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List of Curse words


Minecraft IGN: TallBlondeDude
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
I know this is totally not a suggestion for this, but I do think that the way the chat filter mutes is kinda not good. Honestly, I'm more confused why it can't just say swearing is not allowed on this server and pass you a warning with a note bypassing filter isn't allowed. One example of this that I got unmuted for it when I miss-input a space in a sentence that accidentally made a swear word when I was playing star battles (So I didn't double-check, I was trying to type fast). Honestly, every other server that I can think of that has a chat filter just blocks the message with a warning or replaces it with something funny (ex. hypixel). Anyway, this would help the suggestion because if someone types a word that isn't allowed but they think would be, instead of getting muted they just get warned. This alleviates the need for a list of words.


Minecraft IGN: Honey_Dwarf1
Phoenix Raven Linked
I know this is totally not a suggestion for this, but I do think that the way the chat filter mutes is kinda not good. Honestly, I'm more confused why it can't just say swearing is not allowed on this server and pass you a warning with a note bypassing filter isn't allowed. One example of this that I got unmuted for it when I miss-input a space in a sentence that accidentally made a swear word when I was playing star battles (So I didn't double-check, I was trying to type fast). Honestly, every other server that I can think of that has a chat filter just blocks the message with a warning or replaces it with something funny (ex. hypixel). Anyway, this would help the suggestion because if someone types a word that isn't allowed but they think would be, instead of getting muted they just get warned. This alleviates the need for a list of words.
i've been muted several times for accidentally mistyping (or the chat word limit cutting me off at exactly the wrong time) so I agree, and if people try to bypass the filter, staff can mute them manually (which they have to do anyway) so i see no negative?


Minecraft IGN: xNyn
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
I know this is totally not a suggestion for this, but I do think that the way the chat filter mutes is kinda not good. Honestly, I'm more confused why it can't just say swearing is not allowed on this server and pass you a warning with a note bypassing filter isn't allowed. One example of this that I got unmuted for it when I miss-input a space in a sentence that accidentally made a swear word when I was playing star battles (So I didn't double-check, I was trying to type fast). Honestly, every other server that I can think of that has a chat filter just blocks the message with a warning or replaces it with something funny (ex. hypixel). Anyway, this would help the suggestion because if someone types a word that isn't allowed but they think would be, instead of getting muted they just get warned. This alleviates the need for a list of words.

Yes. Perfect. Idea. PW. Is. Way. Too. Harsh. Sometimes!


Minecraft IGN: TheBrohman
Dark Follower Serpent
I don't like to bump this, but I just noticed nothing has been mentioned here yet after over a month since the last post.

I agree with the part mentioned where it could just not send a message and let you know that it is a swear. I have said 1 swear that I know is a swear (which was a slip as I forgot to think before I pressed enter). Then the rest are me mainly using words I don't see as swears, vulgar or light swears. Currently I sit on a 60 minutes mute because I said "oh poop it is mia" but I used another word for poop.

It is annoying and frustrating to be muted for a long time because of saying a word which with a stretch can be considered a swear or vulgar.


Minecraft IGN: Prin_ce
Dark Follower Staff Serpent Werewolf Linked
I got warned once because I used a word b**r in local chat instead of butterbeer I was referring to. I had no idea, that what I said was wrong. I am all for the no swearing rule and all, but sometimes I am not sure what words can I use. I’m not from an English speaking country so it probably makes things even harder. On the other hand, I often see specific words that are imo more offensive than said golden beverage.


Minecraft IGN: bakakitten69
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent SPEW Linked
I accidentally posted a comment on here so now I feel obligated to reply lol anyways, I do love the idea but there are many curse words out there and if someone were to make a list and leave out a few, some people may think they’re allowed to use them and then swear in chat. I just think there are so many loopholes with the list idea. The list would also be extremely long and it seems too easy to leave some words out. Also, every time the server finds out about a new swear word, they’d have to update the list and then people would have to keep coming back and reading the list and checking for new updated swear words.

