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Search results

  1. BurntBananaSplt

    The Weekly Owl ~ Exclusive 5: Another Life Lost

    Hello readers and welcome to The Weekly Owl! Our exclusive article today covers another reported death in similar fashion to those we’ve seen from the non magical vampire hunting group known as S.T.A.K.E.s. Reports first came in during the late hours of August 12th, numerous residents within...
  2. BurntBananaSplt

    The Weekly Owl ~ Edition 20: S.T.A.K.E.s and Promotions

    Written by: x_Ivy Edited by: Compost__King Hello readers and welcome back to The Weekly Owl! In today's issue we will be covering a new Council of Cinders member, and a member joining the Auralock High Command. After we have covered the promotions we are going to be discussing the...
  3. BurntBananaSplt

    Declined Lumen - Class NPC

    Occasionally I will find myself having a hard time seeing in class. I think if the Class Helper NPC's had to option to activate lumen it would be easier to see as magic is not enabled in class (of course) to use lumen. My room tends to get a lot of sunlight in it and I don't think I am the only...
  4. BurntBananaSplt

    Duplicate AFK Command

    I don't know how hard this would be to set up, but a command allowing you to go 'AFK' would be really useful. I commonly find myself worried to step away from my laptop for a few minutes with the fear that someone would message me and I wouldn't be there to respond. This is why I came up with...