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Map biomes and seasons - Resubmission


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
Resubmission of my previous post that got Declined, new info at the bottom

Heya !

Walking around on Potterworld I've noticed, that biomes are a hot mess, different biomes with different temperatures (rain/snow) are scattered all over the place and sometimes their size is 1x1, which breaks the immersion quite a lot.

Here's a forest biome surrounded by snowy_tundra in Hogsend:
(this 1x1 biome in particular has been fixed)

However, such biomes are near the castle as well. @Honey_Dwarf1 talks about it in their thread called Hogsworth and Biomes.
The amount of times it switches between the two makes the whole experience seem glitchy or odd.
They also added this video showing the issue:

As of right now, towns like Hogsend and Wigtown, have regional winter. You walk into the town, there's snow everywhere, however, once you step outside of the town boundaries, there's hot summer. It breaks the immersion too much.

Quote from Honey_Dwarf's thread:
I don't know if this is something that has been done for a specific purpose or if it was not on purpose, but I think the whole castle sohuld be changed to be the same biome, for consistency.
The solution and expansion

I propose to change all biomes to one, globally and edit the Resource Pack. Why ?

By changing all of the scattered biomes to one, the server would get unified weather everywhere, if it's combined with a resource pack, we can have seasons. Imagine if Potterworld would reflect seasons IRL, in the summer everything would be green, autumn would be orange and golden and in winter there would be snowing everywhere and trees covered with frost.

If you can't imagine this, I have you covered. I tried to make a Potterworld seasons resource pack, here's Autumn:
autumn 1.jpg autumn 3.jpg autumn 4.jpg autumn 5.jpg
(Click to preview)
And here's Winter:
2021-03-04_15.39.48_JPEG.jpg 2021-03-04_15.55.51_JPEG.jpg 2021-06-10_20.34.36.jpg
(Click to preview)

Note: It's not a lot of work, for autumn, just changing colormap for biomes and manually changing moss color on mossy blocks. Winter would be easier, since if there were cold biomes, grass would be covered with snow - no need to change the texture.

If the biomes and resource pack are changed according to IRL seasons, it would boost the immersion significantly and even open more ways for travel during winter for example, when the Hogsworth lake is frozen and allows for travel to Hogsend, just like in the movies.


  • Make biomes on Potterworld unified - change them to one only, or clump them together
  • Change biomes and Resource pack according to seasons IRL - Forest in the summer, Snowy_Taiga in the winter. Adds immersion, looks really good (and also cozyness during colder seasons)
    • Remove regional snow in Hogsend/Wigtown when there's summer everywhere else


After the suggestion got declined for reasons seen in the image, I wasn't pleased with the reasons stated and wanted to know more, however, nobody bothered to adress my concerns further and I was just ignored.
Since I have been busy with school, I don't have a lot of time to play on PW, after a long time I joined today and to my surprise, something was different. There was snow outside of Great Hall (as well as rain - broken biomes) and snow on the ground. I started to wonder if I didn't notice it before or if I had my Winter resource pack on, but I didn't so I asked on Discord.

And would you look at that, the biome has changed ! Despite it requiring so much effort as stated in the response above
And that's not all !! The resource pack was changed !! The grass blocks are now snowy without snow (achieved by changing the grass_block to grass_xmas, although, issues still persist. Things like grass itself is still green and the rain can still be seen and heard, issues which I had to overcome in my pack as well.

My pack:

So, please, would somebody explain to me, how it's possible that my suggestion got declined due to it being considered impossible is now being done to some extent ?

Oh, and one more thing, if you want to answer this with "we use biomes for different colors of leaves", well then:
Most of the biomes around Hogsworth (haven't checked most of the world) are Taiga, Swampland, Roofed forest and sometimes Mushroom Island, Cold Beach and Ocean.
Here's the explained biome colormap and PW colormap, notice the straight lines to keep the color consistent. If we place them next to each other, here's the color variety (Open to see more text)

Do we really need 4 different green colours at the expense of "snow, rain, snow, snow, drought, snow"
The only one sticking out is Mushroom island, Idk if there's some leaves underground and need that effect or just a mistake of placing a biome, but it wouldn't need to be changed if it's that important. "But Pankakes, what if there would be a few blocks of rain and snow everywhere else ?" Just do what I did, remove the rain texture and replace the rain sound with silence.

Perhaps it would be possible to cycle between a group of biomes for warm and cold seasons, that way there would be color variety and weather types.

