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Add a Butterbrew Event


Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
Today in the Community Engagement *tm* we were informed that there wasn't going to be a Butterbrew event this year. This is a tradition that spans half a decade and one of Potterworld's core traditions. I'm deeply saddened to hear that we won't have the event this year. It could still get incorporated into Halloween (if staff are even doing that) even if development hasn't started yet.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: FLiiiPENDO
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix VIP Linked
We decided not to do a Butterbrew Festival event this year in order to focus on larger events for the time being and create higher quality content for them. There may be a few more events that are cut from the schedule for the time being, but we plan to reintroduce most of, if not all, the events that we miss.

So for now, we're going to be scaling back the amount of events we have in favour of creating higher quality and a higher quantity of content for each event. We know this may be an unpopular course of action, but we made the decision in order to improve the quality and quantity of gameplay we can produce in the future and we believe that it will have positive results.

Unfortunately, we are not able to change our plans as we are now trying our best to plan many months in advance. However, I can assure you that as of right now we are planning to reintroduce the Butterbrew Festival next year.


Minecraft IGN: luckiestblock
That is very fair, quality over quantity, but like, did you have to cut the one, pretty original event, that the server is known for?

I have attended 3 of the 5 Butterbrew/beer events and I have all 5 scarves and I can confidently say they are my favorite events (if not 2nd favorite, May the 4th is always fun) and I am more then a little disappointed that it won't return. Is there any way a mini mini event can be done similar to the Graduation event where there is just a room with collectibles/a scarf? Tbh that would be enough for me with the knowledge that the dev time would be spent on other bigger events.


Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
That is very fair, quality over quantity, but like, did you have to cut the one, pretty original event, that the server is known for?

I have attended 3 of the 5 Butterbrew/beer events and I have all 5 scarves and I can confidently say they are my favorite events (if not 2nd favorite, May the 4th is always fun) and I am more then a little disappointed that it won't return. Is there any way a mini mini event can be done similar to the Graduation event where there is just a room with collectibles/a scarf? Tbh that would be enough for me with the knowledge that the dev time would be spent on other bigger events.
Even anything like this... This is such a long tradition it just feels sad that it's being broken for the sake of doing "bigger events"


Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
Also, I made a ticket about a week ago asking when the Butterbrew event would start and staff told me it would be late September to early October, and now I'm learning it isn't going to happen at all... Was the decision made to delete this half a decade long tradition in the last week?


Minecraft IGN: Cateo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked
Also, I made a ticket about a week ago asking when the Butterbrew event would start and staff told me it would be late September to early October, and now I'm learning it isn't going to happen at all... Was the decision made to delete this half a decade long tradition in the last week?
As I was the one who got your ticket, if I’m correct none of us were sure about it. So late September early October was our guess. Terribly sorry I misinformed you!! I had no idea it wasn’t going to happen either.

aaron ♡

Minecraft IGN: Aarooncia
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Vampire Werewolf Linked
I agree it definitely sucks because I also (as I'm sure many others do as well) love the Butterbrew Event. However, I think it's important to take some perspective that while we may have one (or more) less events, the more time and effort put into future events will, in my opinion, outweigh the negative of not having Butterbrew. I do somewhat like the idea of having the event count cut down a bit and having more effort and content into other events as it adds more value to the things you can do during it. Collectables would be more valuable, and most importantly, the content will be far better.


Minecraft IGN: xNyn
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
I never got to experience a Butterbrew event :( So I was looking forward to playing one, as I know most people say they are amazing! Im depressed thanks


Minecraft IGN: nathan1e
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
I'm a bit confused now. Before revelius, the amount of event content released was being decreased in order to focus on revelius. But now, the amount of event content released is also being decreased in order to focus on future events?

