I think it's time to make House points a bit more challenging then getting O+'s on an assignment, Losing House Points! I think you should take away House Points from certain players if their doing something bad in the server and something bad in class instead of them missing out on ac too, it's only for staff members and professor's and class helpers only but it has to be a reasonable points not like 50 points taken away each from a person or a whole section of students for doing something bad in a classroom like Henry Porter and the philosopher's stone for example of Mcgonagole taken away 50 points each just for walking the corridor's at night, It has to be a reasonable amount taken from a person who's misbehaving to try to get someone's act together of they have to listen to the rules of the game and be nice to other's to try their best to not make the same mistake so it doesn't be unfair for the person who did something wrong get's upset and leave the game for not understanding what they did wrong at all. And that also goes for acting rudely to other's outside of class.
Btw here's a cool clip for entertainment purposes You can go ahead and cut to 3:14 if you want to get to the program of all this forum idea. (All rights goes to Owner's ofc.)
Btw here's a cool clip for entertainment purposes You can go ahead and cut to 3:14 if you want to get to the program of all this forum idea. (All rights goes to Owner's ofc.)