Another thing is, are the biome colors really utilized ? I don't have a screenshot, but at the Butterbrew festival, all leaves were green despite the colormap clearly having a biome that has orange and yellow leaves. Why was the original response "We can't change it because we use it" when the reasoning fails the second you have to use it, but don't. Why weren't those biomes changed ? It even was in it's separate location, away from the main map.

If this comes a little bit ranty, it is. It's just I find it rude to decline a suggestion for some reasons, ignore everything afterwards and then come up with a similar thing, it makes it look like those weren't valid reasons, just excuses and this is not the only time it sounded like excuses are being made.

Additional TL;DR:
  • Why are players being ignored after a suggestion has been marked as Declined even if they have more questions ?
  • Why after something is deemed too hard, it's suddenly doable and is being done, with no follow up to the original suggestion ?
  • Why does nobody from the staff ever come back to find a compromise or try to understand the suggestion better; it's always all or nothing with years long silence between "we'll take a look" and a response ?


Minecraft IGN: trashdotcom
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
I just wanted to add 2 reasons to why I believe part of your suggestion was seen as difficult to upkeep and maintain last time
"Change biomes and Resource pack according to seasons IRL - Forest in the summer, Snowy_Taiga in the winter."
There is a limit to how big a World Edit selection can be (on this server), and because of this, it would be impossible to change the entire map to one biome at once. Someone would have to spend a very very long time either changing the world map to a different biome in small chunks at a time or by hand, every couple of months to maintain this suggestion (not including quest builds, event builds, roleplay worlds, etc.), which is why in my eyes it would be seen as extremely difficult to upkeep. A small seasonal change (such as changing the courtyard to snow) is something that is easily reversible and requires minimal effort to upkeep.

"Oh, and one more thing, if you want to answer this with "we use biomes for different colors of leaves", well then: Most of the biomes around Hogsworth (haven't checked most of the world) are Taiga, Swampland, Roofed forest and sometimes Mushroom Island, Cold Beach and Ocean."
"Another thing is, are the biome colors really utilized ?"

While the diverse range of biomes are not used around Hogsworth or on the world map, it does not mean they are not used elsewhere. There are many locations (quest builds, event worlds, roleplay bases, classes, tourney maps, house cup reward locations, etc.) where the colour of leaves are intentional and not seasonal, which may conflict with the proposed texture pack change. And in addition, with your texture pack idea, the biomes of all these locations (when applicable) would have to be changes every 3-4 months

However I do not want to use this as a reason to dismiss the other ideas suggested in this post.


Minecraft IGN: Sunnya
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW

I'll be responding to this suggestion to prevent any further confusion about the decision made by the Leadership Team and to avoid any other conflict. I apologize for the wording in the decision on your original suggestion. Hopefully, this can serve as a better explanation.

World Map Biome:

The reason this is being declined is that we purposely utilize the different biomes to add depth to the grass on the world. This is what we call biome painting on our team. Biome painting can be seen everyone on the world map. It is an artistic choice made by Droobledore and those who built who been working on the world map's creation since 2017. Biome painting is also something that is manually done.

You can see examples of biome painting in the following screenshots:


Considering our world map has a lot of empty space yet to be filled, we're not keen on removing the biome painting as that would give the world even more of a flat & empty look. As for utilizing the different leaf colors on the main world map, we haven't done this yet for 2 reasons.

1. The Build Team would be responsible for going around the world & updating the trees. While I cannot speak for the Build Team, I can tell you that they have a lot of other projects that they are working on that are a higher priority (ex. event builds, etc.).

2. Updating the world map in this way would be difficult and very time-consuming. Not all leaf types change colors with biomes (it is only oak leaves). We'd have to change the leaf types to be consistent or spend time manually changing trees to make sure the variety in colors is appealing & match our build standards. Additionally, doing both the tree colors and biome painting is difficult as you can't do both in one place and, again, it is manual work.

However, we will be trying to utilize the different leaf colors in future builds. There is no guarantee that every build would use them or when it would be utilized, but we will try to include it.

There was snow outside of Great Hall (as well as rain - broken biomes) and snow on the ground. I started to wonder if I didn't notice it before or if I had my Winter resource pack on, but I didn't so I asked on Discord.

And would you look at that, the biome has changed ! Despite it requiring so much effort as stated in the response above
I also want to note that Shira changing the biome of just the Hogsworth Courtyard was something only done for the holidays and is at a way smaller scale. You're suggesting we change the entire world to one biome which is something we're not interested in changing for the reasons mentioned.

