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  1. TheBrohman

    On-Hold Copying Books

    Another way of doing this is through Unique User IDs (UUIDs) which every player has which allows the game (Or at least Bukkit (idk if the server uses Bukkit or Spigot etc, but I assume Spigot also has it)) to recognize a player outside of their username. I believe it is possible to check the...
  2. TheBrohman

    Declined The Apperation Spell Allowed you to TP to any place You’ve Unlocked.

    A potential solution to the reservations against changing how Appareo works, could be that if it is cast while shifting, it opens a GUI for location teleportation while the normal left click works as it used to. Could have two different CDs or have it so the spell goes on a longer CD When used...
  3. TheBrohman

    Declined The Apperation Spell Allowed you to TP to any place You’ve Unlocked.

    While I agree with this, I do not believe this would happen. The old Warp Key system used to be like that, when it was called the Warp Key Bag (Or the Marauder's Map I think at some point as well if I recall correctly). They moved away from that system for a reason.
  4. TheBrohman

    Declined List of Curse words

    Even if they were to implement it the way that we are asking for, it would still not make people 'comfortable' with swearing. The chat filter would still catch it and be like "Hey you can't say that word. Now you know." and noone else sees what you tried to say. Swearing would still be against...
  5. TheBrohman

    Count as high as you can before a student comes on

    Well... Neither will I! 0!
  6. TheBrohman

    Count as high as you can before a student comes on

    Time to stop! 0!
  7. TheBrohman

    The Person Below Me

    Not really, but I like to pretend so. TPBM is secretly bestfriends with Daniel Radcliffe.
  8. TheBrohman

    Declined Store books in bookcases

    Hmm. Well, personally I think that any bookshelves should be able to be used as a storage unit, as that makes sense. I think that the way that makes the most sense from an RP/Realistic point of view to a game mechanic / Pricing POV; is that the bookshelves themselves can't be used as storage...
  9. TheBrohman

    Declined Store books in bookcases

    Indeed! I am currently working on a theory-creation of this in a private testing server. I have the base plan of it ready and am currently coding something functional just as a proof of theory. However I haven't done Minecraft coding in yeaaars so I am spending a lot of time just making sure...
  10. TheBrohman

    Declined Store books in bookcases

    I suppose a bit of both. Storing books in bookcases in general would be awesome. I also would love it if one could also make it so non-residents can access the bookshelf and read the books. When I think of it, I believe it might even be possible to make it so people just click on the book in...
  11. TheBrohman

    Count as high as you can before a student comes on

    It's time to stop. 0
  12. TheBrohman

    Declined List of Curse words

    I don't like to bump this, but I just noticed nothing has been mentioned here yet after over a month since the last post. I agree with the part mentioned where it could just not send a message and let you know that it is a swear. I have said 1 swear that I know is a swear (which was a slip as...
  13. TheBrohman

    Declined Store books in bookcases

    The base system is already somewhere in the PWMC plugins. They check for when you right click or left click certain boxes. To build upon this to make a function like this is actually quite simple. They just need to check if it is a bookcase. If it is, check if it is in a housing. If it is, check...
  14. TheBrohman

    Declined Store books in bookcases

    Simple suggestion. I would love if we could store our books in bookcases in our housing. That would be awesome for RP etc, or just displaying that assignment you got an O+ on :)