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Search results

  1. WildKoekje

    Declined Lightsaber backpack storage slot?

    @Honey_Dwarf1 Like I fully get it but if you just want to carry them all the time now you can get more than the allocated how many there are because of previous years like it doesnt have to be a big back pack but it helps to just have them at hand rather than trying to find the chest you are...
  2. WildKoekje

    Declined Lightsaber backpack storage slot?

    So I had this weird idea why don't we have a specific back pack slot for light sabers as they are soul bound to you and some people use their enderchest for other means and they wanna always carry the sabers. we have backpack slots for collectibles food books world items why not one for the...
  3. WildKoekje

    On-Hold Knight Bus location additions, Thoughts are welcome!

    Hey so it's been a bit anyways so why not write another forum post? This time I am here to say we have a hospital teleport for the bus but why are we only getting 1 direction from London? May I suggest that wherever there's a bus stop for leave London and what direction to go into like maybe...
  4. WildKoekje

    Declined Appleby Village Transport

    Hey @Tang, I fully understand this! I am grateful that you saw it from my perspective and it will be a great help especially as that quest on its own is a pain because of how out the way it is I am really excited on how this is going to be changed to make it easier on New players and Old...
  5. WildKoekje

    Completed The First Year Experience

    I thought about how players want to play with their friends as soon as their friends are sorted and there's no way to tell the difference between the two worlds so what if there was a real way to tell what if the scoreboard told you what world you were in for example it would have "location: FYE...
  6. WildKoekje

    Declined Appleby Village Transport

    I want to suggest a port key or a way to get to Appleby village. We have one quest there but it is hard to find so why not have one or two ways to get to it maybe have it like a restricted access key that you can only open after doing the quest. the flying to it really just gets you lost each time.
  7. WildKoekje

    Completed Hogsworth Wizard's PE class Checkpoint

    In my opinion, there are 2 difficult jumps at the end of the corridor and having a checkpoint doesn't exactly mean easier parkour it just helps those who struggle but I understand how you see it as "Easy" and while I disagree it doesn't mean that I can't see your point but having those fences in...
  8. WildKoekje

    Completed Hogsworth Wizard's PE class Checkpoint

    I came to represent the whole community. I would like to suggest a checkpoint on the first stage so that we don't have to redo entirely the first section when we fall from a certain point as it can be frustrating when you get to maybe like the fences and have to redo two difficult jumps prior...
  9. WildKoekje

    Completed Mail Box in Housing

    So let us start this as a complaint: why are mailboxes not breakable with a pickaxes? that would make logical sense of they were. Anyways I've come to suggest that the way to remove them (Shift right click) is added to the description much like some of the flowers that get changed into things...
  10. WildKoekje

    Completed the command limitations dont make sense

    I agree, this really is a hassle especially when you are restocking shops or in need of something from housing during quests I have had trouble in the past where there was no event and I needed something from my housing for a quest and I had to go to the nearest town just to go there and in...
  11. WildKoekje

    Completed Ban Appeal Updates

    I agree, this is a good idea!
  12. WildKoekje

    Declined Housing Chat to Private Chat Thoughts

    that is such a good idea!
  13. WildKoekje

    Declined Housing Chat to Private Chat Thoughts

    To be fair if it is declined atleast I attempted to try to point out the flaws of the inconsistency between them.
  14. WildKoekje

    Declined Housing Chat to Private Chat Thoughts

    Hello all, Now you may shoot this idea down and that is okay but there is not harm in trying to suggest something. I would like to suggest that Housing chats become a private space with a filter that can be changed per user so that people can have a safe space to be themselves without being...
  15. WildKoekje

    Completed Greenhouse Catastrophe

    Hey, So I came on to suggest that the greenhouses are numbered so plants and items are easier to find like the chest in greenhouse four. I believe that it would be beneficial to players if the greenhouses were numbered for these purposes. In the first year world, the greenhouses are numbered...
  16. WildKoekje

    On-Hold Knight Bus Placement on the outskirts of London

    Yeah, I meant the point where the Roads fade into each other where the bus drops you off.
  17. WildKoekje

    On-Hold Knight Bus Placement on the outskirts of London

    I want to suggest that at the location of where the Knight bus drops you off outside of London, that there a knight bus or a bus stop or something that can take you anywhere in London so that you don't have to walk into London and then get lost trying to find the nearest bus to get deeper into...