As I was the one who got your ticket, if I’m correct none of us were sure about it. So late September early October was our guess. Terribly sorry I misinformed you!! I had no idea it wasn’t going to happen either.
This isn't an attack towards you specifically but I think there's a very important lesson to be learned here. In general I think staff shouldn't be giving out information when they don't know it for sure and it's just a "guess". I understand that it sometimes happens that questions are asked that some staff members are unable to answer, but I think we can all agree that the better way to deal with such a situation is either to tell the player that the relevant information is unknown, or that they should redirect their question to a different person or location.

I do somewhat like the idea of having the event count cut down a bit and having more effort and content into other events as it adds more value to the things you can do during it. Collectables would be more valuable, and most importantly, the content will be far better.
I completely and utterly disagree. I think a regular event schedule with frequent events is what, in my opinion, helps the server stay alive. It gives players who have already done most of the permanent gameplay a reason to keep playing on the server. Furthermore I believe that the collectables obtained from events helps to keep the economy alive.
A regular and consistent event schedule is something that I truly believe to be very beneficial for the server. If the playerbase is used to butterbrew events taking place in September, they will be looking forward to that, they will know that PW will bring something forward in that month that's worth to check out when it comes out. Having inconsistencies like this year's absent butterbrew event leaves a bitter taste in the players' mouths, as something they expected (since, as said, it's a tradition that's been around for a VERY long time now relative to the server's life) is not delivered. If that means the collectables are worth less or the content will be a bit less than usual, I think it's a price worth paying when it comes to breaking an otherwise consistent schedule.

I'd like to end this reply with some of my personal memories. I remember playing through the butterbeer festival in 2016. I remember the event offering a dropper map, which allowed me to earn (relatively) a lot of gold which allowed me to buy a fireflash and an ocarina, if memory serves correctly. I also purchased the 2016 Butterbeerfest Scarf which, for a long time, was one of the very few event scarves that I owned which I had bought during the actual event itself. (Until I started playing PW again in early 2018, the only other scarves in this collection were the 2 holiday riddle scarves from the 2015 christmas event.) So yeah, I would lie if I said the butterbrew event didn't hold a special place in my heart, as it brings back a lot of happy memories.

haley beef

New Magician
Minecraft IGN: AughraQueen
Auralock Serpent SPEW Linked
Today in the Community Engagement *tm* we were informed that there wasn't going to be a Butterbrew event this year. This is a tradition that spans half a decade and one of Potterworld's core traditions. I'm deeply saddened to hear that we won't have the event this year. It could still get incorporated into Halloween (if staff are even doing that) even if development hasn't started yet.
i totally agree. many old potterworldians look foward to this event and since some don’t like this new update they would of gone on for this event. i really don’t see a reason why so i suggest there should be one.


Minecraft IGN: Cateo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked
This isn't an attack towards you specifically but I think there's a very important lesson to be learned here. In general I think staff shouldn't be giving out information when they don't know it for sure and it's just a "guess". I understand that it sometimes happens that questions are asked that some staff members are unable to answer, but I think we can all agree that the better way to deal with such a situation is either to tell the player that the relevant information is unknown, or that they should redirect their question to a different person or location.
Multiple staff were involved when I was answering the ticket, none of us knew actually. It must have been a last minute decision to cancel it. We just made the guess since it usually happens around that time. Again terribly sorry for the miscommunication!


Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
If Potterworld wants to cut down on events, Butterbrew should not be one of the ones eliminated. Everyone has great memories of Butterbrew events, ranging from all the way back in 2015! They're fun, charismatic events. Potterworld can modernize, SHOULD modernize, but it should NOT be at the price of the server's core traditions. That's just tearing away the foundations of this community.


Minecraft IGN: SmellyBigBro
Dark Follower Griffin Linked
We decided not to do a Butterbrew Festival event this year in order to focus on larger events for the time being and create higher quality content for them. There may be a few more events that are cut from the schedule for the time being, but we plan to reintroduce most of, if not all, the events that we miss.