Seasonal Texture Changes:

In your suggestion, you made the point about the grass changing for the holidays. The grass & spruce leaves changing are the only seasonal texture changes we make. Changing the grass texture & spruce leaves has been a yearly tradition since 2016. This is not something new we just decided to do & had nothing to do with your suggestion, hence why we did not add an update to your original suggestion.

We used to have other textures that would change for the seasons (torches for Halloween & specific glass panes for the holidays). However, Droobledore decided to no longer do these changes as he is the one that would need to do it and he does not want changes to block textures to be a frequent thing. This is because we have builds made with certain textures in mind & players build housings with certain blocks/textures in mind.

So yes, changing the textures is possible. No one said it was impossible like you're making it out to be. However, changing our textures, sounds, etc. for every season is something we're not interested in doing at this point in time.

Because of all the points mentioned above, we're still going to be declining this suggestion. If you still disagree with this decision, even with the points mentioned above, that's perfectly fine. You have every right to disagree, however, as PW Leadership we must still make decisions & calls. Sometimes we try to find a compromise or alternative to the suggestion, but sometimes that isn't possible.

The two of us have spoken on multiple times before, and you know that I see you as an extremely talented artist. Whether it be rendering, modeling, or your seasons add-on, I really appreciate your ideas & suggestions for the different sides of art/visuals on the server. I'm not mad that you're ranting either; you have every right to.

For the future, if you feel that your questions are being missed, I recommend you take them to the PW Discords (main or Art). You can ask follow-up questions there and see if there's someone who can answer them. It's really easy for us to miss things on the forums (personally I don't check the forums every day & there are so many things to go through if I was). There are a lot of threads that we handle and keep track of. However, we will make a note to improve on responding to any threads that are commented on after a decision is given, as well as ensuring that we follow up if we do not understand a suggestion fully or want more information (this is from the Lead Poltergeist).

Additionally, my PMs on Discord are always open. So for questions relating to the pack, etc. you're free to come to me as well.

Best regards,


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
@Belle @Sunnya Thank you both for taking your time and explaining the details, I won't quote each reason you stated and respond to it because I agree with them and understand it.

There is one thing though,
Because of all the points mentioned above, we're still going to be declining this suggestion. If you still disagree with this decision, even with the points mentioned above, that's perfectly fine. You have every right to disagree, however, as PW Leadership we must still make decisions & calls. Sometimes we try to find a compromise or alternative to the suggestion, but sometimes that isn't possible.
Currently, AFAIK, the spruce leaves are changed by changing the blockstate to leavesxmas, which allows the override of the hardcoded biome tint (similar to OptiFine custom colors) on said blocks and doesn't affect the colormaps and doesn't require editing the trees manually. And since it's the result of a RP change, the change is global.

Couldn't a compromise be made by doing the same for an autumn variation of the leaves ?

The parent block "leavesxmas.json" is already there, it'd only take to duplicate the "[TYPE]_leavesxmas.json" and change the linked texture to an autumn type.
As for the textures, just duplicating the white base and overlaying it with orange. It's even less hard than the xmas variant since that one's animated.

Single leaf texture is about roughly 900 bytes, [TYPE]_leavesxmas.json is about 100 bytes, so in total it's a little bit less than 1kB, not taking much space in the RP as well as keeping the biome variation.

The majority of work would only be needed to set it up, after that, it's just a matter of seconds to replace the linked parent in the blockstates folder in [TYPE]_leaves.json:

One more thing, I changed the "leavesxmas.json" parent block type to "leaves" so they keep their transparency


- it changes the leaves globally just like the xmas variant and doesn't affect the rest of the trees - leaves the biome colormap untouched.
- The grass colormap could change to make the grass look more dry
2022-01-08_12.10.46.png 2022-01-08_12.11.16.png

Separate feedback/suggestion

Could the current winter RP change include a different grass colormap (i use pure white) so there isn't lush green grass ontop of white snow ?
It would
  • still leave the leaf biome colors untouched, only the grass that sticks out would change
  • not change the special flowers required for quests - those would stay green
2022-01-08_12.06.25.png 2022-01-08_12.06.48.png

Once again, thank you both for the quick and thorough response​
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Minecraft IGN: Sunnya
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW

Apologies for the delay!

You make some good points here, and so I definitely think we can look into an autumn variation of the leaves. I can't really guarantee much right this moment but I will have that on my radar. One of our goals is to make our resource pack utilize completely custom textures. This is something that does take a while, but as we make more progress on it, we would have to update the leaf textures as well. We'd likely be able to add an autumn variation once we get to that point (hopefully it'd be in time for autumn).

As for the grass colormap, it's something we can look into as well. :D