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Recent content by Kidda

  1. Kidda

    Duplicate /block (Ign)

    I think it would be a very useful command to have a /block, which would mean that the player is banned from your housing, you cant see there messages in public chats and they cant see yours this would also include not allowing pms from that one specific player. Also if they did /online (your...
  2. Kidda

    Declined Adding more decorative items to the Mine depot

    Not heard of that before, thanks for letting me know! :cool:
  3. Kidda

    Declined Adding more decorative items to the Mine depot

    Yeah this is true, but with brewing stands if it allowed you to put empty bottles into it(like the vanilla version )this could change the texture of it therefore allowing more decorative pieces to be added :D
  4. Kidda

    Duplicate Buying items from other House Elfs

    Me and my friends were building on my housing when one of them said that it's annoying either them going back to their housing to buy blocks or waiting for me to finish my building for me to then but them blocks. So a solution to this to allow other people from outside your housing to but blocks...
  5. Kidda

    Declined Adding more decorative items to the Mine depot

    I think it would be a great idea to add more decorative items to the mine depot, such as the quill writing on the piece of parchment, stack of books, stacks of paper, crystal balls, etc This would give more life to house building/decorating. Yes there is a lot of decorative items but adding more...
  6. Kidda

    Count to 100, 1000, 10,000..

  7. Kidda

    Count as high as you can before a HEAD STAFF MEMBER comments

    15 yeah i did 2 :cool:
  8. Kidda

    Declined Arena Tokens Into Potter Points

    I love the idea of voting tokens into Potter points, can't wait to see how this turns out with also the idea of just being present on the server can get you rewards!
  9. Kidda

    Completed A warp key from Riddleyard to the quiditch pitch

    Great to hear! Love to see the community engagement <3
  10. Kidda

    Declined Arena Tokens Into Potter Points

    Completely understand the reasoning for this decline, thank you for taking it into consideration <3
  11. Kidda

    Declined Reward for Restricted Section parkour

    Thanks for taking it into consideration <3
  12. Kidda

    Declined More housing plots.

    Love this idea! Think it would be great to have this as an addition.
  13. Kidda

    Duplicate Punishment for getting kicked from Class

    I think it would be a nice deterrent if instead of just getting kicked from class without AC, you could get kicked with the addition of loosing house points maybe 5 house points. This would be a good add on as it would mean that people could think twice before miss behaving in class. This would...
  14. Kidda

    Declined Arena Tokens Into Potter Points

    I think it would be an amazing addition to be able to trade your arena tokens into potter points. This could be like 50 Arena tokens into 10 potter points etc (You guys can come up with a better rate if that seems to OP) This would allow players who don't do so well in tournaments to still have...