So for now, we're going to be scaling back the amount of events we have in favour of creating higher quality and a higher quantity of content for each event. We know this may be an unpopular course of action, but we made the decision in order to improve the quality and quantity of gameplay we can produce in the future and we believe that it will have positive results.

Unfortunately, we are not able to change our plans as we are now trying our best to plan many months in advance. However, I can assure you that as of right now we are planning to reintroduce the Butterbrew Festival next year.
But why? Why not just have like 2 Unspeakables work on this event plus the events team should be the ones working on this event no?


Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
But why? Why not just have like 2 Unspeakables work on this event plus the events team should be the ones working on this event no?
As someone who was on tech, it shouldn't take more than a week or two for a team to do all the tech work required. Honestly, it could probably be done on one weekend if everyone just got in call together. And there's already plenty of Butterbeer builds that could be reused...


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
This is kinda disappointing, but at the same time it kinda increases the expectations of the quality of the future events that Flip was referring to.

First, the disappointment in not having a Butterbeer event this year kinda sucks. As mentioned, it was a tradition on the server. It was still an event that players could enjoy and expect to see the following year. Events like these always increases the amount of players on the server too.
Think about it, Potterworld is a Harry Potter themed server that could pull off a Butterbeer event because it's related to Harry Potter - other servers can't do that. They can pull off Halloween or Christmas, but not Butterbeer.

Second, I know that there has been past criticism from players regarding how previous events have been, such as the usual grinding or parkour stuff, and my guess is that Potterworld took that into consideration and figured that the Butterbrew Event might have to be scrapped since it might have been a repeat of previous events. That's great and all, but I guess the player's expectation was that the traditional events would still happen no matter what.
I mean, I would be fine with just seeing that huge butterbeer mug build with an event npc inside of it with a collectable or the hide and seek minigame for players to do.

On the RP side, I think that whoever made this decision to not have a Butterbeer event should get avada'd and crucio'd forever in Azkaban.

Aspasia Le Fay

Minecraft IGN: ShatterdHeart
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Builder SPEW Arena Master Linked Faerie
Wow for the time that I have been on this server I have experienced the Butterbrew Event. It's going to be sad that I'm going to miss it but it's for a greater cause. Thanks for the update. :heart:


Minecraft IGN: Cateo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked
One thing to keep in mind when cancelling an event, is that brings more time to work on other events! Such as the Yule Ball event, maybe with cancelling this one, the Yule ball will be bigger and stronger than ever.

Another thing to consider is that: these are strange times we’re living in, some staff having to evacuate from storms and wildfires to safety, some staff having to take a long hiatus to take care of their families, staff members working hard to help their communities recover from COVID, some staff having to work extra hours to make ends meet since some salary’s have been cut. Due to circumstances, this could be a potential reason as to why it’s been cancelled: as taking care of irl issues must be a priority before working on the festival.

As we can only hope that 2021 will be better, maybe next year the ButterBrew festival will be bigger and stronger than ever! I agree it is pretty sad it’s cancelled, however maybe cancelling this year will bring a bigger event for next year!


Minecraft IGN: xAutumnn
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven VIP Linked
Hey guys! Thought I’d pop in and give a response to all of your amazing opinions! I’m leading the Events Team, so I think It’d be nice for you guys to see communication directly from me.

I am also very saddened to say that the Butterbrew Event will not be on Potterworld this year, but would also like to mention, as flip said, that we would like to reintroduce this next year when the Events Team is more established! As many of you know we released the Magiventologists (Events Team) application just a couple months ago, and our main goal was to get larger events with more content for you guys to play! We wanted to stray away from the whole event being based around grinding parkours, and that type of content, as we’ve heard in the past that this is no fun. The reason we decided to skip this year's Butterbrew Event is because we wanted the Events Team first focus to be on the upcoming main holiday event, which is Halloween.

