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Recent content by Fleur

  1. Fleur

    Declined Large Wig Hat!

    Hello! I was thinkign that a really cool hat item would be one of those 18th century inpired wigs that are cool. I feel like it would be a good hat item as many people can use it regardless! Inpo Pic:
  2. Fleur

    Duplicate Ability to Clear ones housing!

    also maybe you get back the gold you spent on the housing?
  3. Fleur

    Duplicate Ability to Clear ones housing!

    I am making this suggestion, due to the fact that I have quite a lot of builds already on my housing and am wanting to change my build! However the process of demolishing it is goin to take way to long. That is why I'm suggesting that we add an option were players are able to delete everything...
  4. Fleur

    Declined More Hats!

    I was wondering if the idea of adding some more kinda feathery feminine hats could be added, like these:
  5. Fleur

    Declined Potterworld Royal Family!

    LO LOL
  6. Fleur

    Declined Potterworld Royal Family!

    The Potterworld Royal Family: This is a Prefix that can only be acquired by members of the Potterworld Royal Family. Since Potterworld is technically set in England, Why no have a Royal Family? The Prefix can go somewhat like this - (Royal Family) in whatever color, I haven't really hashed...