In all, I think if you are at all hesitant about using a word, don’t use it. Getting a warning for swearing once or twice isn’t that big of a deal, so if you say a curse word without knowing it’s a curse word and you get a warning for it, I’m sure you’ll be fine.
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Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
I got warned once because I used a word b**r in local chat instead of butterbeer I was referring to.
This is really stupid punishment for said word. They might as well censor "elixirs and potions" since they can be considered drugs.

Getting a warning for swearing once or twice isn’t that big of a deal, so if you say a curse word without knowing it’s a curse word and you get a warning for it, I’m sure you’ll be fine.
Depends if there's a counter for those warnings ( x out of 3) since it'd be unfair to be warned for something you don't know is offensive or know a different meaning of, or something that's not offensive at all in real life yet for some reason on Potterworld it's a bigger taboo than Lord you know who.


Minecraft IGN: Honey_Dwarf1
Phoenix Raven Linked
I accidentally posted a comment on here so now I feel obligated to reply lol anyways, I do love the idea but there are many curse words out there and if someone were to make a list and leave out a few, some people may think they’re allowed to use them and then swear in chat. I just think there are so many loopholes with the list idea. The list would also be extremely long and it seems too easy to leave some words out. Also, every time the server finds out about a new swear word, they’d have to update the list and then people would have to keep coming back and reading the list and checking for new updated swear words.

In all, I think if you are at all hesitant about using a word, don’t use it. Getting a warning for swearing once or twice isn’t that big of a deal, so if you say a curse word without knowing it’s a curse word and you get a warning for it, I’m sure you’ll be fine.
It’s not just a warning though. It’s a mute, which is incredibly inconvenient and a permanent record, as well as usually over the top. I really think that the best solution would be to remove the message and simply warn the player that the word is not allowed (as well as telling them which word they used that is not allowed)


Minecraft IGN: bakakitten69
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent SPEW Linked
Depends if there's a counter for those warnings ( x out of 3) since it'd be unfair to be warned for something you don't know is offensive or know a different meaning of, or something that's not offensive at all in real life yet for some reason on Potterworld it's a bigger taboo than Lord you know who.
I agree but what else are you gonna do, yanno? If you believe it's not offensive or if you make a mistake then I recommend asking a staff member to help get it removed or to sort it out with you. I feel like there's only so much Potterworld can do in this situation because what might not be offensive to you might be offensive to other people. I agree, no one wants to get a warning, but I'm also not sure what the staff could possibly do in this situation. I'm just not fully down with the list idea, but if you have any different ideas I'm sure they'd be great.

I really think that the best solution would be to remove the message and simply warn the player that the word is not allowed (as well as telling them which word they used that is not allowed)
They do give you a warning and the first few mutes don't last that long. Some words that are less offensive to you might be more offensive to others so it's hard to counter this. Again, if you accidentally swore or something, I recommend asking a staff member to help get it sorted out. Instead I think maybe the warnings > mutes > bans should reset maybe once in a while. For example, each time you swear you get a warning, and then a mute, and then eventually a ban. Maybe after a while it should reset so it doesn't keep building up.


Minecraft IGN: TallBlondeDude
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
I agree but what else are you gonna do, yanno? If you believe it's not offensive or if you make a mistake then I recommend asking a staff member to help get it removed or to sort it out with you. I feel like there's only so much Potterworld can do in this situation because what might not be offensive to you might be offensive to other people. I agree, no one wants to get a warning, but I'm also not sure what the staff could possibly do in this situation. I'm just not fully down with the list idea, but if you have any different ideas I'm sure they'd be great.

They do give you a warning and the first few mutes don't last that long. Some words that are less offensive to you might be more offensive to others so it's hard to counter this. Again, if you accidentally swore or something, I recommend asking a staff member to help get it sorted out. Instead I think maybe the warnings > mutes > bans should reset maybe once in a while. For example, each time you swear you get a warning, and then a mute, and then eventually a ban. Maybe after a while it should reset so it doesn't keep building up.

1) Actually what we are asking for IS to get a warning instead of a mute. After all, if the filter catches it there is no harm, so why is there a foul?
2) While the first mutes are not long, the issue is they are then on your permanent record which is annoying, even if you do not care about the mutes themselves.


