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Search results

  1. Rain

    Duplicate Flying/Elytra/Skate time trials

    This would be an amazing addition to Potterworld. More stuff on the map is always good.
  2. Rain

    Declined magical arhitecture idea

    Id absolutely love this class, even more than wizpe and thats saying something!
  3. Rain

    Declined Make sledding fair again

    Hello there, As we all know sledding is the most fun minigame there is. Although there is one flaw, the items. In my opinion this makes sledding unfair and pure luckbased. Say you were in first and the 2nd place gets an offensive item (Snowball wand or the homing missile), that automatically...
  4. Rain

    Feedback CE

    Alright so, I think the general idea I get from this thread is that people like the CE's. That's totally cool with Allan and me. We made this thread to make 2 points, to change the CE's and to make more engaging events. Both Allan and I finish events very quickly, and I think most of the players...
  5. Rain


  6. Rain


  7. Rain


  8. Rain

    [COLOR=rgb(251, 160, 38)]Yes you still smell[/COLOR]

    [COLOR=rgb(251, 160, 38)]Yes you still smell[/COLOR]
  9. Rain

    Declined Minigame emotes

    Hiya, I was just jumping around the GH when I got this idea, I think it would be fun to implement minigame emotes. Like "Challenges -person- to a Flying minigame" or "Challenges -person- to a Hide and Seek game" I think this would be a fun mechanic to get people to join minigames!
  10. Rain

    On-Hold Achievements

    I think this would be a great addition to the server
  11. Rain

    January 2021 Sledding Tournament Sign-Up

    RainTM (Griffins) and CruelDuarte (Griffins)
  12. Rain

    [COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]no u[/COLOR]

    [COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]no u[/COLOR]
  13. Rain

    [COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]Hi there[/COLOR]

    [COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]Hi there[/COLOR]
  14. Rain

    [COLOR=rgb(251, 160, 38)]This person smells[/COLOR]

    [COLOR=rgb(251, 160, 38)]This person smells[/COLOR]
  15. Rain


  16. Rain

    [COLOR=rgb(250, 197, 28)]CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT[/COLOR]

    [COLOR=rgb(250, 197, 28)]CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT[/COLOR]