Niko are pretty even now I have the gear- tbh I don’t struggle much - yeh I die too - but your making assumptions and they are wrong :) you’re also making assumptions that I only heal - also not true - I highly recommend we 1v1 😂
Hector :cry:
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