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Search results

  1. Takalo

    Wizard's PE Update

    me likes!
  2. Takalo

    Potterworld 10th Anniversary Giveaway

    My favorite Potterworld memory is probably when I did professions! it was pre-revelius and I was rather new to the server. I instantly fell in love with herbology cause I was able to grow plants that were helping me ingame (as an example there was a plant that you could grow that gave you speed...
  3. Takalo

    Declined Toggle visibility - Choose your own view

    Also considering that this was now declined we will never be able to suggest something like this. I really hate the forum system right now.
  4. Takalo

    Declined Toggle visibility - Choose your own view

    I believe you are terribly mistaken… This suggestion may not have any replies but this is just because the forum is dead. As you already said this feature is already in use in classes but if you would look closely inside of a WizPE class there is almost every time the discussion about toggling...
  5. Takalo

    Declined House Points for good suggestions

    ^^^^^^ this ^^^^^^ watch them take a week to respond to this
  6. Takalo

    Crestello Inc. Giveaway!

    🌟 Attention All Gold Enthusiasts! Join the Crestello Inc. Gold Giveaway! 🌟 Greetings, seekers of shimmering riches! We're absolutely thrilled to share the most exciting news that has ever graced your ears. The Crestello Vault, the very embodiment of opulence, is brimming to the brim with an...
  7. Takalo

    Declined new world content(?) ideas

    I like cause I ideaed. You like I like you
  8. Takalo

    Completed Goblin keys

    Fr why do this why
  9. Takalo

    Declined How to differentiate players' ghosts in gauntlet

    at least I got an answer... thank you
  10. Takalo

    Completed Gauntlet Scoreboard

    I fully agree with that one! if you want to keep professions somehow make them useful ~Ju Crestello
  11. Takalo

    On-Hold increase or decrease items sold at the vendor

    unfortunately prices are 0.4 per drop right now and makes 6.4 for 16 and 12.8 for 32 so they'd slightly have to change the price. However I think its worth it
  12. Takalo

    On-Hold increase or decrease items sold at the vendor

    this is my inventory after "clearing it out"
  13. Takalo

    On-Hold increase or decrease items sold at the vendor

    who hasn't been at the vendor once? noone cause it is a nice little way of gaining a little gold by selling the materials earned in fierce battles against mobs. I love selling my earned materials! If I sell them my inventory is full of either 64 or 16 counted items! One problem though: after I...
  14. Takalo

    Declined Store Item Suggestions

    I like the Owl one but please keep the rat alive
  15. Takalo

    On-Hold Parkour Minigame, Event, and Class suggestions!

    I really like the first idea of making a parkour game that is not just in party games. Though I have to say I don’t think that WizPE should be changed in any way that it doesn’t just require parkour skill I do like the suggestion of teams in parkour. The only problem with that would be that...
  16. Takalo

    Declined fix game queue missing out

    I have never seen such a game queue on any other server except PW
  17. Takalo

    Declined How to differentiate players' ghosts in gauntlet

    how do I delete a reply help I wanted to edit sth
  18. Takalo

    Declined How to differentiate players' ghosts in gauntlet

    If you are healer or damage dealer depends on your gear set. It is not choosable in the gauntlet itself (which could also be a cool idea for gauntlet that you can choose your role similar to the the dueling talents so that everyone has the same chance of winning (no gear needeed-> lvl 71 players...