Minecraft IGN: bakakitten69
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent SPEW Linked
1) Actually what we are asking for IS to get a warning instead of a mute. After all, if the filter catches it there is no harm, so why is there a foul?
2) While the first mutes are not long, the issue is they are then on your permanent record which is annoying, even if you do not care about the mutes themselves.
You do get a warning. I like your idea but I feel like people would abuse this. I also don't understand the chat filter thing, but if you swear so much to the point where you get banned maybe a kid-friendly server is not the place for you.
For your second point, I agree. I think that they should go away after a while because I don't see how Potterworld expects us to remember the times where we might've gotten warned a muted months ago. This is why I think the warning/muting system should reset every once in a while.


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
You do get a warning. I like your idea but I feel like people would abuse this. I also don't understand the chat filter thing, but if you swear so much to the point where you get banned maybe a kid-friendly server is not the place for you.
Exactly, we're asking for a warning, maybe a counter. Get 3 warnings for the same thing = you get muted. Instead of being muted right away. I believe no one here has done a bannable offense, that is for a different thread. We're just saying that being muted for saying "beer" is a little bit too much


Minecraft IGN: TallBlondeDude
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
You do get a warning. I like your idea but I feel like people would abuse this. I also don't understand the chat filter thing, but if you swear so much to the point where you get banned maybe a kid-friendly server is not the place for you.
For your second point, I agree. I think that they should go away after a while because I don't see how Potterworld expects us to remember the times where we might've gotten warned a muted months ago. This is why I think the warning/muting system should reset every once in a while.
You get a mute, which is VERY different then a warning.


Minecraft IGN: bakakitten69
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent SPEW Linked
Exactly, we're asking for a warning, maybe a counter. Get 3 warnings for the same thing = you get muted. Instead of being muted right away. I believe no one here has done a bannable offense, that is for a different thread. We're just saying that being muted for saying "beer" is a little bit too much
ngl I haven't read the whole forum so I haven't seen this suggestion yet. The Potterworld swearing system does need to be updated. But to be fair... This is a kid friendly server even though most of us aren't kids. I don't think they can claim they're a kid-friendly server if the word "beer" can be used. But yea! There should probably be more than one warning.

Also, some words do miss the chat filter, which is why I think PW is so strict on swearing. I guess they don't want people to get comfortable with swearing because words do slip through it sometimes.


Minecraft IGN: TheBrohman
Dark Follower Serpent
Also, some words do miss the chat filter, which is why I think PW is so strict on swearing. I guess they don't want people to get comfortable with swearing because words do slip through it sometimes.
Even if they were to implement it the way that we are asking for, it would still not make people 'comfortable' with swearing. The chat filter would still catch it and be like "Hey you can't say that word. Now you know." and noone else sees what you tried to say. Swearing would still be against the rules, so if someone is just excessively saying words the filter catches, then it could trigger a warning to online staff to check the chat logs and deal with it accordingly.

As many has mentioned, it is extremely frustrating to be muted over saying a word that you in no way, shape or form connect as a swear, vulgar or light swear.

My example was me playing quabbleball. I said 'Oh poop it is Mia' but I didn't say poop, I said the other brown word. 20 or 30 minutes mute. Then I later in the next quabble game said "Oh, that person is going to beat my rear." But with another word for your buttocks. Boom 25 minute mute turned to 60 minute mute.

It is annoying and demotivitating for those of us that aren't fluent english speakers or native english speakers as we may not know that many different words for the same thing, and because we have only been taught 1 word for a thing we use that word, not knowing that in some way, shape, form or stretch it is a light swear or vulgar etc.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: _EatSoap_
Dark Follower Serpent
Hey everyone, thank you so much for commenting- like many of you are talking about i would just like there to be some kind of implication where there would be a warning or a command we could do to check whether or not it's okay, i understand the whole if you 'don't know don't say it' but that could cause a lot of stress on people who fear being muted over every little thing that is said, i appreciate the people who are backing me up and providing good ideas as well as those who are understanding while still following the rules of the no cursing rule. I understand my request may be a bit much and or difficult as the server is family friendly but i think of this as not only a learning situation but rather one that could help benefit the community as a lot of people get frustrated over these kinds of things.