I know a few of you have been in Game Design in the past and have worked on creating content for the server. I’m sure you understand that putting together a one quest event, and a couple rewards is something that we can do in two weeks. However, I’m sure you also realize that after releasing these smaller events we do get concerns about the event being too small, or comparing it to previous events; completely undermining the work we have done. This is not a nice feeling, and it makes our work and time spent feel under-appreciated. This is why we will only be releasing larger scale events, so we can ensure that everything being released is at our highest standards. Yes, we can technically put together one quest very easily, but we also have to take into account other factors. Do we need a build for this event? Do we need skins for NPCs in this event? Do we need a banner from the media department for this event? And most importantly, do our team members actually have enough time to create this event and feel proud about the work they have done? Our staff members are also people as well with school and work to worry about. As a lead I know that I need to take into account these factors, although I understand that this isn't something you guys should or need to be worried about, as most of you are players simply waiting for content. There are many things that go on behind the scenes in terms of inter-departmental work and we absolutely cannot throw things onto other departments last minute, and also onto our team because it is not fair to their time at all. In a professional setting, this would not be a very great thing to do.

I believe someone also had mentioned having Unspeakables work on the event with members of the Events Team. I also lead the Unspeakables team and having them work on this is also not applicable, as they now only create content for the world. They’re putting in effort and time to bring out more constant releases and if they aren’t on the Events Team, they should only have to focus on Unspeakables work. They are no longer signed up to create event content unless they are on the Events Team. Throwing stuff onto other sub-departments within Game Design is unfair to team members' time and other role responsibilities. Unspeakables want to work on continuously creating content for the world, so I hope you guys are ready for more upcoming Unspeakable releases!

Continuing with events, If we had decided to continue with celebrating this year's Butterbrew Festival, we would have gone all out because that is our goal for future events. Now if we had gone all out, spending up to 2 months working on this event (this is how much time we're currently spending working on events, although this will hopefully reduce as the team is more established), this would mean that the time for creating a Halloween Event would be gone. We wouldn’t have had enough time to create a large scale event for a very well known holiday. Our team is also brand new and we’re still establishing things, and training team members up. We need to give our Events Team members time to create and learn before having them start doing insane amounts of work. This is why we will start off the Events Team by focusing on the main holiday events, so we can get used to creating and releasing large scale events!

Lastly, if you didn’t notice me mention, the Events Team is currently working on a large scale Halloween Event! I don’t want to spoil things too much, but I will say that we will be releasing several+ quests, minigames/side tasks, cosmetic rewards, and gear rewards! I hope you guys are excited to see upcoming Events Team content. The new team is really excited to work on new and different ways to create and release events for you guys! (edit: we will be holding off on halloween themed gear rewards until the next gear updates, so everything can be balanced)

I know this was quite a read, but I hope this fully explains our reasoning for skipping this year's Butterbrew Event. And once again, like flip said, this is not the end of Potterworld’s Butterbrew Festivals. We would like to have the Butterbrew Festival come back next year. I personally will not be responding to anymore responses on this thread, but if you have questions you can contact me on discord. Thank you for caring so much, and being understanding of our decisions!
Last edited:


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: HeteroFlexua
We decided not to do a Butterbrew Festival event this year in order to focus on larger events for the time being and create higher quality content for them. There may be a few more events that are cut from the schedule for the time being, but we plan to reintroduce most of, if not all, the events that we miss.

So for now, we're going to be scaling back the amount of events we have in favour of creating higher quality and a higher quantity of content for each event. We know this may be an unpopular course of action, but we made the decision in order to improve the quality and quantity of gameplay we can produce in the future and we believe that it will have positive results.

Unfortunately, we are not able to change our plans as we are now trying our best to plan many months in advance. However, I can assure you that as of right now we are planning to reintroduce the Butterbrew Festival next year.

I'm sorry but wasn't a Butterbrew Event supposed to occur? Now that you guys are backing on your words, what's to say you won't back on your words again? The Butterbrew Event has always been an iconic YEARLY event, why would you take away such a thing?

In the end the staff of PotterWorld is straying away from what the community wants, and it is extremely sad.