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Search results

  1. Marinette x Scoreey

    Potterworld POV

    Pov : Writing in Pheonix chat when you actually wanted to write in party chat :(
  2. Marinette x Scoreey

    On-Hold Adding Team Quests

    tbh i like the idea could be fun
  3. Marinette x Scoreey

    Forum Signature Generator!

    you are a genius
  4. Marinette x Scoreey

    Declined a quest that i think should be added

    Ok all good you too :)
  5. Marinette x Scoreey

    Werewolf Fundraiser Media Competition

    Good luck everyone!
  6. Marinette x Scoreey

    Jr. Prefect Applications - Reopened

    Good luck to everyone applying!
  7. Marinette x Scoreey

    Tournament and Challenge Changes

    Finally!!!!!!! tysm <3
  8. Marinette x Scoreey

    Anyway to Have a Fresh Start?

    you can buy a reset token for free at http://store.potterworldmc.com/ -> game service -> player reset
  9. Marinette x Scoreey

    Declined a quest that i think should be added

    I think there should be a quest added explaining henry porter and lord Valdemar it should be a little quest like you can see in the past about henry and valdemar fighting and it has a little storyline to it in my opinion, it can be a really cool quest to add and can be very fun!
  10. Marinette x Scoreey

    Completed Allow access to the Roleplay Hub from any town

    I think this can be very useful.
  11. Marinette x Scoreey

    How Is Everyone?

    Good! how about you?
  12. Marinette x Scoreey

    The Roleplay Hub
