We’ve been working on a lot of quality of life changes and we’re excited to finally be releasing them! We have also developed more tools for the game design team, so they can create more unique and fun gameplay for all of you! This is however not included in this changelog.
Before we begin with the change log, we wanted to do a quick follow-up on our latest game, Domination! It’s been 12 days since we’ve released it, and we’re super happy with how it’s been received. It looks like you all enjoy it, and we’re really happy with that! We have been talking about making it a permanent game, but Harry Potter themed, but right now, that’s just in the talks! I wanted to take this moment to show some data for those of you curious:
- There has been a total of 1325 games played. That’s a lot!
- These games have contained a total of 167,295 players.
- A total of 140,282 star tokens has been rewarded.
- Total playtime is 200 hours. This means that the average game lasted around 9 minutes.
Overall, we're very happy with what the data is showing us! Now, let's get into the changelog!
We have fully reworked our emotes system! This new system should feel faster, cleaner and better to use. Emotes now use spell icons instead of the minecraft heads, which loads faster and makes switching between pages easier. We hope you enjoy this long awaited change!
Change Log
- /pet spawn now gives you a message when you run it.
- The ! item on marketplace shops has been renamed to ‘Info’ from ‘Options’.
- If your pet is set to hidden (/pet hide), it will no longer re-appear when you get up from a chair.
- /tab should now be way faster.
- /store is now an alias for /buy
- /uservoice has been removed, use /suggestions instead (or /idea)
- Outdated items will now get removed/updated when holding it even if there’s more than 1.
- We’ve made the replace/remove messages nicer and have some more info, so you don’t get confused about what items got removed. An example can be found here.
- /f list now shows when offline players were last seen online when hovering over them. This is something you guys requested!
- We have heavily improved the inventory checking for the marketplace: This means, you can now buy more than 35 items. You can actually buy more than 350 times… if your inventory has enough space for it.
- You can no longer enter a negative number for /f list.
- We have also heavily improved our respawning. It should now be instant instead of having a loading screen for 0.5 seconds. This is a bit experimental, so let us know if any issues occur!
- Right click in deposit stock no longer shows the wrong amount. In this example, I have 192 here, but it’s only saying 64.
- All minigames now displays the map name, and some tips about the minigame you’re playing. We hope this will make it easier for new players to understand how to play. You can find an example here.
Spell Wars:
- Spells are now always added to your wand, we oversaw a tiny thing that sometimes broke this, oops!
- Upgrades are now also added to your wand immediately, as well as when you walk over someone’s wand.
- All maps now have a build height limit. This should prevent players from building up and hiding there. We have some more plans for the future to prevent players from hiding the entire game.
- Tripudio no longer plays a ding sound when you use it. This was something you requested!
- Ender pearls no longer deal damage. This was also a requested feature!
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